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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hmm…. Finally decided to work for the toys job! Because it seems like that there is no other jobs! Finding job is not an easy task ok!? I tell myself not to always think on the bad side also must think of the good side also ma. If you don’t try , how will you know the results right? And also there is Xinger and Melyvn lim taking this job too which let me not too be so scared! But still don’t know when start work , still have to wait for the boss reply.So still must wish me good luck! If being sacked still have to find other jobs… But I hope when being sacked I could give the boss a big scolding!! Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!! At least,I would leave peacefully!
And also, yesterday I was planning to go for the interview for the factory packaging job but that is only filling in the form only. But when I reached the place , we(me, serying & yu ying) saw so many people which consists of variety of ages. Then I am very sure confirm the chance of getting in is very less. Because this kind of job required standing for 12hrs will be more priority to the elders rather than us teenagers. As they will think teenagers could stand this kind of job so will give to the elder rather than us. So in the end, we never fill up the application form and left.
Anyway, if I got job then have money earned then will have the money!! Ha Ha Ha Ha…
words spilled @ 11:06 AM / here