Saturday, March 31, 2007
Today I finally work morning shift!!! So happy after 2 full shift and 1 12 to close.Tmr I work 1/2 morning!!! Finally give a good shift for me =) But today after work I went to the night market at Northpoint there with Pauline, yuying and kim wei. Me and pauline played those gaqmes which you have to use the ball and throw those cans. I only managed to win a minor prize which is joss sticks game as I managed to hit 3 out of 5 cans. While Pauline managed hit all cans then she get a soft toy. The person asked me to think as enemy. I thinked those cans as AH SENG!!! He always called me fat.So I keep on telling myself AH SENG is on those cans... Ha ha....
We also took a picture.... Really miss all those old days at sec school. We will have fun during school and also gather 2gether 2 eat in classroom during recess and walk home 2gether after school. REALLY MISS MY 4e8 laughter and FRENZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

words spilled @ 10:28 PM /
here ⋄