Monday, December 31, 2007
TODAY IS LAST DAY OF 2007!!!! SO fast !!! just 1 year pass liao... Dunnoe what should I look forward.. Next week everyday got work except sun off.. No should be this week,.. say wrongly..haha.. Not enough manpower ma.. Then this week is shuting , xiang xiang and jolene last week liao. Tmr xiang and ting last day and jolene last day is on fri.. SO many ple resign liao...WIL MISS THEM!!!! School is reopen on wed.. MORE SIAN!!~!! SO MANY THINGS TO FACE WITH ALL THOSE STRESS!!! ARGH... Going out later..haha...
words spilled @ 10:26 PM /
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Sunday, December 30, 2007
SO TIRED!!! Yesterday went to grp proj wif christ. AH ma is sick so cant meet us. We test the material for the egg tray proj.. So fun..haha Then cant any info on my japan designer for Dh. AND U NOE WAT?? I HAd to change to another designer so I find those info and write out the report and type it out within a night!!! SUPER RIGHT?? SLept at 430 am due to the report but left a bit undone so today continue with it during my break time and wake up early also to write what is going to be type out. Then Realised is 1500 words minimum thought is 1500 words maximum. Then u noe what? I tried to bring to mac to connect to internet but cant. Thought of it and then send to maria. Then bo bian. FInish edit and then went back to shop to continue working.. STay up late today .. Then reach home faster send to maria.. SO sorry to her... BUT finally done with the report but only 1400 words . BuT think is ok de la..haha.. But just dun care abt the report liao.. Finally one hmwk is done.. Dunnoe yesterday night how stress am i??? AN dunnoe how many sighs did I relief also..SO pei cei...Today work very tired maybe due to lack of sleep.. SHould sleep early today but I am here blogging now.. But never miond.. Tmr is afternoon shift.. OS fast school is reopening soon. Just dun wan so fast reopen lor. Have to face a lot of things. SIAN la!!!! Btw thanks ferlyn and agnes for the present.. BELATED CHRISTMAS PRESENT!! haha...
words spilled @ 2:11 AM /
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Thursday, December 27, 2007
Today wake up at 230 pm!!! OMG!!! wake up so late.. But really feel very tired. haha.. tODAY AND TMR OFF!!! YPEE!!! HAHA... Today is my grandma 1st year annivesary( dunnow how to spell). So fast liao, one year had passed liao. Then also work in baleno for one year plus liao.. haix.. did not know that will work for so long. haha. But really like this job a lot..haha.. Then wak eup laio then eat and faster did my report.. But I was so fan lor... Type liao then delete and then retype.. OMG!! Cant find the background info on the artist. Decided to find it in library tmr. Then i just type abt the work.. Dunnoe how to describe the work la.. SO fan lor!!! REALLY VERY FAN!!!! later had to continue my 1000 words report and also had to do zalina the section view all these. FAN LA>...............
words spilled @ 5:56 PM /
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I WAN TO COMPLAIN!!! SO ANGRY AND PISSED OFF THANKS TO JENNIFER LO BEST LOR!!! Really dun like her working attidue lor. What she know is to fold clothes and no thing . I tell u hor. She today sure serve less than 30 customers. What she know is to fold clothes and look around and look at us fold clothes, look at those customers. she stand at the polar fleece jacket and the ladies bottoms are already in a mess.. IS just righyt beside her and there is customers digging for size, she just would not bother to go and serve the customers to ask her what size..THen what she can do? Just stand at there and fold clothes. If she fold clothes fast I nothing to say lei. But she fold until so neatly for what? Tpy is not any high class shop one.. Tmr sure messy. AT least u anyhow fold and fold fast la. SHe fold in a corner for dunnoe how many times... Really pissed off la. Then I standing outside observe her lei. Then my outside is already in a pile of mess and See the bottoms and see the pile of ladies print tees and then See her just fold only in a corner ! EVEN MORE ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GGGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRR!!!!Then peggy had to open stock had to fold the bottoms and she herself so angry and I tell her you Scold her la... Then heard from xiang xiang. Peggy shoot her :" U keep on standing there fold clothes". Then she say SHe where got keep standing there. then when I turned over I jus nice saw her like Put a face behind peggy back.. Then today I felt that I done a proud thing.. U know what? I repacked the lyrca that she pack RIGHT INFRONT OF HER!! OMG LOR!!! SHe packed the lycra according to style and not in colours. Like that customers find will even be more messy lor. And somemore is actually not according to style . I saw a few piles, reound neck then v neck at the bottom and then few pieces of round neck.. What she packing? fold until those clothes neat also no use.. What she do is really DUN MAKE SENSE AT ALL!!!!Then SHe keep on seeing me pack . Then I decided to shoot her if she ask ... U pack until like even more worse. It will be more messy... but she didnt ask..haha.. Then aiyo.. ONe thing more worse.. I forgive her she dunnoe push this one where.. But she jus ask me silly que.. Put those stacks of pants on top for what? Put that one so that those stack of bottoms will not be so high and u can push in. Then she say o u push this into that hole.. IS like what?? U at NP never push before all these mei? Then she even ask me the signal need to take out or not.. I shoot her back. U dun take out u push it inside. Is like haix.. Then I gave her the gou gou to pull the shuttle gate down and she asked me gave her for what? SHe say we all pull down together la.. Haha..IS not funny lor..IS like.. HEADACH BY HER LA!@!! ANGRY AND PISSED OFF BY HER>> NO one wan to talk to her today... SO angry ...Want to scold her sometimes but she is a full timer and we are a part timer only.. ANGRY LA!!!!!!!! ANd also earlier she complain abt her shift and then also keep on asking me dun dun wan go home yesterday night.. so pissed off by her....ANGRY LA@!!!! GGRRRRR...... COmplain to agnes and ferlyn jus now on the phone. dunnoe she came here is to fold clothes or serve customers for work one?? Her service is like chasing customers like that which I heard from peggy...
words spilled @ 1:36 AM /
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Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Yesterday spent the countdown to christmas at Baleno. We ate Kfc after work and it was ah seng treat and he also gave us each one chocolate as christmas present. Thanks a lot to him and he also send us a thank you and christmas msg to us. Touched lei.. Thanks a lot to him too... Then I also gave them keychain as christmas present too today and 2 lollipops too..
Thentoday was public hoiliday and the pso many people.. IS REALLY DAMN A LOT!!! The polos is $6.40 ma. Then it could be one day special offer and then I was at there selling until OMG!!! Fold and fold and so many customers ! At 7 plus already sell 1100 polos liao.. OMG!!! Then the sales amt already 17k liao.. 1st time I ever see TPY like that lei. Then also 1st time TPY customers queue up to pay and queue until out of the shop liao... So GUAI zhang.. Queue until out of the shop...haha.. Then I sweat until my black tee become have white stains.. SO smelly lor!!! Sweat a lot/.... Keep on lei long.. Polos tees $6.40. One day special offer.. ANd so many pple until outside need 2 pple to stand... Clothes are in a mess.. And this is the 1st time I am so pissed off and say loudly" what size you want?" 1st time I like that.. But a lot of people then they also like no reaction. Within a few hours , few cartons of polos no more liao. Then had to call warehouse bring stock and faster arrive.. The poles selling like hot pancake . Then some people then very fan. Say no more size liao still wan to dig somemore. Until then I look at them and say That colour no more size liao and then they can stop.. SINGAPOREANS ARE SO WEIRD!! then today worked morning shift but extend bec alot of ppple. Then knock off at 930pm and the rest morning shift wanted to extend full shift . N theya ll eating pizza after work for the christmas treat of teh company but I wnated to go home and eat.. So went home and I nv call my mum and then My mum thought some thing happened to me. SHe so funny sia.. But so sorry to her..haha.. A tired day today la... I think will sleep early bec tmr full shift.. And yu fang today so funny .. Come here have a look.. Ladies polar $6.40...haha... Ok la.. She jus say wrongly only .. But anyway today I feel like a auntie... with those customers ....haix.. Like in a market sia.. haha
words spilled @ 11:22 PM /
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Monday, December 24, 2007
Today is my aunt big day.. Just let the photos and videos do the talking and today was damn lazy bec yesterday slept at 1 plus so sleep a bit while and wake up at 6am.. so early lor.... sigh...
when this groom sing love song to bride.. is OMG!!!
ANd today almost cry lot. My aunt get married and this house is like becoming so quite and lonely liao. Only left me and my mum and then is a pity that my grandparents are not here to witness my aunt wedding and my wanted to tell her parents that she is a not a gal anymore on her speech. Me almost burst into tears. Me dunnoe y will cry on pple wedding one. Then those relatives keep on saying soon will be my turn . ME??? Still so long lor. haha.. Really very hard to find one..haha
words spilled @ 12:47 AM /
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Saturday, December 22, 2007
Today wake up late at 930 .. was already damn super late for work. Yesterday sleep at 3 plus am. Then Faster tell peggy that I am going to be late. Unexpected Ferlyn also late for work. Thought she work afternoon shift but later then know she changed shift with herman. Then when she called me I already want to go out. She say she reaching yishum mrt station. Then I asked her go 1st dun wait for me. But later she called me and said dun dare to face it alone. Me also. SO scared lor. Morning shift with her then when u late then she will like shoot u or what.. Even ferlyn and me also dun like. Then when we reached is already 1010pm. Then when we enetered she gave us a smile which Let me shiver lor. And worse still the taxi driver even xxua shang jia shuang. Say wao so late ... Blah blah then the incharge will scold us and what.. But the taxi driver is quite good overall. haha. Then heard from shuting that jolene is angry. Aiyah. Heck care la. They all nv late before mei?then todaY XIANG XIANG MC AND actully i cant do full shift but maybe can extend my shift until 9pm. But ferlyn say she extend full shift . Nvm. Then tmr she morning shift... sorry to ferlyn.. Then today crack a joke during work. Bec ferlyn asked me bec a customer asked me got a men little brother clothes? This que is asked by a customer and then I replied to ferlyn" condom" straightaway. Tell others and they all laugh.. See i am so creative and then ferlyn said she said she is so dissappointed in me. Then i say to me u cant have any hope..haha.. After work faster went to chong pang buy some stuffs and meet my mum. Worse still I forgot to take my wallet bec I was late and rushing in the morning.. Haix..
tmr my is my aunt wedding big day and I had to wake uo at 530am.. So early!!!! haix..sigh....
words spilled @ 9:56 PM /
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Today wake up at 12 plus andthen faster tidy my things up and clear some things bec my aunt sun weddingf so need to clear things up as guest will be coming so my home is in a mess with those study things stacking up and all my mum nagging I only clear some then will clear the rest tmr at night..hahah. Then meet kaser and fify at 230pm at city hall there to go to the National musueum. Then had a great look there and know a lot of art piece there. We even left our name on the wall. Haha. Then Chose a art piece for my report. Then after that we went to eat sushi then after that headed straight to work for 6 to close but was late for 20mins. So sorry.. Then at work still so many pple .. Clothes in a mess . Closed 9 k today.. and then tmr is sat and sur a lot of pple one .. Headache at weekend where you will have no space to stand one. THen at work today keep on hearing yu fang laughter. She laugh so loud and keep on hahahahha. O ya want to say we saw the HDB hub on the 2nd floor got one couple kissing and hugging each other and then we say wao lao like not pai say bec pple can see lei. Then I think tehy all thought pple cant see but they all at the window there of course we can see lor. Then we keep on see and then no more liao. Then I say maybe they lay on the floor . Then I said very sad lei bec I want the story to be continued..haha. I had become so horny liao . DIE LIAO!!!hhaha.. Then today off work at 12 plus bec need to stock out things and then went to take way a mac meal and ate on the way home bec I was hungry and now too full which let me cant go to sleep so here I am blogging.
ANd wan to thanks to ferlyn, agnes, ah seng,elaine and YY for the BELATED BIRTHDAY PRESENT!~! They gave me a perfume bec I just only say one word is nice . Then they gave me. hahah.. Thanks anyway.. Is really Nive smell and also good looking too.. =)
words spilled @ 1:58 AM /
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Friday, December 21, 2007
Today we caught a thief again!!! YEAH!! haha.. But this thief is not steal our baleno things is a pickpocketVery funny lor. Is this auntie saw this person very strange then think is a thief then tell ferlyn and then say this person steal liao then wan to pass to another person and then she faster tell ferlyn faster faster he want to steal .. SO funny lor. Then ferlyn tell YY. Then YY also very funny bec he very pissed off liao. Shop so messy and got a lot of pple. ANd clothes are in a mess..Then Yy like dun care 1st bec he tidy the clothes 1st and then tell ferlyn sure or nt? haha.. If not sure then dun ask him ..haha.. But he got caught the thief...haha,.. Then the theif when caught like blur blur like that. Then Asked hgim que then never answer bec he dunnoe our lanuage...Not even eng. Then AH seng and me was having break then when ferlyn tell us we faster came out and saw the thief already being caught when he is going to leave . He is a vietnam person . then ah seng called the police and ah seng check his wallet is realli a lot of money. SO many 50 dollar notes. Think is like many thousand dollars.. The moner inside is like my half year salary .. Then wait for the police to come down and then kasper also happen to come down and he is also very Kpo with the case..haha. Then ferlyn tell me she was tidying the ladies polos there. Then she bu xiao xin bang into kasper and then he say sorry and then kasper say you must learn how to say dui bu qi . Then the police heard it and then tell kasper. Wao lao. Like that tell xiao mei mei. Threating. Dun let me bring one more person back (means kasper ) back to police station..haha. Then kasper pat on ferlyn head and say Guai..haha.. Then too bad only caught one of it. The another run away liao and then maybe he is link to the many cases of stolen wallet... In our shop de. Then Dun like she say is not our business lor. She think what? It happen in our shop and is our customer lei. Hwat U think? Not ur clothes stole then u think is nvm? Jus dun like the way she shoot us included a lot of pple.. JUs dun like..
then feel very hungry at 9 plus pm and ah seng treat us mac and the roast duck behind. Thanks alot . Bec each of us only hav a 30min break and I ate my food halfway only. Then we ate after work and chat . Then after that go home and me xiang xiang shuting went home by mrt. N ther is this weird weird guy sitting at the one of the side when you can lean and stand on. Then we were standinng beside him talking and then talk 1/2 way and shuting da yan shen and I saw him like looking at ferlyn legs lor. Ferlyn was wearing skirt at that time. Then we move behind . Then suddenly shuting shout " Wei , Ni zau gan ma?"SHe shout so loudly and then we laughed lor and I like gei gei say wao shuting you drunk liao is it? So embarrassed at that time and somemore he dunnoe shuting is screaming at him. So many pple looked at us thought what happen.. sia..Then can see he is those xiao xiao de. He keep on mumbling to himself. Then got one lady get off this station then he keep on looking at the lady . He keep on looked up lei. N somemore like keep on smiling to himself. Then I say I like gei c like kick HIM AND then say sorry . but cant lor.. too bad.. Next time see him then will sure revenge lor..
So many things happen.. A very interesting Hari Raya....haha..
words spilled @ 1:33 AM /
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Today work morning shift and then after work agnes acc me go orchard to buy couple tees for my aunt wedding present. Then after that went NP got one pant for the shop. Then go home. ANd dunnoe what to say... Dun feel like saying anything...haha... Jus lazy..haha..
words spilled @ 9:34 PM /
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Monday, December 17, 2007
So lazy to update my blog.. Tired la.. On sat we went to have bbq with SID0702 at pasir park and also zalina joined us too. Then stay there overnight and it was cold and we dun have a tent and I just sleep on a mat and a trash bag for 1 hr only and when i woke up I was so cold and was trembling then 3 jackets put on me and I finally warm down... hahaha... Thanks to them.. Then reach home at 8 am the next day . Actually plan to go to work straight .. But forget to take my working shoes and contact lens case then the whole night was wearing contact lens and eyes was in pain. Theh went home sleep for a while and went to work afternnon shift .. aND i was SO DAMN tired and sleepy during work.. My eyes was like so small and look like a panda.. And after work faster go and bath and faster sleep..haha...ANd sat and sun was so busy... So many pple and sales was good... Then I want to complain .. This week I dun have a 1/2 day only a off day on sun that I request as it was my aunt wedding day...TIRED LOR!!! I wan at least a 1/2 day lor. But because also bo bian bec kasper ask us to plan more manpower and in the end so many pple working and let our own staffs dun have time to rest too.. SHift like so xiong and so many pple working... 1st time see so many staffs working...haha.. sian la..HAIC =(
words spilled @ 9:20 PM /
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Thursday, December 13, 2007
Today is the most embarrsing day of my life.. Today we went to buy BBq stuffs tmr for SID o702. Have rayne, elaine, phoebe, christina, jun, pZ, huifen,pearlyn,fathin,siti and weiqiang. We went to Tampines ikea to settle our lunch and shop shop ikea for a while then went to giant to buy bbq stuffs and then went to siti house and her house was damn PRETY AND COOL..It give a warmth feeling..haha.. Then after that we went to downtown east to buy some satay and otahs for the bbq .. So wwe took the lift down form siti house . Then inside got abt 5 pple and then I went in and the lift " tey tey" sound means overload and everyone luagh and pZ tried went in nothing happen but she started to laugh and the lift tey tey.. OMG!!! EVeryone laugh .. The lift can take 8 person weigh at most theat means my weight is 4 pple de weight?? OMG!!! SO Embarassing lor... Luckily is my class if outside dunnoe what will happen .. embarrassed until dunnoe where... So funny lei.. Then when me jun, pz, elaine and weiqiang waiting for bus to go back to tampines interchange then phoebe called me and said she reached home liao ans we all still waiting for bus bec she board her bus 1st and she stay nearby. Then when I heard it without my control one vaugrity word came out which was kanena.. WHICH WaS SO DAMN LOUD!!! Then the whole people turned to look at me . Then got this malay guy sit opp me and say u noe that is bad word but I was still on the phone with phoebe .. He keep on looking at me lor.. OMG!! IS DAMN EMBARRASSED.. Is without my control one then i say this word... Die liao.. should change this habit..Then after that wen sat on the bus and my heasd knocked the glass and I ouch so loudly to.. OMG!!V EMBARASSED AGAIN!!! The MosT EVER EMBARASSING DAY OF MY LIFE!!!! sigh...
SIti house.. the interior views and even the toilet is so nice...
phoebe is playing with siti hamster... cute sia...
Everyone there.... talking... and looking...
They all showing mtv is it?? haha
Wei qiang never went in siti house and sat outside and was in lala land when we were inside..hhaa
Looking at the sky...haha..
Tmr SID 0702 is exchanging present and having a bbq at 6pm at paris park and I will staying overnight wif some of them then next day then straight go to work.. will sure be tired..haha
words spilled @ 11:09 PM /
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