Wednesday, November 28, 2007
OMG!!! Broke the record again.. The whole night never sleep .. Never even sleep for 1 min lor.. Jus to do sunny model.. I like taking my own sweet time to do sia bec I know I cant sleep... Drank 2 cups of coffee the whole night and my urine damn a lot..haha.. Then got sometimes really cant tahan .. Cut the car shape out also cut until dunnoe where and like got 2 images..haha.. Then feel like go to sleep but cant lor. Zalina lor! Say today hand in sunny model.. OMG! Recieve this news when going to work .. SO have to do after work. Then yesterday convertion was actually to new seasons arrival . And i thought it was Crazy sales. SCared me. ANd this new seasons print tee quite nice li and some of the cutting is big lor. Then caught some tees attention.. want to buy..haha.. Everyone is very tired at work. They all sleep for a few hours lor. Then I say I also very tired too. SLeep until 2pm.. HAha.. Except shuting lor. Like so energtic sia. She even today go and help out at N.P. Wao lao.. She is like a battery sia. Full of energy.. I think I am getting old liao..sigh...
ANd my mum woke up this morning to get to work and before she work I managed to make a cup of coffee and add some sugar . Bec when really cant tahan I have to drink coffee. Then I wait for it to cool. Then when I go and try. OMG!!!! It was damn salty!! Then my face expression changed and my mum asked wat happened? I ask her go and try and she was like YUCKS! SHe ask me I add salt is it? But I rem i add sugar ma. Then she say i take from when. I say from the red container .. She say that is salt then I realised that the red container is the salt which she put in water to soak her feet and the big container is the sugar one.,Haha.. I was laughing sia. Then that means I had a taste of the salt that my mum used to soak hetr feet..OMG!!haha.. Too tired and blur at that time.
Finish 3/4 sunny model at 8am. Then went to take a bath and after the bath I am here blogging. Think later after school will sleep one. Haha.. Then lesson today starts at 11 am. SO got free time.For the 1/4 sunny model will go to school do .. SHe say can do in class ma.. haha..surprisly I am feeling energtic instead of tired. The coffee is still in my stomach sia..haha...
O ya, yesterday had a good ask with ah seng regarding the matter and he gave his views. What he say is right la. Maybe I am trying to finding a reason for myself to jump out from the round that is tieing me up. Then had a good talk with ferlyn and agnes too. After lots of thinkings of what they all say...Maybe me and agnes will continue .. Then we all are confused ..keep on dunnoe what to do.. But my mum told me to take the course that I want after this poly thing . Bec this course hav a lot of benefits lei. So more can earn more $$ by taking this course. But lets see how 1st.. Let the nature take its own course......
words spilled @ 8:33 AM /
here ⋄
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
YEsterday went for convertion and work until nearly 3 am and reach home at 3 plus and sleep at 4 plus.. So tired... sms to su jun that I never go school bec too tired liao and today e lesson not so important and can sleep late ma. So skip lesson again..oops.. haha.. Then yesterday work until my slipper broken and faster went to buy a pair of slippers before the shop close.
Today wake up at 145pm.. SO LATE RIGHT? Then wake up to have lunch.. My hand and the knee joint are in pain.. I think my old injury came back after yesterday conversion. Think have to go and see doctor this sunday liao. Ok then went to do mr ng drawing. PLan to do sunny model but no sand paper so cant do. CANt draw finish mr ng drawings bec later have to work 6 to close sia..sian .. NO school but have work... still TIRED even after a long sleep....
words spilled @ 3:01 PM /
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Monday, November 26, 2007
WAT E HELL MAN? SAw ah seng msg after school .. MSg me at 2 plus but saw at 4 plus.. Have to go back for conversion...sian la.. Mus reach at 8 or 9pm. WAT e heck ?? So sudden..aiyah everytime always like that. But nvm.. LUCKILy sunny is away for 2 weeks so his hmwk will be postpone to 2 weeks later and so happy otherwise we will be chio for his hmwk without sleep tonight... haha.. But later must go to my aunt house eat dinner 1st b4 going back to shop.
Then today we present our kisok.. mid critque and i say lighting as lightning..OMG!! so embarassed.. so sorry to my group.. SORRY TO THEM!!! SORRY SORRy for any mistakes I made...=(
words spilled @ 5:25 PM /
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Today ferlyn is on mc and ok la. Because in the morning got 5 ppl but wifout ferlyn will be 4.SO ferlyn dun worry. there is enough manpower in tpy..haha... too much pple liao. And dun noe what to update ? very tired and i have to do my homwork..liao.. sigh...
words spilled @ 9:09 PM /
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Friday, November 23, 2007
Today went to school with a big box of 40 cm by 40cm and height of 20 cm just to put my fragile model inside. then realised is a bit kuai zhang to put a small model in a big box ... haha.. I am so kiasu like that. Then got a lot of pple keep on looking inside the box want to see whats inside like that. Then just went out early to take the new mrt where there is no pple at 8.26 am. So that no need to squeeze with so many pple and worry for my model. Then present was ok and then have CS lesson after lunch time. sian.. having CS for 3 days.., haha.. MAke up lessons ma.. Then after that Is colour studies and colour a room using colour pencils. DId not manage to finish due to lack of time ...NVm..haha
Then went home after school and the rest went orchard. I dun wan go with a big box and my shorts get stained.. Then this stupid phoebe keep on destroy my model even though they say can already dismantle because already present liao ma. bUT I dun wan.. Dun bear to do it and this stupid phoebe keep on disturbing me.. GGGGGrrrr... Making me so sad and mad!!!!Then on the way to home, there is this little brother and his sis sitting down with their dog. Then suddenly the little boy walk over and asked me whats inside. I showed him and tell him nothing. haha..SO funny. Even we was standing at the lor mee stall today. The auntie even called me and said:" xiao mei.. come I see whats inside?"..haha.. Singaporeans are really so KPO and they alls ure think is pet inside..haha.,.See sinagporeans are so easy to fool..haha..
Now I am still thinking.. Not yet confirm.. Should I stay or not???
words spilled @ 11:38 PM /
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
No time to blog much.. time is running out for me.. Later have to burn midnight oil. Recently keep on rushing for homework again.
With my mum agree, I decided to get off with my choice. Even thought will have some people understand me, I will get hurt bec they all understand how I feel. I dun like to do things I dun like. IS not a stupid or a some last minute decision done by me. I think for a long time ago. I know what I want... Dunnoe why they all will say me and I will cry bec they all cant understand me and just make some stupid assumptions. But I wil still go on with the choice I made. Bec I know I will not regret later. Trust me I know what I want...
But sometimes I really feel lost in this world. Just cant understand this world.. Why I am In this confused and complicated world????///
words spilled @ 11:47 PM /
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Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Today is our ppt presentation. Is me and jun tao present lor. Then jun tao so very funny lor.. Today we sit in groups in order to mark other groups then he listern to other groups like so serious lor. He say wat when present cant laugh la and must have eye contact with the audience and then he even say abt their topic wat wat... Like a teacher sia..So serious jun tao.haha...Then he present like so funny lor.. Present until like teacher . Then so few slides still can say so many sia.. Then sunny and gary expression like serious then they all like no expression when the audience laugh.. Then will get stress when u the teacher like they all tell u that u are not presenting good at all.. STRESS LA!!! Then teachers said we all talk very less need more details.. so need to be improve. But no choice . Last min is like that one..haha..Then feel that our ppt not good la.. But is over so jus finally let off one burden so is the rest to get stress..haha.. IS OVER!!! FINALLY OVER!!!!
Today is huifen birthday. Wish her happy birthday.. WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY>> WIll get her a birthday present later..haha and also own lots of pple birthday present.. so sorry to them...
O ya,., want to buy 斗牛要不要 vcd..A tawian show cast by Hebe and he jun xiang...haha=)
words spilled @ 8:36 PM /
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Monday, November 19, 2007
Today never go school.. Feeling a bit sick and most important is I haven finish my hmwk... Slept at 3 plus yesterday just to do ppt and worse thing is I haven finish the ppt lor. Then wake up at 10 plus to do my ppt .. Then finish at 1 plus pm but was simply too tired so went to sleep again.. Sleep for 2 hrs and saw missed calls from them but lazy to call back and reply pz msg instead bec maybe she will tell me what they call me for wat... SHe just ask me wan to go tpy.. SHe keep on asking me go.. but i dun wan.. Too lazy and wan to finish mr ng drawing for the a2 lor. So pz and chris go to tpy themselves.. haha...
Today is like a off day for me sia.. Can rest at home.. haha but skipped school today...OOooopss...
FINISH this drawings but I only take nice.. draw not nice.. The left shoes a bit weird weird lei..
words spilled @ 9:31 PM /
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Sunday, November 18, 2007
Yesterday accompany ferlyn to rebond her hair and I went to cut my hair but cut until very short.. Regret for asking her to cut the behind hair.. Cut until my face look so fat..OMG!!!! Then ferlyn went at 8 plus then they all like one more hr to close then they all faster make ferlyn hair and is like so guai zhang lor.. 1st time se so many pple do a person hair. ANd 4 pple do ferlyn hair and ferlyn is so funny.. Her head dunnoe to go which direction..haha.. I was laughing like hell...hahaha...
Then today was a rainy day lor.. I stand at the crew neck outside and all of a suddenly a very heavy downpour rain and all teh crew neck get wet and I put umbrella help the crew neck to shelter them from the rain and I took a umbrealla for myself too to shelter from the rain too. So funny lor... a SAles girl taking a umbrella selling clothes..hahaha....
Then after work trained back mrt with ah seng ,agnes and ferlyn. Help ah seng to carry the bottoms to np to let him ser bec tpy sewing machione broke down... and it was 17 jeans lor.. Pity him la.. sew until 1045 pm.. where pple already close shop liao and he say like working full shift.,.haha..
ANd CONGRULATIONS TO ME FERLYN AND AGNES .. WE ARE BEING CONFIRMED... $6.50 PER HR FROM EFFECT ON 1 NOV.. bUT i haven learn alteration lei... haha,,oops...
Then my mum told me wat to do.. so no choice ... let all these continue 1st then I will continue with what I want..ok?
Ok.. gtg to rush my ppt and mr ng a2 drawing...
words spilled @ 11:40 PM /
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Saturday, November 17, 2007
words spilled @ 9:48 PM /
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
OMG!!!!! SO MANY THINGS TO DURING WEEKEND>>.. OMG!!!! HOW???? Stil got work sia.. OMG!!!Burn midnight oils for me again during weekend ...sian la...
NO time to say anything further more.. Time is running out for me....
ALl these is making me crazy ....!!!
words spilled @ 10:20 PM /
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Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Recently, sleep late and dun have time to post . Was quite busy...Finally today can post...
Today is baleno frends gathering . We went to amk k box the old one. Too bad ferlyn cant made it at last min so left elain,me and agnes. Then elaine went off at 6pm. she got something on then left me,karen and agnes. We sing until very sian and tired and 8 plus liao the person still haven cum and chase us . Realised amk old de k box not bad bec can stay for very long..haha. Then karen went off at 8 pm. So after k box me and agnes went to the baleno there. Know a gal call shuting. she know xiang xiang ,huijuan too. Then exchanged no.. Know a new fren again. Then me and agnes eate mac flurry new flavours. Strawberry is not nice lor and the chocolate is nice de lor!!! haha...
And want to say abt yesterday. Yesterday worked 6/c and the sales was bad and ah seng very stressed and he wrote a resign form . I was damn shocked, Then tell him not to resign la later no income. Then after work asked him one more time again and he said he is still thinking . But I know ah sneg will not resign and I know what is the reason that is holding him back. He will not resign de.. BEc i noe... haha ..
sigh.. everyone is resigning.. Jolene last day will be 20 dec and there is a new comer call jun sheng. Came on mon. Nv see him b4 . Heard that he is very weird..haha. Herman fren..haha
Upload some pics abt today.. we today a bit zi lian hor...?
Karen and agnes...
This girl look like a bi jiuy mei today...
Day dreaming again..?

Edit this ..haha??...
words spilled @ 11:19 PM /
here ⋄
Monday, November 12, 2007
WAnt to talk abt yesterday.. Yesterday stocks came at near 11pm so we open those 50 cartons of stock until 12 plus. Then AFter that we off work and went to sit down for a while.. WAITING FOR FERLYN LOR!!!Then reached home in taxi at 1 plus? And this staxi driver waiting for ferlyn to get up the taxi then forget to press the meter until he drived until khatib then realised it..haha..He asked me agar agar the fees for the journey last time we all took is how much. Then said is abt 17? I dunnoe ma.. Then chit chat with him abt their taxi shift while waiting for ah seng send ferlyn up. Then after that it my drop. Then when the taxi driver turned into the raid at the KFC there. He said like very familar ...like last time got drove us, 4 girls before.. Then I said i like dun have any impression on the taxi driver. Then he said is on a very big rainy day. Then Suddenly I rem I only have one time took taxi on rainy day which is I vomitted in the taxi.. But I vomit in a plastic bag. Then I asked it it the vomit one? He said YAH YAH!! Then IT IS! And the stupid ah seng keep on laughing.. He said want to go and buy 4d of the taxi plate no.. SO concidental. And one last thing to say abt sat.. EVery sat agnes and that cup of tea story.. Cant say anything or else agnes will kill me..hahahhahahahaha...
Then today is my mum birthday. Work 1/2 morning.. Then was very sleep on the trip back to yishun, Took bus as I was very tired. Then reached home work for my homework for 1 hr and fall asleep for 1 hr. Then realised it was 6pm!! OMG!!! Then ate dinner bec was very hungry and my aunt came .. gave my mum birthday present..It was a necklace.. $40 .. then after eating dinner faster bath and watch my tv princess hours S while doing my hmwk. Then the gong s was nice .. Want to borrow the cd lei.. ANyone has it?? Then just somehow finish sunnie model.. Now need to do some research now..
Suddenly I just feel like giving up. Really know that this is not I want and this will not be the one I will be taking in the future. All of A SUDDENLY.. i WANT TO GIVE UP.. SHOULD i????
words spilled @ 12:03 AM /
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Friday, November 09, 2007
Today present our model in the first morning. everyone took careful of their model.. Then Communciation skills lessons was cancel today..SO colour studies was brought forward and lesson at 3pm. Then went to aMK HUB with pz, sujun,christ and elaine. Pz and christ bought a bag each while me bought e tee again.OMG!! Must control myself. Then went to work at 6pm. Then reached there ah seng asked me never take signage . I was like what signage? Then he say he sms me. then I took out my phone and realised it was 4 plus msg.. so sorry to him.. =( tHEN HE asked someone else to take it...so sorry!!!
Then today a customer was very funny and I keep on treasing the uncle 30yrs old then the customer said he is handsome lor. Then he said he is the idol when she was in sec school days in 1960s. I was laughing like hell sia.. A 1960s idol.. OMG!!! IS YY !! hor.. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.. HE still say he is young some more. Then got one time when ah seng was away and at that time suddenly got so many customers then no one was standing infront as Yy was standing outside while me was doing cashier..haha..OMG!!! the model already fall down but no one was there to help it up..haha... then ah seng came back and the crowd was clear..haha..
Want to complain a very angry thing. I was on the mrt boarding home just now then Got this rude fat indian guy faster dashed out of the train as he almost forget at amk stop. ANd He just banged into the carrier i was carry inside with my model.. He just yin yin go out lei.. OMG!! he did not even bother to say sorry or excuse me.. And one side of my model already bended inside.. I WAS DAMN ANGRY>> Svolding and cursing him like hell. PPle look at me but I dun care. Then ah seng said forget it.. BUT I WAS DAMN FURIOUS!! IS MY MODEL LEI>> If u drop ur phone on the floor and someone step on it without even bother to say sorry or excuse me.. HOW WILL U FEEL??? WAO LAO!!!
words spilled @ 11:46 PM /
here ⋄
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Today worked 1/2 morning shift... Today hang ten signage paste at our shuttle gate lor.. THey all challenge us. Then peggy so funny . SHe teAR away the signage..and her expression is so funny..haha.. Then in the morning like no pple .. then when in the afternoon got so many pple.. OMG!!Then the like continous payment.. Doing cashier in the morning...
But ah seng like said me.. Why I be the cashier ? SHould sell crewneck .. But xiang xiang stand outside then he say xiang xiang so soft spoken,,, Cant stand outside .. Bec today afternoon the outside crewneck was like night market sia.. And that uncle stand outside sweat a lot..haha.. Ok lor.. Next time I continue stand outside.. lor.. But outside is very fun/... I still rem when I first came in.. I was standing outside.. ANd there is like so busy and so messy.hahha..
ANd today peggy is being like touched by a hei ren.. so funny..haha.. ANd ah seng maybe there is a change in schedule bec jennifer say she dun wan to see part timer slike off or 1/2 day during public holidays.. This is onli like seldon not so often ma.. ANd somemore I tell ah seng studies is much important than money and career.. haha.. A NICE WORD!!!! =)
Then today knock off at 3pm.. Then went to shop shop a bit with ferlyn and bought a short and a tee.. BUt the tee was too small then give to my aunt wear.. sad lei.. Teh pic is very cute then I tell my mum I can away the pic then sew on a plain tee.. My mum dun let say me siao../SAD LA!! Then went to bath and have dinner when I reach home at 5pm. Then draw finish the contour drawing and draw my devlopment sketch and now left my report to be undone.. Hope later can faster finish .. Bec I want to watch my hei tang ma qi duo of the last 2 disc.. Left it untouched from the opening of school now.. Then today went to buy gong zhu xiao mei the part 1 dvd. 2 disc but each disc hav 3 esp. SO total have 6 esp. Bought for $22.90 and now waitinf for part 2.. Just like the hei tang ma qi duo like that...
SIan la.. Gtg to do hmwk...
words spilled @ 8:25 PM /
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Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Yesterday do the house model until 4 plus am then at that time still not so tired bec cant fall asleep on the bed when i lay down on it.. Toss and turn a bit and finally sleep. Then my this blur mum wake me up at 7 am bec she thought that my lesson start at 9 am. she was so reluctant to let me continue sleep.. keep on screaming an yelling at me. Then I was blur blur like that went to brush teeth. Then my mum finally went to work. Then I realised my lesson start at 10am so should wake up at 8am... So went back to sleep again for 1 hr.. Anyway in summary, I only sleep 3 hrs plus which was less than 4 hrs.. SO tired in the morning and thanks a lot to sunnie.. Bec he extend the dead line for us.. Simply cant finish and we should hand in on mon. THAnks sunnie!! =)
ANd then after school went to vivo to take measurements again due to some errors that last time we had.. Then after that went to taka to shop shop a while and guess we meet who? YISHUN!!! Dun reveal his real name bec he say cant tell anyone that he skip school... ANd he is surrounded by 5 girls lor.. Huifen said he like go brothel.. so digusting... hahaha.. well, he is indeed digusting... Then at 4 plus went to J8 to meet agnes,karen and ferlyn for brothers movie while christ , huifen,pearlyn and elaine went to eat for lunch or tea?? haha.. ANd due to someone that we were late for the movie for 30 mins.. REALLI THANKS TO HER LOR!!! haha.. 2nd time rewatch again and ferlyn cried again and me got scared again by the gunshot again...haha,... So silly of us? Then we all were so embarassed to sit with karen.. She laugh the loudest and even shout... OMG!!! FErlyn cant control her and she say she realised next time cant sit with her to watch movie.. Dun understand is this a comedy movie or a action movie...haha.. GOt a obscence part with agnes to..haha
Then after the movie, we all went shop shop at j8. Visit huijuan and realised she is more capable.. Great job... HUijuan transfer to there is also a good thing.. Then me,agnes and ferlyn bought the same shirt.. haha.. $8 onli!!! haha.. ALL OF US WAS LIKE SO AUNTIE TODAY...
Then reached home at 845 pm and faster bath and do some of the hwmks and finally done with zalina structure model and 3/5 of Jk drawings.. The model was like just anyhow whack like that.. AIYAH DUN CARE LA... haha .As long there is a model to hand in then that will do...
words spilled @ 11:50 PM /
here ⋄
Monday, November 05, 2007
Want to update blog during the weekends but no time la.. Need to do my hmwk.. Busy with my 20 drawings of the hands. ANd yesterday draw until 3 plus am and the STUPID JK GAY NV EVEN CHECK HMWK.. WAO LAO!!!!! Ok la.. I want to say abt sat things.. Then later continue curse the JK...
On sat night we went to blk 848 to eat and gather together bec elaine is leaving as yesterday was her last day.. Everyone came except yiyong,agnes and peggy... AND I so super.. eat 2 chilli crab lei.. Of my xin xiang dun have liao lor.. They all say me eat until like dunnoe wat sia..haha... Then eat finish is 1 plus am. Then walked home with ah seng karen, and ferlyn. I refused to take taxi bec I am bloody damn full scared will vomit sia/.. then elaine and joerene took taxi home while me ,ferlyn and ah seng send karen back home to her doorstep. Then ferlyn bladder got prob... Within 3o mins after her trip to toilet she said she is URGENT AGAIN!!! Her baldder realli got prob.. Then she said can walk faster.. Then ah seng said if she want walk then see how fast she can walk la.. The road journey is realli damn long.. HAha.. AH seng keep on grumbling but he was realli nice send each of us home to our doorstep to ensure we reach home safe. THANKS A LOT@!!!! Then next reached home is me .. I reached home at 2am like tat. Then next is ferlyn and ah seng reached home at 230am. CANT IMAGE WE WALKED FOR 1hr... hahaha.. REALLI CANT BELIEVE LEI!!!! Ah seng this is the first time and also the last time to walk home like this.. But I told him still will have next time...HE WAS LIKE!!!....haha...Took some pics on that day also....
Seeing what to order....
STill ducissing....
Finally taking orders liao...
These 2 were so mushy that night.. OMG!! haha...
Eating liao...
This is what I ate.. 2 chilli crabs.. the shells of leftovers....
These tWO, karen and ferlyn.. luo luo gao on that night.. so obscene... AIYO!!!
And agnes and that cup of tea the story and me and the cup of tea but not story...haha(translate into chinese).....
Today was JK lesson.. Realli had a good news lei.. he is going away for study.. Until the 8th week then cum back.. HURRAY!!! We will be going back to Mr ng... yeaH!!!! so happy.. wOUldnt see him.. so much pressure from him.. and he is so fake lor... Everyone is so happy when he said he will be away... haha..
TO PZ,.. dun care abt him.. just treat him like a pest onli.. Just like last time what i feel.... dun care abt him.. u will be much better after a while.. I trust u.... =)
Today end with a pic done by yi xuan .. he Do this for the recycle,reuse,reduce poster!!!!
DOTS LOR.......................
words spilled @ 7:18 PM /
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
Reached home at 1230am.. jus now then faster have my bath and dinner or is it called supper.. The show we watch damn long.. Onli on 8 plus then we start to watch and somemore the show is for 3hrs. Then before the show got those talk.. so long sia.. And somemore we all wait for the bus to start is damn long.. The show is called " Humanm Traffickers " which is at Jurong east.. During the show, I want to said PZ>.... SHe is damn funny lor.. Watch until mouth wide open and like daydreaming in the air into the show.. Then sujun is also a bit funny bec she watch until very engrossed... haha.. Then me and phoebe bite each other on the bus journey..haha..
The show quite nice lor.. But a bit regret going to that show.. SO long and late go home sia..
And thanks everyone for remember my OH MINE SONG!!! hahaha... thanks..
Below are some photos took...
Elaine took my phone and took these...
This person look like JK.. haha.. Saw him on the way home on the mrt...
My recycle,reuse,reduce proj poster...
Looks like elaine love the sun a lot??haha....
Took this random pics on the bus today...
Wow.. sujun trying to act cool???hhahaha...
This is the bullier.. she bully me everyday..PHOEBE LIM!!!
words spilled @ 1:11 AM /
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Friday, November 02, 2007
Oops... should sleep liao.. Bec i went to watch some esp of Huang Zhen Yi de korean dramma.. Watch a esp that i cry so much.. saw huang zhen yi on malaysia ntv7. Like very nice .. so went online to search... RECOMMENDED ALL OF U WATCH THIS ESP.. A VERY SAD PART.. CRY SO MUCH!!!!TRUST ME.. REALLI SHOULD WATCH.. THIS IS THE PROBALY THE MOST SAD TRADGEY PART THAT I HAVEN SEEN IN DRAMMA.. REALLI SHULD WATCH.. I GURANTEED YOU ALL WILL NOT REGRET!!!WATCH NOW...
words spilled @ 2:03 AM /
here ⋄
Thursday, November 01, 2007
ACtually plan to udate my blog for the model pics but I AM too lazy..haha..
Today as usual take a afternoon nap for 2 hrs.. so tired lor.. Now I left zalina studio proj and the poster thing haven do.. Really dun feel like doing... sian la.. Hwmk and hwmk..
Dunnoe what to post today lei?
Think will have a long post tmr bec we SID are going to Jurong point to watch a show.. Thats cool.. and there is free transport..hahaha....
O ya.. Today maria said a VERY WOW phrase... " IT IS NOT HOW GOOD YOU ARE , IT HOW GOOD YOU WANT TO BE!" Because ying xuan said the design book very exp.. $40 dollars and others are even more expensive. Then maria shoot him back this sentence that she would rather go but 5 books than PSP( ying xuan have one). MARIA, GOOD!!!! haha..Even those books have 20% off but I still think very exp even others said is cheap bec these types of books worth the price. But I would rather go repair my com again ... O ya.. I upgrade my dell com for $49 thanks to pZ. ANd 13 nov is due for school fees.. VERY SAD LEI!! Finally got 1000 plus pay and then on 13 nov will deduct 1000 plus from my bank.. I GOING BANKRUPT LIAO!!! Can heaven drop some money for me???
words spilled @ 7:32 PM /
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