Friday, June 29, 2007
MY INTERNET IS BACK AGAIN!!! HURRaY!!! I finally find and discover a way that I had to set up a new internet connection!! i am so =) bec I can online plus blog!! so SHUA!!!
AND ALSO today I woke up 810 pm!! LESSON start at 9 pm sia!! Luckily sujun called me then I woke up . BEc I off my alarm then go back to sleep!! But I reached classroom at 8.58am! SUPER RIGHT?? hahaha.. Me feel that also!! I CAN rush to school within an hr and also b4 9 am and not late so more!! I AM DAMN SUPER!!! HOHOHO....
I think I am going bankrupt liao!!! Bec i HAVE TO BUY elaine wedding present, Ah seng birthday present plus SID 3 this month birthday girl!! HELP ME!! I will be getting my pay only hext month lei!! How AM I GOING TO SURVIE!!!
Ok, I need to go and do my stupid BLUE FOAM!!! KEEP ON SPRAY AND SAND!! I cant do the perfect standard that Sean want lor! Must have no marks and be smmoth and cant see blue foam!! STANDARD SO HIGH!~! we are only year one students lei. I REALLY CANT DO NEAT THINGS LOR!! HOW!! SURE FAIL!!!
words spilled @ 9:10 PM /
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
NOW illustrator lesson. Teacher so boring sia... sigh.... USING COM AGAIN...
Yesterday, I like do things that were not my fault but they say is me.. PLS lor.. I not so high level lor... I DID NOT SPOIL THE MOP AND MADE THE TILE CRACK!!! IS NOT ME!!! No one believe me!!! sob sob...
TODAY Morning keep on yawning sia.. veryu tired!!!!!
I go and looked at the xiao hua xiao cao website. No really pretty girls and handsone hunks lor. BUT I HAD A IDEA!!! A VERY SURPRISE IDEA!! which is to put agnes and ferlyn photo on the website!! HAHAHAHa.. CLEVER ME RIGHT?? BUt I feel that they all sure dont agree .. But if i like that put they sure angry??? SO?? But I just want to put for fun and also they are belles of BALENO ok??? I SUPPORT THEM?? So can I put??
words spilled @ 1:50 PM /
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Monday, June 25, 2007
words spilled @ 12:54 PM /
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SUNDAY(24 JUNE)Today Ah seng release me at 5pm. Crazy lor he ask me sign out at 5? Nvm so I sign out lor. Haha.. Jennifer came down today again for 1 min? Yesterday she also came down. Heard that she is not very happy with the sales then ask say like hope closing don’t know close what figure la. So Elaine and they all must jia you lor!! But today closing is not my business!! Hahaha… Ah Seng say me like very unlucky.. Whenever I at work then got no customer! Then I say back, where got? I am LUCKY OK!! Since I was born, I am so LUCKY TO MY MUM!!! OK!!!! And also, today is the last day of ming kiat! Me and ah seng cant believe him quitting!! Wish him good luck anyway!! But we felt that he will be back to baleno soon. Because what Ah Seng said is right la. He will be back to square one again outside and if he find a job, he is very hard to have a high position bec of his temper. And also I think the Ah Boy very hurt ba. Bec he today ask me to take measurements for a girl customer as it is not convenient as he is a guy la. Then I say “Aiyah, You are girl scared what?” Then he said “ You all really think I am a gay?” Then I say no matter I looked from up, down, left or right, there is no one point that you doesn’t look like a GAY! I Guess he is really hurt!! LOX!! Hahaha… Then after work I called Oyuki and told her something. Then she told me that Ah Boy just sms her and asked does he really look like Gay? I was laughing, he like so matter about this small thing!!! OMG!! Lor!! Just want ti tell Ah Boy, we are only kidding .. just only say that you are gay for fun…, Although you look like but you no need to take it to heart!!
words spilled @ 12:53 PM /
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FRIDAY(22 JUNE)OK, I called the person but he say next sat is fully booked so I changed to7 July!!! SO LATE LOR!!! But my internet activation date is 28 june so maybe on that day I can use my aunt modem to connect.. See if it works .. If not, then have to wait until 7 July!!! Sigh…… Blame on me lor. I thought it was today then yesterday I talk with the Ah boy then know!!! ARGH!! SO STUPID OF ME!!!
Ok, I regret something which is my schedule. I give mon and wed 6 to close and weekends la. Actually I give wed and fri + weekends but I changed at the last moment. Should not work at mon. Bec gt the channel 8 last espoide and somemore is Elaine do the closing!!! ARGH!!! CAN I CHANGE??? But too late liao!!! Sigh.. I always do a lot of regret things. I am the person who is very “zhong dong” so can someone stop me? Sigh nothing nut sigh……
words spilled @ 12:53 PM /
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THURSDAY( 21 JUNE)Ok, I realised something which is my internet is next fri. I thought is tmr lei. I have to call the person and changed the time and date liao. Sian lei.. next week then have internet!!! It is a suffer without internet!! I miss MY BLOG!!!
Ok, I realised the Ah boy was ok lor. Today morning chat with him. Then I asked him a straight away question” Are you a Gay?” He laughed and said why is everyone saying so, does he look like? I said Yes! Haha.. then talk a lot la. Then I say nvm la. We ourselves know in our heart can liao no need to tell out! We laughed again!!He actually quite nagging lor!! Haha.. lots to talk la. Then Today, I say he greet welcome like made me feel like standing attention in the army then must say “ATTENTION”!!! Then He like somehow lei long but not lei long like segerent sia!! WA HA!!!So FUNNY lei he!! Haha…
Today, the red ghost came to find me also.. Finally she float here to find me but after that float to Chong pang to buy something for her ghost festival!!! Haha… Today cant dicuss typo thing with su jun during my lunch break! Sorry! Bec new stock come then my lunch break drag until 240 and somemore got my in charge working full shift so is he eat 1st lor!
words spilled @ 12:53 PM /
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MONDAY(18 JUNE)I WANT TO COMPLAIN!! I DON’T WANT TO LEI LONG LIAO LA!!! Today, I lei long like a mad person la bec don’t know why la.. so loud lor.. like want to fight with the selling durian person. Then after that I came back to the selling floor then got one small malay girl came infront of me and showed me the crazy sign to me lei!! WAO LAO!! SO ANGRY AND EMBARASSES LOR!! ARGH!!!Tell Elaine and Agnes and they laughed lor. But actually work with Elaine must like be so serious lor! Bec she follow the rules ma then she do the closing and closed shop very late lor. Nvm working with her quite ok la. She is getting ROM on this month of 29!! CONGRAULATIONS!!! SWEET RIGHT!!!haha….
And today I realised how agnes laugh liao .. Laugh until like witch siao!
BUT ANYWAY, I hope I could stay in NP and remain with all these pple ! I DON’T WANT TO TRANSFER OUT LEI!!! I simply love my collegues in NP as well as NP(is near my house)!!! NO TRANSFER PLS!!!!xxxxxxxxx
words spilled @ 12:52 PM /
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
Ok, my internet haven ready yet bec I only apply yesterday so today I am back to my aunt house to use the com again.My internet will ready on fri!!! Still so long lei.. Dont have internet .. then cant blog and online! WHAT A SUFFER!!!Later I am going to work, Ok everyone is saying why I must go back to work ,2 to 6.. later i will be very tired and what la.... Is just that I want to made the money for my next semester school fees and the trip to overseas. No one understand me, how I feel... Is not that I made a wrong choice is just that I had no choice OK? I read this saying that “ You had freedom but had no $$ , whats the use?Can someone understand me and stop saying those things!!! I HAD ENOUGH OF IT!!!!! STOPxxxxxxx
And just want to tell those things that had happened this week….
words spilled @ 1:12 PM /
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THURSDAY ( 14 June)It was a day that I went K BOX with ferlyn, oyuki and agnes!!! FINALLY MY K BOX DAY THAT I HAD BEEN WAITING FOR HAD COME!!! HuRRAY!!! =) Singing was ok lor. But I had a embarrassing thing lor. I was going up the escalator then oyuki ask me how much $$ ( she mean k box la) . But I say xiao bang mei is priceless( in Chinese). Then at this time got 3 guys go down the escalator then said” OH MY GOD” and looked at me( ferlyn and oyuki say one la). I was DAMN EMBARRASSED lor!!! Don’t let me catch those 3 guys again or else!!!!! But I told myself… is just that those 3 guys don’t know this logic.. This is a good logic they all don’t know how to appreciate only…
And this oyuki keep om telling how xin fu she is lor.. Realised that she had changed liao and also become auntie bec of HIM!!! haha.. she is really like a auntie lor!! she saw this bedsheet for $10 and run to there to take a look!!! hahaha....
I even scoop something from the k box to bring home.. Secretly take one !!! ssshhhhh….After the k box, we went to take Neoprints. It is a rare chance that we can go out together and they can request off on the same day. And also we went to Lp visit Lynn and saw her business there not so good. And she chio la of course. As usual she “gain prosperity”. Haha.. but she is still lynn. Heard that her last day everyone was quite sad. Yesterday , I heard what lynn say on the lst day I also want to cry..Even , sometimes I don’t like lynn, she is still my ex charge and take care of us and work with us with those feelings. So I could say I will a bit sad la on her last day or remember her.Beside her story, I heard oyuki story , I also want to cry lor.
Ok, lets see the pics for today...

OOPS!! they are secretly smuggling food inside the K BOX!!!

Everyone is singing and she is polishing her nail!!!

Agnes and Ferlyn...

Trying to take the pics in the toilet but somehow unsucessful lox!!

oyuki and ferlyn....

Me and Ferlyn...

we 3, oyuki,ferlyn and me...

me and agnes...

Anyway, I had a lot of thoughts today .. Don’t know why lei , maybe heard a lot of story today.I was a bit crazy today too !! Today I went back to TPY then realised that it is different liao.
感情已经不一样了,人也不在了,味道也不一样一切都变了!对它的感觉也不一样了!只能说我认识的它不在了是否找的回以前吗?Maybe I will regret when I first came into TPY baleno .. But I now then realised I am much =) at TPY then NP. Although TPY life is much tough but I still feel very happy. But I could only said it has changed ….
IN CONCLUSION,I have a lot of thoughts today… sigh.. well< LIFE!!! IS like THAT!!
words spilled @ 12:53 PM /
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TUESDAY(11 June)It was my 4E8 chalet. It was damn nice to see them. Miss them ok??!!! Well, some of them really got changed a lot.. some became very slim which I almost cant recognise them. And I was damn guilty to chong lei. I made her fall down. Well, actually is Karen and chong lei rode the “couple’ Bicycle bec chong lei cant ride bicycle.Then I take over later then we cycle with many difficulties over a distance and then I was quite unbalanced and the bicycle fall. So chong lei fall too but I got somehow”brake” which let me prevent to fall. And poor chong lei got injured!!! I am so sorry!!! SORRY!!! SORRY!! SORRY!! SORRY!!!
Anyway, just let the photoS do the explaination which is a lot sia…

Irene looks like a woman who had just give birth like that... hahaha...

Fonnis, Irene and Xinger...

Agnes and Karen...

U see chong lei and karen ride until so funny...

Me, chong lei and shao ping...

Khadijah and shao ping...

These are the 2 injuries that I caused...

Me help chong lei message.. sorry!!!!!


Kim, Agnes, Karen and Gerogina...

Gerogina and shao ping...

Yiyin and georgina...

me and Shao ping..

OMG!!! The otah is on fire!!!

Yiyin and Khadijaih...

shao Ping and redezuan..

SMILE, Shao pIng!! ya , thats right!!

whats georgina doing?

Irene is digging for food again...


My 4E8!!!

HUGGING TIME!!! Chong lei they all leaving 1st!!


OMG!! can U see those red ants.. and we had been stepping it without realising it!!!

We are taking a stroll along the beach....

Irene and Fonnis....


At about 10 plus, kim, agnes, Karen and me left the chalet 1st. Then we took a taxi home. After Karen and agnes alighted then kim quarrelled with the taxi driver. Bec the taxi driver stop the meter bec he say that we all never say that got 4 different destinations. Then kim say he never ask also then he said we passengers should say 1st. Then blah blah…Like fire almost broke out sia. Suddenly something stop their quarrel which is I vomit… Haha.. bec I will carsick and somemore when going back got traffic jam and I even drink milk too.. so that happened. Just to tell you one thing.. I accidentally touched the bag that I vomited and it was quite warm,… Good sia!!! And also my vomit save them from quarrel which is worth it lor! Hahaha….
THE BEST 4E8!!***********
< To MY 4E8, I will send the pics to u all nxt fri ok??? You all will get the pics anyway but it will be later only.. so be Patient...!>
words spilled @ 11:04 AM /
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