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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Sunday, June 03, 2007

Today, I went to AMk Hub with Agnes. As usual, She woke up late which resulted in we had to meet late. We bought 2 same white top which had 20% off for purchase of 2 items and above. AFter the discount, it cost $25 each. So expensive. Everytime, agnes always buy those expensive clothes one la. But the top is quite nice!
After that, I went to chong pang to meet sujun and peizhen to buy things and look look also. I bought another a pair of white shoes. Bec my previous shoes had A hole liao. It cost $19.9. That means today I spent $45. sigh... broken liao and I still need to buy a shorts lei.But the $3 shirt that pei zhen no more liao. SO SAD!! Next time may be have lor. Ok?
AND during holiday, me,agnes,ferlyn and also oyuki GO K BOX OK??? ARGH!!! SO excited about K box!!! I MISS K BOX!!!!
words spilled @ 9:46 PM / here