Monday, July 30, 2007
TOday finally let my satay sticks heavy burden down... ALthough the presentation is postpone to thurs but also good ma . Bec I haven finsh the technical drawings and my rendering. aND also some editing of my ppt. But the stupid sean la.. Still let me have to wear formal wear on thurs and my high heels shoes. The shoes are killing me today lor. SO PAIN!! I GOT BLISTER!! HATE THE HIGH HEELS SHOES!! But anyway today got DM presentation so i let sean off .. haha . Then today took the taxi and b4 going to school have to pz blk there to let her on and go school together and WE HATE THE TAXI DRIVER LOR!! Then when we reached I searched for my wallet and like cannot find then he say " wow.. never bring wallet ? NEVER mind, just own it 1st lor!" He is VERY SACARSTIC SAY LOR! He think we will take free ride mei? But luckily pz gt enough $$ which WAS A MIRACLE!!@!@ SO she pay 1st. Me and PZ hate the taxi driver due to many reasons. Then we took the satay sticks structure to school and all people was looking at us even those people from far away lor. EMBARRASSED LOR!!
BuT i think I am so lucky bec I got to sleep 5hrs yesterday. OUT OF 22 people , ME sleep ast 2 plus. elaine sleep at 1 plus, Kaser sleep at 12 am, maria sleep for 2 hrs and the rest of THE CLASS NEVER SLEEP THE WHOLE NIGHT! And today e com lab lessonm everyone was so tired and was sleeping ,. NMADE Ne feel like sleeping also. Haha...
But anyway, I think sean know abt chor yan matter. Bec he start ask got any group members never contribute anything? Then I tell karen dont sean 1st bec it is at infornt of the whole class. I guess he can see form our works bec he knows our pattern of works. Then during ppt of ev presentation sean ask chor yan to present the ppt on wed. SEE HE KNOWS ABT IT> THEN HE ASK karen after the lesson is it chor yan never do anything? Then blah blah and he say see how it go 1st lor.
ANYWAY , HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SU JUN AND AH SENG!! =) They are old again.. haha
This is what I was doing in the class.. haha
words spilled @ 8:21 PM /
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Saturday, July 28, 2007
I had complete my satay stick structure liao and also spray the colour.. Hope later I can add the elements in and draw finish my devlopment sketches. So that tmr I can do the technical drawings and the rendering and also my ppt.. Yesterday I say I will do the structure finish but was too tired yesterday so I sleep at 11 plus.. Then today wake up 12 pm. Finally get a long hour of sleep today!! =)
I went to buy a pair of high heel shoe for my presentation. I was quite scared of the high heels. Dont know on mon if I will be presenting halfway then walk walk and fall halfway.. OMG that will be so embarrassed lor. Better dont let that happen. In teh past I will dont like to wear high heels but I had no choice bec it is presentation. sigh.. Must pratice to walk walk with the high heels 1st.
Today I went to teh corridor outside to spray and get nagged by my mother again. She told me " You hor .. later the florr also get spray also!" But I say " Aiyah , nvm la.. Bec Now the mark dissappear from last time the blue foam spray. Maybe bec it rains so the rain came in and then get wash." SHe then say back to me" IS I GO AND WASH THE CORRIDOR LOR! U think what he rain really wash the spray marks away ? SU FUNNY LEI U!"
Ok lor, I kept my mouth shut... Nothing to say... hahaha...
SUdennly I rem Mon is really a big day.. 2 presentations on the day . One is Dm and another is studio proj. will get to see sunny on mon of the 2 presentation bec he is the head ma. So scared on mon lei. I scared mr presentation lor...HOW!!! SCARED SCARED!!!
words spilled @ 10:26 PM /
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Friday, July 27, 2007
Today the xiao hua and xiao cao hosts came to NYP and the special guest is the wang jun xiong.. Ferlyn and agnes idol.. just take pic so that they all can see.. haha.. But the xiao hua is not pretty lor. Even i think agnes and ferlyn is pretty than them lor. and the 1st 2 xiao hua dancing sucks lor!! The xiao cao even not hand some lor.. OMG!! They all dont know how to choose lor!! Then today was my ergo proj presentation. It was ok but as usual I pronounce the words wrongly... hahaha...It was FIne.. nothing ...haha...
Then after that went to AMK HUB with pei zhen to shop for something. We spent a lot of $$$ on food lor. SHe bought a pair of shoes with that type with holes one for $3.90 ( as usual she goes for cheap stuffs). I bought a bra strap... hahaha...
Then after that went to eat suki sushi with my aunt. but eat within half an hr and was full bec I ate some at AMK HUB. Cost $28.80. Then go shop shop for a while... Then go home...
U know that I calulated that I slept 22hrs for these 5 days sia.. OMG!! So tired lor. The later I have to do sean satay stick proj. Hope I can build finish the structure lor. Mon have to hand in the final model, ppt drawings.. NO TIME!! AND MON IS PRESENTATION DAY!! Is not present to the whole class lor is to Sean and the director( sunny0 and the lecturers. STRESS LEI!! We are only year one only... And the stupid sean say today morning is not coming as he will evaulate on mon. WAO LAO> FUCK HIM LA... Let me rush the ppt like hell lei... Then mon got so many things happen sia...
The sign board.. just take for fun!!
I will wear this on mon . IS ALL BALENO LOR> Sean donyt want us to wear like businessman but wear as designer...???
words spilled @ 9:48 PM /
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Thursday, July 26, 2007
Today I wake up at 5 am and then reached school at 7am but only sleep 2 hrs of sleep. Just go so early to do finish my EV and it is finally finish... DOONE!! Upload those photos later ok? hahaha...
But then what angry me is that the stupid SEAN say he not 830 am come is at night then cum back to mark our dollhouse. WAT THE!! EVERY ONE WAS WAO LAO Bec kaser called sean so every one like so angry.. He say mus hand in b4 830 then we all wake up so early for the sake of him.. He keep on changing... DAMN IDOT SEAN!! Tmr have to hand in those sketches and ppt by 830 . Hope that he say is not tmr is next week or what!! I SLAP HIM LOR IF HE SAY LIKE THAT!! Then after my completion of EV I went to eat mac with kaser rayne , karen goh, wei qiang and Jun tao. Then board the mrt together. Then Jun tao board the bus and rayne, kaser and weiqiang get off at Khatib. Then only left me and karen goh. Then we alight off at yishun bec she want to talk something to me.
SHe say she want to tell sean that chor yan like never do anything for EV and also other proj. Ok I will elaborate to you in points form abt her.
*She only paste those 2 cushions and 3 tiny books at the mat and also draw out lines and cut out 1 line only.
*I asked her to paste then hse like staring at me daydreaming . Then I tell her go my bag take double sided tape. Then I asked her stick those walls and she still stare at me even though the glue gun is ready. CAnt she ask for something. ALways need people to tell her mei?
*At first she didnt tell me she was sick when she 1st came. The is like when we want to do finsih and want to talk abt the ppt and sketch thing( bec we haven complete ppt or do finsih those drawings) she asked me" Yvonne, Can I go 1st? I am feeling dizzy." I was like.. I dont even bother to see her one glance and tell her Go lor..
* She did not ask anything abt ev or us what we had done when she was on MC. She did not even ask us is there anything she can do?
* she will like stare at you doing things and she will take the initative to help you lor.
* I asked her to cut the windows out and she cut finsih one line then talke don the phone so long. Then I see like sian diao so I take over and cut finsih those lines. then after that Jun tao help to cut out the curve.
* She even cut the dimensions wrongly. Bec she cut slanted and when u paste there will be gap. So karen have no choice and let the dollhouse a bit slanted in order to cover up the gap. Then she say is not her is Karen paste slanted for the wall part. ????( I should not trusted her when I hesitate to give her the board to cut.
* She paste the wall paper with 4 doubled sided tape at the side of the board and she didi not paste any tape in the center . Hence , when cut out the window then the center part can put a ruler inside lor. The I had to clear up the mess that she created to the window wall after she left lor.
*She like keep on complaining that the stupid sean let her so early wake up then caused her dizzy. Then she say head very dizzy can see darkness.
* Beads and those flowers things droped on the floor and she did not even bother to pick up and just walk past them.
* what angry me the most is that when we are doing Ev she like keep on asking pple do the satay sticks le ma>? Then she borrow the interior red book form gi siang which I think is for the sake of her satay stick proj. She mus think that is com module so that is more important . then she dun care abt Ev thinking that is we got do liao then can
Then Karen say she like so bu shuang that this is just to benefit her lei. She like never do anything that get those marks.Bec this is the 4th proj with her and is still the same. Then talk a lot and we overstayed becx we talk for 2 hrs. Pay a fine of $2 .. SOb sob....=( Then I tell karen if u tell sean also nvm bec is not you laone think so is we as the whole class knows. Although it will hurt her and let you hated by her,at least you can let her to continue wrong like that.. Bec she is getting form ba dto worse lor. I had a feeling that she like keep on copy things eg maria sean and those books example. Then late IU ha dto dop some of the sketches and ppt bec we do not trust her again. Bec her sketch is really sketch lor.And those links is missing and you exppect me to draw for her. SO me and karen split the sketches and thenn I do the ppt bec karen do a lot for the model.. But befor that I need a sleep 1st.. SO tired!!!! sleep only 2 hrs of sleep... ONLY LOR!!!
words spilled @ 3:07 PM /
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Today, my mum pao the tonic drink for me.. yucks so not nice bec I hate chinese medicine. But is my mum pao so I drink finish. U see I so good lor. My mum say I like lack of sleep and always sick then see doctor also no use bec later a few months later I will go and see the doctor again. Thats right la. SO my cough I did not even see doctor or eat medicine. This year is the year that I fall sick so many times... But my cough is so called better now. Bec now got the nucleus thing. so it is better than coughing with no thing in ur throat and that is called terrible. Bec it really so suffer...But got nucleus also troublesome... Bec today keep on going touilet to clear the nucleus thing in my nose... Then let me cant breath properly.. Used a lot of toilet paper..hahaha...
Today chor yan tell me :" Sorry, yvonne! Yesterday so late reply you bec I fainted yesterday". I was too tired and was going out of the door liao then say:"Aiyah.. dun care la.. Yesterday I was so tired.." She can be more exaggerate lor. Before that day night I message her liao lor.. SHe from night faint until morning? then pei zhen say she think she is sleeping beauty? haha.... Then she dont even to bother to ask us where we do until liao or anythingh about the EV. Simply dont care lor. SO irresonible. Luckily we never give her any board lor. OR ELSE!! dont know or dont dare to think what will happen lor...
words spilled @ 8:59 PM /
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Monday, July 23, 2007
Today I never go work bec yesterday and fri do some of the convertion liao... this week is my 1 week leave...
Yesterday at almost 4 am sleep. But still have things not finish yet but I already cannot stand it. SO SLEEPY AND TIRED! Then wake up at 7 plus to continue doing... Then Today I had a feeling that my out come will not be so good. AND some more the chor yan never come! Called her 4 and 5 times never call back and msg her and nv reply her. If she is feeling unwell since sat until now then should tell me yesterday night ma. SO like... and Karen go back to sec school to make her pillar and the floor thing. SO like thinking that DIE LIAO... ANd it cant be made finish in time.
But when she came back in afternoon . Then it is like wow. nice sia. SO happy with it. show u the pic below....
But we are lacking the DA adapter to light up the bulbs and the pattern on the wall nv done yet....
Now dont know why a bit relax.. yesterday was super stress... but still left the biggest sean satay stick proj.. and i need to do mr ng drawing liao....bye...
Taken with flash light...
taken without flash.. e wall paper is plum colour...
Below is taken from different views...
words spilled @ 9:38 PM /
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Saturday, July 21, 2007
ARGH SO STRESS!!!! Yesterday I reached home at 3 am. Sleep at 4 am. Bec yesterday we do some of the convertion. Real convertion stock is coming on mon so is going back to work after lessons. Cant watch the switched last esp on channel 8. SO sad.!!! woke up at 9 am and was late for my ev group meeting time. But someone was even late than me. Then we today just buy stuffs only. Go home and do each part of ours and then mon then combine. have to come to school early at 8am. sian... I mean mon la. then after that I hav my 1st meal at 4pm!!! Yesterday, my 1st proper meal is 530pm. COOL .. I think I am going to lose weight.. Then after that I went to meet su jun for DM proj. STRESS SIA.. bec these 2 proj going to hand in on mon. Think today I am to rush like mad. Tmr have to meet chur yan at Doby ghuat mrt station at 10am to get the sketch from her then go to Yew tee to pass our sketch to karen and let her scan the sketches in the com for the ppt. STRESS ARG!!!!
GTG.. going to rush for my 2 proj.. have to be done by tonight.. bec I am working 12 to close tmr.. Time is running out!!!!! I still have my cough and it is so terrible.. PLS dont let me sick at this moment!~!! I CANT FALL SICK OR ELSE I CANT HAND IN MY DUE DEADLINE PROJ!!! PLS LA....
words spilled @ 9:29 PM /
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
I AM so....\
My EV proj.. I dun noe what they all want. We had different ideas. keep on changing and cant agree to one. How you expect us to work together.. things keep on dragging and things haven not done yet. It seemed that they dont care but me? You think that I dont care mei? If dont care I wont be living in fear, anxious and stress days. Everytime is me took initiave to meet up, find materials. the dead line is just 4 more days away. I still does not have a single peaceful day.
My ergo proj? OMG! It seemed that she think that I like never do anything or dont care. AT first is only me and her meet up bec the another one will always go MIA. SO now she is back. And they dicuss theirs. Then is me took those photos. Then I want to help in ppt but she say e file is too big cant send . Is just that she dont want me to do lor. Then the report I say I do but she say nvm. Just send to her edit and let her continue. so? Tmr I need to meet for EV. And she just sms tell me. ERgo proj is also my proj. WHAT U EXPECT ME TO DO? Everytime dicussion I like so extra person.
words spilled @ 9:04 PM /
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Today was quite stress with the EV and ergo proj.. JUST STRESS ESPECIALLY EV!! Stil haven think finish the layout and what to put inside. 3 different person with 3 different ideas how to work> Too hard to commuciate sia. STRESS BEAC STILL HAVEN DONE ONE YET!!!
Then today ah seng ask me at 1st go amk relief 6 to close. Then after my ergo proj, I acc pei zhen go yishun NPT. Then after that I went back to baleno. Then ah Seng ask me choose go amk or PS relief. I chose Ps bec last time I go amk take signal then the in charge like a bit unfriendly. Then after that I know ELAINE also go there relief. So =)! At least got someone acc.NAd AH boy went amk relief.sigh.. SO MANY PLE BORROW MANPOWER FROM US!! Realised that PS time passes very slow. But today gt one guy which is the last time J8 guy which they all say looks like gay and he got trsnsfer to PS. He is quite nice and funny. The I tell elaine to introduce him to AH boy. Bec he and ah boy the same which looks like gay but we know that he is not. Maybe ah boy is interested lei..hahaha... Then after work we went to eat mac and elaine say i am so =) after work. bec when i 1st sign in I was like a bit sian bec was quite troubled with the EV . then I went to toilet and shu bian go to the WACOAL shop to take a look and know what sean want . Roughly had the idea... So ok liao when back to work after going toilet. Reached home at 1240am. TIRED... need to find my DM research and needs sleep. Tmr lesson is 4 to 6pm. But had DM group meeting at 1pm.
words spilled @ 1:43 AM /
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Today me and ferlyn went to acc oyoki after her work. ACtually plan to eat dinner but me and ferlyn eat liao so we go watch HARRY POTTER MOVIE.Then oyoki said want to go night safrai there then me nad ferlyn sian diao so in then end nv go. ACtually today is HIM 1st 7th day of death so oyoki want someone to acc her.O YA< THE HARRY POTTER IS A QUITE NICE MOVIE!! NOT BAD MA>... Kaser say not nice.. is not.. Even though I watch Harry potter 1 & 2 show .. hahaha.... It seemed that oyoki is ok but still somehow worry for her,... TRYING to make her laugh today..haha... Then she also even ask us to acc her go BLK 741 but me , huijuan and ferlyn dissapprove bec we felt that it is not the time yet. SHe still cant control it so it is not the time yet. SO in the end she nv go...
Btw, I took a weeek leave for my workplace bec I need to chio my things out within 2 weeks time. CRAZY SIA!!!
23 july- EV competition final model plus devlopment sketches & PPT( I haven done one yet lor)\
27 july- Ergo presentation and report need to hand in plus ppt( need some editing... )
30 JUly-Presentation for studio work. Completeion of final model ppt, sketches & animation ( MY FINAL MOEDL JUST BUILD AND IT NEEDS A MININIUM SIZE OF 45 x 45 cm)
2 AUGUST- Marking and moderation day of my studio work proj
3 AUGUST- Ergo test!!!
BUT what happy me is that sujun told me that 13 august seem to be the holiday!! =)
words spilled @ 12:19 AM /
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Monday, July 16, 2007
Today looks like everyone discover virus at school. Most of them is thumbdrive contains this virus which get it from school com. I scanned my thumbdrive at school 1st time but for the next time I scanned again then dont have. Then today I use my laptop scan then dun have. SO IS MY THUMDRIVE HAVE OR DONT HAVE? But I think mine have bec my another laptop had a virus in it. Then I used the thumbdrive to put in it,. Now I SCARED my another laptop will also have this virus bec I also got put the thumbdruve in this good laptop without virus. But my com virus is called "INfoler"(something like this). But school com virus is W.32. SO it is different. Then they all say is ying xuan spread the virus bec at 1st is he had the virus so maybe spread to other com as those com share the same network. SO now I am still scanning the 2 com for virus . WIll take a long time! !!! If have I must try to heal,delete or quartine. MUST LET THE COM HAO !!!!!OR ELSE MY $$$$$ dun have liao...sob..sob. But what worry is me that all my school things saved in the thumbdrive. If mine thumdrive have the virus then it means my school things will be GONE, FINISH!!!! If dont have I dont even dare to put my thumdrive in the com or else will get the virus lor. Tmr still have photoshop lesson lei.!!!!
words spilled @ 8:31 PM /
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
SATURDAY(14 July)Today I am so happy =) bec I finally get to sleep 10hrs of sleep 2day. This is e 1st 10 hrs of sleep after 1 week of less than 6 hrs of sleep. SO SHUANG!!! Then today I felt that oyoki is much better ! FINALLY! But will still cry ... Can see that yiyong is stressed when she cryed! But feel that yiyong and oyoki is ok liao but they maybe will feel strange. Then ask yiyong buy the bouquet of roses for her then he dont want. Aiyah.. Petty man!!
Then after that we went K box at the AMK. It was last min actually bec oyoki can go. But yiyong,ah seng and agnes nv go. SO sweep star lor!Then laughter will be hear during the k box. Oyoki cry again bec of 1 song that let her think of the past so we let her alone cry. SHe needs to be alone. But after that she is ok. But the k box most of teh $$ is company $$$ .. haha.. so ok. Reached home at 345am. Now I am not so tired so just blog lor. Maybe today I sleep 10hrs of sleep.. Haha..
Elaine and Ferlyn...
Ah boy trying to act funny...
ELaine trying to act cute..
Da sao(Ah seng girlfriend) and Oyoki...
They are already crazy....
OMG! my 1st kiss.. haha no no la...
They are crazy too> DRUNK>?
We wanted to act normal...
We wanted to act ugly..hahaha
Hui Juan and her BF hand ....
words spilled @ 4:24 AM /
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Friday, July 13, 2007
TODAY IS 13th the BLACK FRIDAY, an unlucky morning for me. Today when I reach YCK MRT station then I realised that I 4get to bring the pics for the typo but got bring the letters fonts! So I faster took a taxi hme and faster get my pics. then after that I reached downstairs of my block I then realised I do have not enough $$ so rushed back hme again. Then faster rush back to NYP> I know that su jun was angry so sorry! TERRIBLE SORRY! IS AN ACCIENT!!! SORRY PLUS UNCOUNTED SORRY TO su jun. Then I also realised that I forgot to bring the report for Ergo. But is not urgent jus need to pass to carling only. So send it to her then.
Look what is Jun tao doing?Trying to jump down?
They all watching huan huan ai lor... using my com.. later I am also watching too ^ ^
Then after my tutorial I went back to baleno.K box was cancel todsy bec oyoki do not want to go. then want to find ferlyn but she go PS relief.. haha... Talk to elaine abt oyoki thing . REalised that she is hurt now. I think that now she dont want to accept G bec she felt that HIM can ~~~ bec of her but G is just like a person who take care of her. SHe feel that G mAYbe is not Love is just GOOD. SOmehow not love.. dont know how to explain la. Then I also feel that she had this dark shadow so she scared that G will be the repeated accident again. ANyway maybe we feel that G is like very ke lian. SHe should not be so stubborn la. Maybe give her some time to fad away this accident and she could be with G again. ? I feel so heart pain for her. Maybe no one know what she is doing now? But just give her some time. She is very sad and regret at the moment. Let her think ,cry and cool down 1st..... IT COULD NEED A LOT OF TIME.. But I believe that she and G will be back agian...ONE FINAL DAY!!!TRUST ME!! =)
words spilled @ 7:28 PM /
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
I promise tat I will upload the mock up pics for the EV. IS below... I am so tired! I had been sleeping very very late and wake up early in the morning for 1 week liao. Tired nothing but tired!! I NEED LONG HRS OF SLEEP! Is stressful weeks for me before holiday because alal my projects need to be done and hand in by holiday!!!

My group...

Pei zhen group...

Maria group...

Kaser group.. I like theirs...

Siti group...

Elaine group.....


MY SID 0702 CLASS!!!
words spilled @ 9:53 PM /
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11 July(wed)
ya LOok at the time now which shows 5 plus am and I still hsven sleep yet lor.And my mum is going to wake up soon.....Lesons start at 1 pm tmr as I just had finish my stupid CS! DAMN TIRED after work and still have to do hmwk!!NAd now I heard the alarm clock ring...
THIS IS MY ENd product of CS!! Which let me stay until 5 plus! 1st time do hmkw until so late.....sigh.........
Today is a down and sad day for me. Firstly my mock up was damn rushing this morning but feel that it does not suit the theme but will modify it . IS JUST A MOCK UP I TELL MYSELF!! I also thought that I will have nightmares when taking photos.. If u know you should understand !! IT WAS A NIGHTMARE FOR ME OK!!!I will upload those mock up pics of my group as well as other groups.
Secondly, I went to work and I heard a shicking news which let everyone feeling to be so down and sad and had no mood to work! Hui juan cry and I also cry too. I think others heard it may want to cry also! IT IS A SUDDEN NEWS! Really worry for oyuki! Hope she will be fine soon! MAY THE TIME HEAL!!
(TO "HER")
It is not your fault! So dont blame urself! I know how you feel . Dont do anything that let us worry ok! Take care , you still have us! )
I goy a lot thing that I wanted to say abt this matter but I cant!!!
I am TIRED!! I NEED SLEEP!! (YAWN)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
words spilled @ 5:16 AM /
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Now is photo shop lesson liao. Just now mr ng lesson I was sleepling for abt 30mins and I had a dream. SO FUNNY!! I dream that I use sissors to cut pei zhen black shorts ! SO FUNNY!! wa haha... But su jun told me to wake up bec mr ng saw it but nv scold me lor, hahaa.. Bec he was seeing one to one person and was damn long!!!But my mum even more pro lor. I think is 2 days ago la. She even sleep when she urine in the toilet.haha..
Ok la.. gt to concentrate on my lessons and as usual must cho for my hmwk 2night.. Recently these 3 days I had always slept at 2 plus am. I guess this week also. I am so tired!!! What a stressful week!!! FEel like watching huan huan ai.But must control myself bec I have no time to watch!!! sigh....
words spilled @ 1:10 PM /
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Monday, July 09, 2007
sigh.. SO many hmwks to chio this week. Realise that every night always have to sleep late....
MON night- do mr ng hmwk and my Ev
Tue night-Ev mock up
Wed night- colour studies satay stick model
Thurs night- Typo and ergo
ARGH!!!! WANT TO DIE LIAO LA!!!KILL ME LA...Really dont feel like working this wed lei.. so many hmwks to do!!! sigh....
words spilled @ 9:49 PM /
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Sunday, July 08, 2007
Today was as normal day . But I woke up late today at 12 plus. And then I have to rush to library and return my overdue book and pay a fine of$1.20. Then rush to work before 130pm. The reason I woke up late bec yesterday I watch huan huan ai until 3 plus am. I watched until esp 7.. 3 more disc to go! VERY NICE!!! Although I agree that it is a bit like the er mo zai shen bian but it is still damn nice. Then a lot of people want to borrow from me so I think why dont give me empty cd then i help them burn bec got a long queue lei. So this way is much better!! YA I AGREE!Then today ah seng want to go eat after work but me agnes and ferlyn dun wan bec we got school tmr. So we request change to sat. but ah boy sat go vivo city to relief so we changed to fri . AND WE GO K BOX!! But I think we going to pay more$$$ bec got ah boy yiyong and ah seng go sure have to pay those broken glass!~!!
But what saden me is that I know I am going to die! A lot of homework still haven die and themock up of Ev of actual size need to hand in by wed which I dun noe!!ARGH!! DIE LIAO!
-final model of satay stick model
-Mr NG drawings
-colour studies
-EV mock up
-EV concept idea
-Ergo ppt and report
words spilled @ 11:20 PM /
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Saturday, July 07, 2007
TODAY I never work bec I plan to do my drawings today and finsih my homework but I dont have the feel lor. Today I draw until mad liao. Bec I dont know what to draw for the EV and I dont know how to change the size of my element of my satay stick model.. THE DEAD LINE ARE COMING!! O MY GOD!!! JUST KILL ME@!! I dont feel like doing my colour studies also... ARGH!!! Just feel like dropping the course.. I am so sick and tired of all these.....LET me damn fuck off...
words spilled @ 7:20 PM /
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YEAH.. Now is past 12 so wish HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ELAINE!!!!!Today is nothing except photos only...haha...
Thinking what we give her....
Digging and touching trying to guess out....
Unwrapping the presents....
1st present: SUNGLASS.. It look cool!!!!
You see everyone is trying out the sunglass.. even me also...
OMG>.. what is siti doing?????
Wrapping the 2nd present again....
ITS A PERFUME@!@ ADDIAS BRAND(fruity flavour)
SHE is the promoter for the perfume.....
Trying to be funny...
Erm.. what is kaser doing? like acting wei qiang.. haha.. no la.. she just want to act like miyami....
OH NO!!! I am scared of this red ghost beside me...
OMG!!! ELAine want to bash christ up...
ME and the birthday girl , elaine...
THEY are still sanding..poor thing!!!
???? HUH?????
Phoebe bully me today by pushing me all the rubbish today to let me throw.. sob..sob~
words spilled @ 12:12 AM /
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