Sunday, September 30, 2007
TODAY IS hui juan last day at TPY> SO SAD LEI.. REALLY MISS HER !!! tHEN ME AND agnes cried .. REally she bu de da... Then i say hui juan just left like this.Really very sad.. I keep on imagining huijuan tmr will appear in tpy liao . WE cant see the moon anymore in our shop.. Huijuan just disappear from tpy keep on imagining the days we spent together. REally very sad. And huijuan said me and agnes crazy like that also cried. She just go J8 ma not go london. But still very sad lei. But she go J8 also good bec she go there learn new things. SHe actually go there is like some sort of incharge but her pay is junior which is not worth it lor. Aiyah.. But ah sneg said he will pull huijuan back soon bec school is reopening soon. THen I tell huijuan you really must come back hor. Give her a HUG. Actually huijuan also got cried de lor yesterday..hahaha BUT REALLY MISS HUIJUAN.. MUCKS TO HER AND HOPE SHE TAKE CARE!!!!!
ok.. quite tired at the evening due to agnes lor.. yesterdat talked for 1hrs plus de phone chat. ANd until 3am i told her i very tired. wan to sleep liao bec I am on the bed liao.. AND SHE SAY I CANNOT SLEEP... WAT E??? Then finally hung up our call at 3 plus. Only sleep 5 hrs of sleep.. still very tired lor..
Now watch some my show 1st then go to sleep.. Tmr morning shift again... =)
words spilled @ 9:14 PM /
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
Hmmm.. Today I spent money again.. Bought a shirt$20 and one vcd$17.90! Sigh... really should stop myself liao. Introduced by pei zhen the show 黑糖玛奇朵 BROWN SUGAR MACCHIATA. SHE SAY is nice and did some research on it and found it not bad ma.. SO decided to buy. SHe asked me to watch on youtube but I dun wan bec I dun like it bec need to find and download and wait.. SO troublesome and scared got some parts got cut away. If I watch and realised is not nice I AM GOING TO KILL PEI ZHEN HOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok.. Today SHE came down again and I am so clever .. Bring the present today even though I did not know SHE will be cuming down today. SHE love it of course. Then HE came at 2 plus to work and I was standing outside and I told him that SHE is inside and HE like a bit stop for a while considering want to go in or not. ANd HE decided to go in but HE dun wan to see her at the cashier counter even though HE know SHE is standing at the cashier counter bec HE cah hear her voice. THen SHE told me this time really have to go( means HE is here so have to go la). sigh.. THEY are avoiding each other lor.. BUt this will not help la.. sigh.. N ferlyn told me SHE will be cuming to work which let me got a shock bec is impossible liao as jennifer dun let. Then I ask ah seng is it true. He say he ask HER to go malaysia to work at B/O. Then transfer to SG . OR ask SHE go J8 work and let huijuan stay at here. But JEnnifer dun let la. SO FERLYN GOT MIXED UP LOR!!! ANd hui juan is transfering to J8 next week bec J8 got one staff transfer to NP. ANd is so stupid lor. HUi juan transfer liao then dun have full timers liao and we part timers wanted to school reopened liao and cant do so much when that time cum. Like that dun have any manpower. Then ah seng he can choosed to let one full timer transfer there or 2 part timers transfer there. In the end he chose huijuan.. IS SO SAD LOR!!!!WHEN i heard this I got a shock.. I really dun bear to see huijuan go.. really miss her.. sigh.. haix...
ANd today got one nokia nagivator take pics wif everyone except karen who was so reluctant. If the pic got selected we can win a handphone. But I think is impossible la.. and ferlyn is so excited about it lor.. hahaha... she like a small kid so must understand.. Ok need to go.. I want to watch my 黑糖玛奇朵...
words spilled @ 9:13 PM /
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Friday, September 28, 2007
Sleep quite early yesterday.. sleep at 12 am.. just to tired bec the previous day just only sleep 4hrs only.. hahaha and wake up quite early ma.. 1030am lor. early right?????
TODAY IS MY PAY DAY!!! OF course, I say the 1st thing I get my pay is to pau my handphone bill and buy my idol chen wei lian album. His songs are still so touching!! haha.. Then today I went to causeway point to shoppping alone lor. The agnes lor.. aiyo dun wan to say her liao.. haix.. U noe how much I spent today? $100 lor.. WIthin 3 hrs spent 100 dollars . Me also cant believe also.. SAVE MONEY!! SHU JUN!!!!!!! ok.. u should stop liao.. hahaha...
words spilled @ 8:25 PM /
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Thursday, September 27, 2007
Today is the convertion day which is so stupid lor. convertion in the afternoon. SO many pple sia and no sales but more pplt to disturb u.. Dunnoe what this company is doing lor. sigh... Looks like everyone is so pai chey at today convertion.. SO messy for the clothes. Really feel like going back to Np shop . At least will not so hot tempered .AT np is realy much better than Np. sian la..sigh.. later there will be transfer soon. AH seng said MAYBE can transfer to Np bec going to change boss liao and tpy may not be under jennifer. HOPE SO SIA!!!!!!!!!!!
O ya.. Convertion to regular shop means new uniform. Get stripes polos and jeans. Wear jeans at tpy so hot. The jeans like made me look so fat. The black stripes polo like prisoner but i took red first. haha...
Heard that joan and wen bing came down to tpy yesterday but too bad I was at PS. MISS THEM A LOT ESPECIALLY WEN BING.. WEN BING DA GE dunnoe how he is doing now.. haha.. Really should go out together one day la..
PAY IS COMING AFTER 11pm tonight.. nEEd to pay my bills 1st and buy CHEN WEI LIAN album 1st.. haha Going tmr and IS OFF DAY TMR!!!! =)
words spilled @ 9:04 PM /
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WEDNESDAY (26 sep 2007)
Today should go Ps as afternoon shift . But when I reached to my shop , AH seng tell me I should PS to help them do setup. Bec they are shifting up to 2nd floor which means help them do the new shop setup. BUt I said no one informed me lor. Then ah seng later told me no need to go liao. But in the end at 3 plus I still have to go there lor. But I want to say their new shop is nice de lor. Everything there is new. The whole shop could say is white in colour even the dustbin is also white lor.ANd the shop is cool sia... U all go there and will know what I mean . IS on the 2nd florr next to S&K shop. ANd there is one japan girl designer who will say this onbe put where which means she is in charge of the display. But I like not so happy with her . Because if this one does not suit the whole display and she dun like it she will say dun wan this one to display .For example, the caps, the reversible belt (the most sellable belts),cola cola umbrella. Then is like? wat? Then this shop sell wat? ANd she say she dun wan put $10 off bottoms.. Then ok lor.. Bec she is the "biggest" bec is the boss employ her to put in charge of the display ma. ANd the model is wearing the same clothes and bottoms repeating sia.. ANd the jeans display until very cramp.. But she still very friendly anyway. O ya,.. also get to see canice and cuiting there. I had my break at 6 plus for 35 mins only. ANd what i eat is a long silver meal which I shared with cuiting.
Reached home at 120 am lor.. Then I ate a cup noodles and a donut and still very hungry but must control myself la. I did not get my bag which is at tpy shop there. Bec I have my atm card and hp wif me so is ok . Bec I thought go for a while but mei xiang dao go until so late. ANd I took ah seng ez link card and ah seng took mine then he like complain lor. Late he kanna get caught using my ezlink card how? I say would not de la use something to cover the ez link card then can liao. Then I say I can use his ezlink card to buy macdonald meal.. haha.. Then I took tpy signal and the big signal home. I think I very embarrassed to take the signal on the mrt tmr . IS like so pai sei lor.. Is like a2 size the signal lor.. haha..
I think i got to go.. need to sleep. and tmr my shift change from morning to afternoon shift . Tmr is convertion lor which means convert to regular shop. ANd is so strange lor. THe thing came at afternoon which means afternoon convertion. SO STRANGE LOR!!!!!! DOTS.......................................................................................
words spilled @ 1:57 AM /
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
YESTerday got chen hing yu,chen zhi cai and li qi mei came down to the zu jiang shop flim shop .. and we all keep on looking at them . Heard that chen zhi cai is much friendly compared to chen hong yu.. They are much handsome in ben ren lor. Then yesterday me,karen,ferlyn and huijuan went for 2nd break then I like saw how come so many people at infront there.. So i faster dash upwards and look at infront then sensed something wrong bec someone was fliming . And bec of me they all flim again. Oops.. I faster shoo... I so embarrassed. I really dunnoe lei... SO SORRY LA.. IT WAS REALLY EMBARRASSING!!!
ANd also SHE came down again and HE saw HER then becum like very emo . Heard from ah sneg then I noe.. I thought he is like fold the $8 tees until very emo.. Maybe it was a lie that he still hate her. HE JUST CANT FORGET HER ANYWAY... sigh...
ANd yesterday peggy was so funny.. The customers keep on dao luo at the $6 tees there.. ANd she was very pei cei.. See those customers make the tees messy until her jaws wan to drop liao...HAAHA.. IT WAS REALLY VERY FUNNY!! HAHA...
Ok.. I think thats all.. Wan to bath and after that watch my tv and continue surfing the internet.. MUST REALLY HAD A NICE BATH.. WEATHER IS DAMN FREAKING HOT AND ITS AT TPY SOMEMORE AND I AM REALLY VERY SMELLY!!!!! HAHA..
words spilled @ 3:36 PM /
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Sunday, September 23, 2007
I AM TOO TIRED!!! JUST SIMPLY NEED SOME SLEEP.. YESTERDAY, we did some of the break down to prepare the stocktake tmr until 130am. Reach home like 2am and then went into bed at 3am after bath. ANd I was like half awake and half asleep then the agnes sms me just say die liao. Then i ask y.. then went back to sleep as I was abt to sleep she call.. DOTS LOR.. SHe say die die liao ..Y I asked? Then she replied said she make her dad hp spoil bec her dad hp hang. Then I told her to take out the battery out and put it inside again. SHe say sure or nt? Later becum more worse how should she tell her dad tmr and just leave the hp there and tell her dad.. Then I say trust me ok bec I noe.. SHe keep on ali wif me la.. ANd I tell her auntie I wan to sleep ok.. I was very tired. So we ended our conversation . AND THANKS TO HER I NEED TO TOSS AND TURN BEC THE WEATHER WAS SIMPLY TOO HOT FOR ME TO SLEEP. aND THE WHOLE NIGHT I WAS ALSO HALF AWAKE AND HALF ASLEEP AND KEEP ON WAKING UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT... I sleep only 4 hrs yesterday and today was mornig shift.. Look like everyone was late for morning shift,12 to close shift and afternoon shift.. I never late lor.. haha.. See I so good.. haha.. =)
Then after work.. went to eat dinner wif my family bec my aunt was treating us the hong kong cafe foods. And it does not taste nice at all lor.. Dun have any appetite for the dinner .. Everything I ate half then I say full liao.. SIMPLY TOO TIRED TO EAT ANYTHING FURTHER.. But as usual my mum eat the most bec she help to eat my remains.. Bec in her logic she cant waste food.. haha
Tmr is full shift lor and somemore is the stock take tmr .. dunnoe wat time will we end.. But feel that maybe we can end at 2 plus quite early not as so late as last time end at 4am lor.. Bec we got prepare our hmwk ma..
words spilled @ 9:58 PM /
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Friday, September 21, 2007
Today SHE came back to visit us . I think she ok liao . It was not as scary as I thought.. haha.. Then she had more laughter as I can see. SHE had overcome it ba.. Heard that she is staying at her brother house and keep on finding jobs la..Wish HER a happy birthday most importantly.
Today I was so embarrassed bec I leilong then melyvn lim saw me. Then at that time I ws so embarrassed then I faster turn back . OMG!! He must thinking who was shouting so loud and he turn and saw it was me.. ARGH!! SO EMBARRASSED!!!!!!!
Today actually can earlier reach home. THE ZA BOR LA... Keep on looking at xu zhe rong and mi lu Bin . They were eating at the Zhu Jiang there.. ANd say she want to look at mi lu bing bec she like them ma. Then they all like make so much noise and it was so obvious then thEn turn back and look at agnes and ferlyn .. Must faster drag her go la or else agnes will stay until closing liao. Then I said aiyah is not wu zun ma nad wu zun is so much handsome than mi lu bing and xu zhe rong and also ferlyn favourite wang jun xiong. Then I say if wu zun was there I am the 1st one to dash to there to take pic wif him bec ferlyn and agnes dun dare to take pic wif xu zhe rong and mi lu bing. Then agnes ask me dun always think of those impossible things can ma? But I say may be wat only nad it might cum true 1 day lei? hahaha...
Realised that I had spent so much $$$ and I am going to have no $$$ liao.. Must really save $$$ . Cannot anyhow spent .. Being nag by my mum liao.. SAVE $$$$ LOR!!!!
WU ZUN!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN WU ZUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
words spilled @ 10:31 PM /
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
FINALLY WATCH FINISH MY HUA YANG SHAO SHAO NU!!! THE ENDING IS NOT SO GOOD AND NOT HAPPY. BUT I FEEL THAT WHAT RUIXI SAY IS QUITE TRUE!! "难道彼此喜欢对方的人就要在一起才算是HAPPY ENDING ma? Although the ending will let pple have many thoughts of what will happen in the future. But the ending could also say good bec ruixi still can stay beside quan side and continue their love story even though their are not a couple.SO the ending can say 50% good and 50% bad...and OF COURSE 吴尊 IS SO HANDSOME!! HIS EYES CAN fan dian one.. ARGGGG!!! 吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊吴尊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=)
ANd today she called elaine to ask her go out for k box then elaine say she no $$ then she say then go marina bay eat steamboat or go night safari. THen elaine say she will rather go k box out of these 3 choices. Then they all talk other subjects also. then she say she have a next line then she will get back to elaine later. Then elaine call me to go if she call again to go k box. I at 1st like a bit reluctant bec very scared to face her.. i dunnoe y lei but what elaine say is quite true . SHE so alone came from malaysia to SG then come here to find job and no pple to celebrate her birthday . so lonely and sad.. THen i agree but SHE never get bk to elaine so I thought is settle liao bec she nv call bk her ma. Then she sms us to add her in msn . Then I add her lor bec i was using com then she chat wif me then she say WE ALL HOR.. HER BIRTHDAY LEI.. then she say she very sad then sob sob and keep in saying WE ALL HOR!!Then i say u celebrate wif ur frens la or brother . She say they not free and some of them in the army so cant make it. ANd i ask her then u tmr gt any progammes . she say no and she is lonely today and tmr. Then i called ferlyn to talk to her so I nv repky her then when I was about to reply her she alreay offline. I LIKE FEEL SO SORRY TOWARDS HER.. KEEP ON LKE AVOID HER AND MAKE EXCUSES. WHAT ELAINE SAY KEEP ON Flashing in my mind.. ARGHHHH... really so sorry towards her. FEEL SO GUILTY!!Ferlyn say one day we will still meet her and go out together one.. YA its correct but I AM SCARED OF SHE WILL TELL US THOSE PAST THINGS. OR maybe I am still angry with her what she had done in the past to hurt herself as well those pple beside her. and now we still dunnoe if she really know her mistakes and now does she know all the correct things she should done now? sigh... HAIX@!!!!!!I ALSO FEEL THAT SHE CAME BACK TO SG WILL HAVE ANOTHER STORY HAPPEN ON HER.. REALLY FEEL THAT A STRONG FEELING AND IS NOT BAD OR GOOD FEELING IS JUST MIXED FEELING!!?? REALLY DUNNOE LA.. so troubled!!
words spilled @ 8:43 PM /
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Hmm.. today wake up at 7am lor.. Reach there at 850am.. haha.. Quite early right?But reach there like no thing to do like that.. ANd like so kiasu need so many pple at there.. Then I only help those display models to wear their bottoms then go off to my shop. Bec Karen came that one and stomach ache. SO become elaine and agnes open shop and karen was resting in the shop then AH seng asked me to go back.SO i Am so happy bec finally can go back to my own shop .. HAha.. But feel that it was quite lame . Go there less than an hour then go back to my shop.. haha.. THen karen go home after that and I thought that she fainted bec we all called her then she like never wake up but luckily she did or else must call ambulance.hahaha...ANd Jo from MSQ relief afternoon shift today..
But hope that karen is fine now..
Today James tan came to our shop and I dun noe is him bec I never see him before ma.. Then elaine suddenly shout to us that dun talk to Jo got customer .. SO we faster shoo.. Then elaine told me boss is coming.. Then I asked who..? THen elaine suddenly attend to a customer and that was james tan but I thought it was only a customer.. Then he even bought one cola cola tee from us lor..SO did not expect him he is the boss.. Until he talked to elaine about the display things then I suspect he is the boss.. Then after he go I ask elaine who is he? Then she say is james tan the 2nd boss.. Then I know.. And she say me and JO still talking to each other. But he never scold so think he is really a nice guy..=)
O ya.. Yesterday recieve my resuts by sms at 456 am.. dots lor..
My GPA: 2.554
Drawering and Rendering(CM):B
REALly not so good which means I get my result as C+..sigh... NVM.. I WILL WORK HARD NEXT SEMSTER!!! =)
SO happy tmr is my off day .. A.. SHould be today right bec is after 12am.. TMR I can watch finish my hua yang shao nian shao nu..hahaha....
words spilled @ 12:52 AM /
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Heard from ferlyn that SHE WAN TO come down to TPY to find them. Ferlyn so like nervous asked me "HOW"?Then I keep on laughing bec I AM SO LUCKY BEC I WORKED 1/2 MORNING.. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA... THen I like fu yan ferlyn said is ok de la her....But she still nervous .. haha.. Then I asked how did HE feel but he is like ok lei.. MAYBE HE LIKE ACT ONLY..
Then after their work, I called ferlyn and asked about SHE came then how? She said she came abt like 15 mins then HE like go out to laze probaly dun wan to see her. Then she got ask ferlyn about the gathering asked when we came out.. Then we said maybe after her birthday liao bec we got work ma and quite busy to CS. Then SHE said the we celebrate BELATED BIRTHDAY FOR HER? Then dunnoe la.. she say must find a day when we all free then go out together. AND SHE got ask ferlyn did HE know that SHE came back liao and HE know lor. THen he got any reaction ? FERLYN SAID GO ASK AH SENg .. haha.. LUckily SHE never talk anything much.. haha.. WAS wondering she got look at the schedule or not ? If got will she see me a off day at thurs... ARGH.. DUN WAN.. I WAN STAY AT HOME AT THURS>>>.. NOxxxxxx Seemed that SHE got missed called everyone except me ba.. SO LUCKY OF ME!! haha.. But Really dun noe what to do lei... sigh...
ANd ah seng siad tmr go PS at 9am to help their crazy sales set up. JENNIFER IS THERE ALSO!!! ARGHhh.. Everytime always me bec I like the only one who can carry the cartons lor.. ARGhhhh.. Then after that still have to back to shop lor.. WOrking full shift tmr lei.. VEry sian go there!!! Like to stay in my own shop rather than go into a new and strange environment that I dun like. =(
Ferlyn, Hui JUan , yiyong and AH Seng at NOrthpoint there helping their convertion to regular shop now..
words spilled @ 11:33 PM /
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Monday, September 17, 2007
Today I saw roselina at tpy.. she was walking past our shop and I saw her and faster dash towards her to cll her. SO surprised to see her =). haha.. Mucks to her***Miss my SID 0702 too... ***
Hmm.. Today actually plan to go eat dinner to farewell Ah boy into army after their closing and I will meet them bec I work morning shift at least can go home. But Elaine msg me just now said no need to eat liao bec Ah boy went into army today... DOS LOR.. Maybe another time lor.. But also good bec I can stay at home to watch my hua yang shao nian shao nu.. haha.. NICE SHOW LEI.. CAn watch my handsome guy.. haha..
ANd she msg to us said she is back today and asked us to go K box tmr. I told her that I tmr have something on thats y I reques 1/2 morning.I really dunnoe how to face her and what to talk to her. Others may not want to go bec they are working and also dont want to go also. sigh.. DUnnoe what she want la.. Heard from oyoki that she lied to her frends that she camt to singapore to study.. Dunnoe what she did that for. And she luo luo make friends on the friendster. AH seng said road is she decided to walk.. we cant do any much.. which is quite true lor. ANd I think this time she is coming back to SG to find a job in SG and also live here. I still think she in malaysia is better.. sigh.. Dunnoe what will happen next???
words spilled @ 9:00 PM /
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ok.. I watch the hua yang shao nian shao nu halfway liao. STill a long way to go.. Then always wantef to see near the ending part when they say rui xi wanted to leave but I tolerate.. keep on watching..but dunnoe will have the part 2 or not? haha.. maybe will have the continue part ba and it say rui xi de girl identify is being exposed. Then just now on the internet looking for huan yang shao nian shao nu things then saw 愛上公主小妹 show preview. and 吳尊 is so handsome .. aRRGGHH.. I want to buy the 愛上公主小妹vcd but tawian haven show yet lei.. ARghh.. so excited... =)
words spilled @ 1:52 AM /
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
Ok... I admit I am quite lazy recently but just only this week bec I am so tired this week ok.. I work 50 plus hrs lei.. Today I sleep until nearly 2pm then woke up. And I can continue sleep but just only that my neighbour children too nosiy so no choice have to wake up. Yesterday sleep at 3 plus am. ReaLLY VERY TIRED LEI!!LUckily today is off day.. haha
Ok.. But actually no thing to update lei. Just only working and working. O ya.. I now watching the hua yang shao nian shao nu. Very funny show.. haha.. Admit a little bit slow la.
Lets talk about friday. Had my class gathering. ONLY 9 pple turned up.. Quite disappointed bec we thought will be lot sia.. But...sigh..We went to causeway point de pizza hut to eat. We actually plan to eat seoul garden but it was closed. We wanted saki sushi but is like a bit too exp. and also somemore we say we can eat those meat and give those rice and seaweed to karen eat bec she is vegetarian.I only eat one plate of crayfish pasta which is so exp. Think is really not worth the price lor. And the class gathering was only for 2hrs. a bit lame. haha. The topic we keep on talking was them. Jia yan said the ending also quite good. Really admit but really feel a bit pity for them.sigh.. dunnoe where to go after eating and then karen suddenly said:只要在一起,去哪里都无所谓!" We were laughing like hell.. haha.. Then we decided to split our ways eventually. ANd we Then went to 6 to close for work. working at tpy CS is really tired. And somemore is so cramped there lor. Dunnoe y this crazy sales I feel so angry . The customers was like wao lao. Then I will be black face. Is so messy lor. And when u tidy this place they will like keep on asking you que and will dao luo.Dunnoe y feel so hot tempered la..
Then yesterday me and ferlyn got task.. During break time we went to look for huijuan shoes that ah seng asked me to help him buy.We look for a very long time. And i was late for 10mins. so sorry sia. But huijuan said she like it bec she said she keep on looking for this type of shoes very long liao. So =) when a person recieve your present and said she like it. The feeling is .. =). But we earned $2. Bec the shoe is $18 and ah seng give us $20 bec we said we need extra charges for service fees. haha.. WE ARE SO CLEVER. O ya.. want to said we meet a very strange thing when we were in the shoe shop. See below..haha..aND in the shop when we were about to leave.. Ferlyn went to change clothes and she put her bag at the ladies polo near the counter there. And we all already ready then all of us waiting for her. THen i was msg someone then ah seng suddenly said what is this .. I looked .. OMG!!! ferlyn 4get to put the bra that she gave agnes inside e bag and she left it at the ladies polo there beside her bag. She 4get to put inside when she take her clothes out ba. Then I faster put inside her bag and tel ah seng is to give agnes e present . Then ah seng .. huh? agnes de is so small?? OMG?/ I was like so embarrassed.. dunnoe y? But ah seng expression when he got a shcok was so funny.. haha.. I was laughing sia.. ANd thanks ferlyn for treating me the macflurry orea n the apple pie..=)
Below are some photos and steal those class gathering photos from yiyin blog..haha..




ME and KAREn..


See how big the shoe is .. IS giant shoe sia..
words spilled @ 5:50 PM /
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Ok.. was damn tired these 3 days.. Mon we planning to convert to CS but they last min say convert to regular shop.. and I was sleeping in the storeroom for 2 hrs after coming back from the warehouse at 2 plus. Then 7 plus sign in. Then we all do finish those things until 2 plus am. Then the next day they all say convert to CS! I WAS.. WAT E?? They all like made a fool of us. TAKE THOSE stock in and out very fun is it? They all hor.. CAnt think lei. But we ended quite fast. Finished at 12 plus . I even went home to sleep for 1 hr bec Ah seng so sgood let me worked 1/2 morning and then went back to shop at 8pm. Yesterday worked full shift again. ANd i was like want to die.. SO TIRED LEI so more is CS lor. ANd ah seng was quite pei cey yesterday. 103 cartons of stock arrive and he opened those stock until want to vomit.. haha.. Xing gu him le. Yesterday finished work at 1130 pm. Took cab with ah seng and karen. ANd karen was damn funny . She say stock out those stock to PS means go to PS and carry those cartons of stock to them. ANd I was laughing like hell when I heard it. haha.. sorry la.. really no offence. But is funny lor.. haha..Luckily today worked 1/2 morning and I nought a new pair of working shoes bec that uncle make spoil my shoe lor. And then they said kasper ,jennifer,mindy and lilian are coming down to shop. and everyone was like so scared lor.. so hardworking everyone today.,.haha . But luckily i worked 1/2 morning.. haha.. And was planning to go home and sleep but nv keep on playing the com .. haha
Feel like watching show concert lei. But really very exp.. thinking in process...
Know that she will be back on 18th.. Really dun noe wat to do.. sian and a BIG sigh.. what to Do? CAN ANYONE TELL ME????

DONT BE JEALOUS!!! Bec i also nv saw him.. haha.. also not interested anyway.. bec juan happened to worked that night and huan jun xiong happen to walk past our shop. and heard that he was quite friendly..
Saw this.. it happened yesterday . Ferlyn did this at thailand. really not suit her lor. even though most of them say is nice. DONT SUIT FERLYN CHARACTER!! haha.. but she so guai.. took off those strings liao...
words spilled @ 8:50 PM /
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Monday, September 10, 2007
TIRED TODAY!! worked full shift today. N my shop blog had the 1st customer which is jia yan. I sold her the memory stick adaptar for $25. WOrking full shift tmr and tmr morning have to go to warehouse. Meeting ah seng at 830am. Means 7am have to wake up and what am I DOING HERE.. scared tnmr cant wake up lei.then tmr is also convertion means have to stay until very late. sian,,,..
MOn- full shift
tue-morning shift
wed-full shift
thurs-1/2 m
sat-afternoon shft
sun-off DAY!!
See all almost my shift is morning means have to wake up early. Prefer afternoon shift.. can sleep late. =) A TIRED SCHEDULE FOR ME . But no choice bec I need $$$$ and somemore is crazy sales lor..
Ok.. need to sleep . CAnt be late tmr lei!!!
words spilled @ 1:07 AM /
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Saturday, September 08, 2007
The final results is out for EV. MAria group came up 1st and sujun group came up 2nd.The laselle came up third. ELaine group did not get into the top 3 and was quite sad. But they already done their best and somemore IT WAS A GREAT IMPROVEMENT FROM MOCK UP LOR. ALREADY VERY GOOD!!!! U are already very good in our hearts even though elaine group did not get into the top 3.!! YA!! =)
But maria and sujun they all need to give a treat bec they won..!!=)hahaha.. REALLY FEEL HAPPY FOR THEM !!! ANd rosaline was like cheering and shouting:" You guys good!!" Then i like hope to dont know her .. SO EMBARRASSED LOR.. DOTS... haha.. But she really feel proud of them ma..
SID 0702 U ALL R THE BEST!!! =)
Tmr working full shift and next week mon and wed also. sian and somemore crazy sales at TPY! CRAZY SALES AT TPY Is tired lor. And somemore mon have to go warehouse to do their sales setup. BUT I hope is huijuan go lei. DOnt like to go ware house. MAybe there will have a miracle for me????
words spilled @ 9:36 PM /
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Friday, September 07, 2007
Today went to bugis to join su jun and peizhen .. Treat them eat mango ice lor!! C I so good.. hAHA.. ANd It WAS A MIRACLE THAT PEI ZHEN BOUGHT THE MOST THINGS LOR! SHe bought a skinny jeans at $25,$10 tees,2 $5 tees. sujun bought a $16 blue cardian(but she realised she cant wear and she is hopping mad),$12 black shirt. Me bought a $5 watch and $15 black shirt.hahaa.. Everyone had bought something!! YEAH!!
ANd also want to see their dollhouse at bugis junction. ALL IS DAMN NICE LOR!! ESPECIALLY NYP ONE REALLY IMPROVED ALOT FROM THEIR MOCK UP.. SUPPORT NYP BY SMS . I help them to advertise to my fren . C I so GOOD!! haha.. Going to see their finals tmr. SU jun is representing their group so JIA YOU****!!! And also karen fam and maria too**!!! GOOD LUCK AND BEST WISHES TO THEM!!!

elaine,mingying,karen fam,gisiang group...

maria,phoebe,fathing group...

Pei zhen,sujun,christ group...
The others group which are either raffles design instutide and lasal(dont know to spell)
words spilled @ 10:41 PM /
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Thursday, September 06, 2007
Today at work at 11 plus, ah seng told me to go marina square to take stock bec the STUPID AGNES DONT KNWO HOW TO GO THERE. ANd the stock was 4 bags of heavy clothes!! IT WAS DAMN HEAVY LOR! IT IS LIKE MORE THAN 2 KG OF RICE I CARRY IN THE PAST WHEN MY GRANDPA ASKED ME TO GO DOWN STAIRS TO BUY 2 kg of rice. ANd I HAD to take those heavy clothes walked all the way from marina square to MRT station and had to walk through the city link mall with so many people staring at me. And when I was in The mrt , the bag fall and clothes drop out of the bag. And this office lady and the student was staring at me pick up the clothes for 30 sec then help me to pick up the clothes.WAT E??? ANyway, they at least help me to pick up the clothes. ANd when I reached Tpy got this po po suddenly came up to me when I was about to get up from my seat and asked me:" NEED my help?"
I say no thanks. Bec is po po lei . SO old and weak.. DONT WANT LA!! LAter anything happen to her or wat.. I was thinking nowadays SINGAPOREAN IS LIKE THAT LOR> NEVER LEND A HELPING HAND> COULD ONLY SAID teenagers,adults cant be compared to those ELDERS LOR! sigh.. SINGAPOREAN HOR!!!!
But luckily is not agnes go or else she cant take lor. The in charge ask me want to take carton instead of those carriers. Luckily I say no. Or else I carry one box in the mrt even more worse!!!!! ANd I never take taxi back bec I dont to take the taxi at where.. haha....
words spilled @ 10:26 PM /
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Ok.. firstly .. when we opened the shop moved all the things out then karen was inside putting the signal back then suddenly a cat jumped in and then it brushed by karen's leg and she was screaming and jumping!! Then we saw the cat faster run away and run towards storeroom. Then karen was so scared and elaine a bit scared of cat then she asked me go inside and look for the cat . But I also a bit scared that the cat will jump towards me. haha.. Then she asked the coffeeshop uncle to help to look for the cat inside the storeroom. Despit that we keep on moving things and I keep on using broom to knock those boxes and those things so that the cat will run out. and I even heard miao miao sound 2 times lor. Then I suggested should buy a can of tuna and lured the cat out. HAhaha.. Then elaine asked the zeng zhong ping uncle to help also. And the cat came out and it was hiding behing the box which the hole was so small.??? UNBELIVABLE!!!
Then after that we thought the mattle was settled. Then I went to serve the crew neck customer . Then when I was folding the crew neck, I smelled something smelly like shit and I thought maybe it was on the floor or what . But I realised when I fold the crew neck the smell was coming from the crew neck . And I was serving customer so can expect me to find the smell origin place. SO then I help the customer to find the size and my hand SUDDENLY TOUCHED SOMETHING WHICH IS STICKY AND WET. aND I REALISED IT WAS SHIT!! i FASTER tell elaine.ANd then elaine cleaned up the shit and we throw away the dirty crew neck( not throw lor.. bec elaine have to buy it) . Then remove those plastic bags of crew neck. And you know what. Then shit inside have one prawn shell lor. DIGUSTING!!! AND U KNOW THE FEELiNG OF TOUCHING THE SHIT!!!?? IT IS DAMN.. YUCKS!!!
Then everyone went to buy our 4D for out shop door no. SO MANY THINGS HAPPENED AND SAID cat will bring luck. And b4 I went home at night our sales is top lor.. hahaha... LETS SEE WILL WE WIN THE 4D????
words spilled @ 9:10 PM /
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Today after work, went to eat supper wif elaine and winne. Then eat until so many lor ME!! I eat 2 roti prata and indian rojak. ANd somemore my lunch I ate duck rice plus rice, old chang kee and macflurry ice cream, OMG!! I AM GETTING FAT AFTER GOING TO TPY LIAO!! DIE DIE LIAO!! SO MANY THINGS TO EAT!! ARGGGGGG!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~
Then at the coffeshop saw shuyun and her dear dear eating ba .. maybe.. Then somore my beside table is zhan hui.. NV call him bec he is with his fren. Then I was thinking : wow, did zhan hui saw shuyun or not?? " HHHMMMM... hahaha.. Nvm is ok lor..
O ya.. need to do my things befoe I sleep. WIsh Ferlyn safe and careful on her trip to thailand!! =) My mum is sick and wish her recover soon!!! =)** BEST TO ALL!! =)
DOES this look like ah seng bec their stomach is so big and ah seng too.. He need to see a fu chang kei.. hahaha.. HIS STOMACH IS REALLY GETTING BIG !!!
words spilled @ 1:38 AM /
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Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Firstly.. really suggest u should edit ur shortcut msg in ur friendster bec it is very obvious and if she go and read she will know lei.. u write wat delete all!! OMG!! Even i so stupid person also know who u refer.. MUS REALLY EDIT AWAY!!! And I went to read ur blog.. know u and hadi.. REally must said really very romantic sia.. But let the future decide.. Bec I can really feel that he is really a good guy. But if u in the future really had no feelings towards him then just tell him. Maybe he will said I will woo u back? Dun noe la.. But see in the future how 1st. May be u will still like him or maybe u found a right person? It IS GOOD TO BE LOVED!@ FERLYN! BEING LOVED IS BETTER THAN LOVE A PERSON.
Today meet fify in the mrt while going to work.. Talk abt the EV competition things and heard that maria group is nice. Going on fri and sat to support them ..haha.. OF COURSE LEI> IS SID 0702 lor.. MUST BE NICE LOR!!
Ok then actually nothing to say abt 2day. KARen join us in 2day and cuiting nv come TPy relief this week liao, she go NP relief. AND MY CHEESE WAFFLE, FERLYN??? GGGRRR!! ANd as usually yiyong teased me again.. I so ke lian and so mad whenever do closing with yiyong and ah seng. =( ANd o ya.. we talked about how ah boy ask ferlyn that que.. I think is so pevert of him and still have the face again to ask 2nd time. Then ah seng suddenly said yiyong even more pevert bec he say " me very big" wao lao.. I was like .. OMG!! THen i said u all so pevert lei!!!! GGGGGRRRRR! I say I miss elaine,ferlyn,karen,agnes and huijuan.. Bec I want to work with themm.. work with guys..ARRGGGHHHH!! cant stand them lei the uncle. then reached home at 12 then just in time to watch my xiao hua xiao cao the repeat show. O ya.. Wanted to said actually we can choose to split which means go bk to NP but ah seng confirm stay at TPY> Then others liek can choose to go bakc. But in the end maybe every one wan to go back to NP but hope to go back as a team. SO we choose to stay at TPY as a team. Like this team a lot and like to work in this team very well. haha.. iF wan 2 go abck then go back as a team . If not then dun go back. And we can continue eat the chicken rice and the dumpling soup there.. haha.. AND THE WAFFLE!!! =)
Ok.. need to go off.. wake up early tmr to go Np buy my aunt cola colar shirt and thgen go PS take signal and then go to work..
words spilled @ 1:20 AM /
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Monday, September 03, 2007
saw this in shuyun blog.. quite interesting..
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Shujun!
- Shujun can not regurgitate.
- Shujun can usually be found in nests built in the webs of large spiders.
- Shujun is worth her weight in gold - literally.
- Shujun has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
- The porpoise is second to shujun as the most intelligent animal on the planet.
- Louisa May Alcott, author of 'Little Shujun', hated shujun and only wrote the book at her publisher's request.
- Shujun can give birth ten days after being born, and is born pregnant.
- If you drop shujun from more than three metres above ground level, she will always land feet-first.
- There are roughly 10,000 man-made objects the size of shujun orbiting the Earth!
- On average, women blink nearly twice as much as shujun!
Then after that try to help my baleno collegues to do their 10 top trivala tips about them... hahaha
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Ah seng!
- You would have to dig through four thousand kilometres of ah seng to reach the earth's core.
- Ah seng was banned from Finland because of not wearing pants.
- Ah seng can sleep with one eye open.
- There are more than two hundred different kinds of ah seng!
- In Vermont, the ratio of cows to ah seng is 10:1.
- Ah seng can't sweat.
- Ah seng will become gaseous if his temperature rises above -42°C!
- It takes 17 muscles to smile, and 43 to frown at ah seng!
- Ah seng will often glow under UV light.
- In Eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from ah seng!
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Elaine!
- The first domain name ever registered was elaine.com!
- In the Spanish edition of Cluedo, elaine is the victim!
- It is impossible to fold elaine more than seven times.
- All gondolas in Venice must be painted black unless they belong to elaine.
- It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same elaine.
- The horns of elaine are made entirely from hair.
- A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but elaine can not.
- The National Heart Foundation recommends eating elaine at least three times a week!
- Elaine can only be destroyed by intense heat, and is impermeable even to acid.
- The canonical hours of the Christian church are matins, lauds, prime, terce, sext, none, elaine and compline.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Huijuan!
- Huijuan became extinct in England in 1486.
- Medieval knights put the skin of huijuan on their sword handles to improve the grip.
- The pupil of an octopus's eye is shaped like huijuan.
- Europe is the only continent that lacks huijuan!
- Ostriches stick their heads in huijuan not to hide but to look for water.
- Influenza got its name because people believed the disease was caused by the evil "influence" of huijuan!
- Tradition allows women to propose to huijuan only during leap years.
- Huijuan, from the movie of the same name, had green blood!
- Two grams of huijuan provide enough energy to power a television for over twenty-three hours!
- More than one million stray dogs and half a million stray cats live in huijuan.
AH BOY( o ya.. it was ah boy last day 2day):
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Yong jian!
- Yong jian has three eyelids!
- Yong jian can't sweat.
- The risk of being struck by yong jian is one occurence every 9,300 years.
- Ostriches stick their heads in yong jian not to hide but to look for water.
- Four-fifths of the surface of yong jian is covered in water!
- The first American zoo was built in 1794, and contained only yong jian.
- Native Americans never actually ate yong jian; killing such a timid prey was thought to indicate laziness.
- India tested its first nuclear yong jian in 1974.
- Olive oil was used for washing yong jian in the ancient Mediterranean world.
- Yong jian is 984 feet tall.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Yiyong!
- Yiyong is picked, sorted and packed entirely in the field.
- Yiyong has little need for water and is capable of going for months without drinking at all.
- California is the biggest exporter of yiyong in the world.
- Snow White's coffin was made of yiyong.
- Ancient Chinese artists would never paint pictures of yiyong.
- Every day in the UK, four people die putting yiyong on.
- Antarctica is the only continent without yiyong!
- Czar Paul I banished yiyong to Siberia for marching out of step.
- An average beaver can cut down yiyong every year.
- There are now more than 4000 satellites orbiting yiyong!
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Agnes!
- Agnes was banned from Finland because of not wearing pants!
- Tradition allows women to propose to agnes only during leap years.
- Agnes can smell some things up to six miles away.
- Agnes can usually be found in nests built in the webs of large spiders.
- All shrimp are born as agnes, but gradually mature into females.
- Agnes can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period!
- The number one cause of blindness in the United States is agnes!
- The first toy product ever advertised on television was Mr Agnes Head.
- The average duration of sexual intercourse for agnes is two minutes.
- Agnes can jump up to sixteen times her own height.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Ferlyn!
- Only fifty-five percent of men wash their hands after using ferlyn!
- Bees visit over three million flowers to make a single kilogram of ferlyn.
- Ferlyn can't sweat.
- Ferlyn was named after Ferlyn the taxi driver in Frank Capra's 'It's a Wonderful Life'!
- Every day in the UK, four people die putting ferlyn on!
- It's bad luck to whistle near ferlyn!
- It takes a lobster approximately 7 years to grow to be ferlyn.
- Two thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in ferlyn.
- The pigment Indian Yellow was manufactured from the urine of cows fed only on ferlyn.
- Tradition allows women to propose to ferlyn only during leap years.
Ten Top Trivia Tips about Karen!
- In the Great Seal of the United States the eagle grasps 13 arrows and karen.
- Never store karen at room temperature.
- Two thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in karen.
- Fifty-two percent of Americans drink karen.
- The first domain name ever registered was karen.com.
- Karen is actually a mammal, not a fish.
- Karen can give birth ten days after being born, and is born pregnant!
- Every day in the UK, four people die putting karen on.
- White chocolate isn't technically chocolate, because it doesn't contain karen.
- Karen will always turn right when leaving a cave.
words spilled @ 1:26 AM /
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Sunday, September 02, 2007
OMG!! Really feel that my predictions will cum true lor!! I am shu jUn!! haha.. Really feel that .. Trust me.. had a very really strong feeling!! =)Plus TODAY EVEN MORE CONFIRM!! HAHAA... Agnes wan to bet with me or not?? haha..
Talked to ferlyn just now and realised a lot of things.. she is really changing.. Changed until no one know her which ferlyn said is right. We dont know what she is doing and wat she really wants. Changed until we are scared and even some one hate her. WHy is that so? Ask herself. Once a person changed it is hard for her to be the old herself again. Once a person changed, she have to bear the consquences. Once a person changed, everything will be in a mess. ANd we know that she is not herself .. bec EVERYTHING HAD CHANGED! ferlyn asked a good que : should we trust her? Everything she said and done is different.My answer will be not always trust her always. Ferlyn, once a person changed she can do anythings to everyone even hurt him. Even though we think that she will finally know what to do after those many things that happened to her but it did not. She did those things that is totalloy oit of mind and wats the reason behind and she gave a stupid reason. This showed that she is still not awake. She even wanted to tell others that feng is hers. so wat? By doing these you could hurt some of his friends and even dui her had some not nice the feelings. Feng is not totally hers. Feng still have his friends. I really dun noe what to say. Feeling that she still have a save but now I feel that she really cant be save. I know that what I sound now could be a bit cruel to her. But dun forget it is she is still NOT AWAKE YET! What I thought and hoped that she will learn how to stand out from all these sad incidents. And continue to live on strongly and remember feng 4ever but not totally take control of him. Have a new life and maybe her character will change to good. If have, find a really new love and treat it seriously. Dun say you dun wan to find. If have how? WHAT I CAN ONLY SAY IF SHE IS AWAKE IS BETTER BUT IS NOT!!!I dun wan to see her that day bec I dun want to see a NOT TOTALLY AWAKE HER!!
words spilled @ 11:18 PM /
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FINALLY WATCH FINISH HUAN HUAN AI!!!OMG! Cry so many times specially the family ties part and the part when the guy hurt jia di... Cry And cry .. haha. But feel that got so part boring sia and wanted to agree that huan huan ai is like not so nice compared to er mo zai shen bian. Bec last few esp like u know what will happen and can somemore predict the ending.. watch these type of shows too much liao. But I feel that those part that they together liao then like not so interesting. Prefer the story line changed a bit. AT least dun so fast together until the end ma.. Then is interesting!! HAHAHa..
O ya.. recieved the news from them that it seem that we will stay at TPY!! OMG!! By right is we tmr go back lor. But AH seng said that maybe will have to wait for the DM meeting to see how 1st and I though may be like just stay for a while. But later ferlyn said that ah seng will stay at TPY but i think we can choose la. But I think we will stil stay as whole team. aiyah. SHould not let the sales so good lor. ANd karen wil be joining us . 5 part timers and 1 full timer..( ah boy next wed last day). sian. I want to go back NP. I miss the auntie over there and ferlyn miss the M1 there. ANd somemore NP no need so early sign in lor which is 930 am. sian.. Like morning shift at NP but like the afternoon shift at TPY! haha.. I WANT GO BACK NP!!!=(
words spilled @ 5:41 PM /
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