Sunday, September 16, 2007
Ok... I admit I am quite lazy recently but just only this week bec I am so tired this week ok.. I work 50 plus hrs lei.. Today I sleep until nearly 2pm then woke up. And I can continue sleep but just only that my neighbour children too nosiy so no choice have to wake up. Yesterday sleep at 3 plus am. ReaLLY VERY TIRED LEI!!LUckily today is off day.. haha
Ok.. But actually no thing to update lei. Just only working and working. O ya.. I now watching the hua yang shao nian shao nu. Very funny show.. haha.. Admit a little bit slow la.
Lets talk about friday. Had my class gathering. ONLY 9 pple turned up.. Quite disappointed bec we thought will be lot sia.. But...sigh..We went to causeway point de pizza hut to eat. We actually plan to eat seoul garden but it was closed. We wanted saki sushi but is like a bit too exp. and also somemore we say we can eat those meat and give those rice and seaweed to karen eat bec she is vegetarian.I only eat one plate of crayfish pasta which is so exp. Think is really not worth the price lor. And the class gathering was only for 2hrs. a bit lame. haha. The topic we keep on talking was them. Jia yan said the ending also quite good. Really admit but really feel a bit pity for them.sigh.. dunnoe where to go after eating and then karen suddenly said:只要在一起,去哪里都无所谓!" We were laughing like hell.. haha.. Then we decided to split our ways eventually. ANd we Then went to 6 to close for work. working at tpy CS is really tired. And somemore is so cramped there lor. Dunnoe y this crazy sales I feel so angry . The customers was like wao lao. Then I will be black face. Is so messy lor. And when u tidy this place they will like keep on asking you que and will dao luo.Dunnoe y feel so hot tempered la..
Then yesterday me and ferlyn got task.. During break time we went to look for huijuan shoes that ah seng asked me to help him buy.We look for a very long time. And i was late for 10mins. so sorry sia. But huijuan said she like it bec she said she keep on looking for this type of shoes very long liao. So =) when a person recieve your present and said she like it. The feeling is .. =). But we earned $2. Bec the shoe is $18 and ah seng give us $20 bec we said we need extra charges for service fees. haha.. WE ARE SO CLEVER. O ya.. want to said we meet a very strange thing when we were in the shoe shop. See below..haha..aND in the shop when we were about to leave.. Ferlyn went to change clothes and she put her bag at the ladies polo near the counter there. And we all already ready then all of us waiting for her. THen i was msg someone then ah seng suddenly said what is this .. I looked .. OMG!!! ferlyn 4get to put the bra that she gave agnes inside e bag and she left it at the ladies polo there beside her bag. She 4get to put inside when she take her clothes out ba. Then I faster put inside her bag and tel ah seng is to give agnes e present . Then ah seng .. huh? agnes de is so small?? OMG?/ I was like so embarrassed.. dunnoe y? But ah seng expression when he got a shcok was so funny.. haha.. I was laughing sia.. ANd thanks ferlyn for treating me the macflurry orea n the apple pie..=)
Below are some photos and steal those class gathering photos from yiyin blog..haha..




ME and KAREn..


See how big the shoe is .. IS giant shoe sia..
words spilled @ 5:50 PM /
here ⋄