Monday, December 24, 2007
Today is my aunt big day.. Just let the photos and videos do the talking and today was damn lazy bec yesterday slept at 1 plus so sleep a bit while and wake up at 6am.. so early lor.... sigh...
when this groom sing love song to bride.. is OMG!!!
ANd today almost cry lot. My aunt get married and this house is like becoming so quite and lonely liao. Only left me and my mum and then is a pity that my grandparents are not here to witness my aunt wedding and my wanted to tell her parents that she is a not a gal anymore on her speech. Me almost burst into tears. Me dunnoe y will cry on pple wedding one. Then those relatives keep on saying soon will be my turn . ME??? Still so long lor. haha.. Really very hard to find one..haha
words spilled @ 12:47 AM /
here ⋄