Saturday, May 31, 2008
Today no larry lesson but went to school at morning dicuss the proj model.. ok la.. it is not so worse as i tot ba//?? dunnoe lei.. haix..
GOING TO 5 AM!!! OMG... LATER AT 10 AM NEED TO WAKE UP LOR..CAN ONLI SLEEP FOR 5 HRS.. bec need to go down to the site at morning to take pics again and wait for tao send me pics... i tink me 9 am wake up better la.. haha.. so sleep 4 hrs ba.. haha.. Jus now do my PB and doze off then wake up 4 am liao.. omg!! faster do those unfinished de.. feel that PB is full of words lor. haha.. tmr tao is going down to print.. then jus nw my Xd card suddenly cant open , saying need to format the pics. so pics no more liao ask tao send me tmr morning.. is urgent de lor bec model wif him.. haix.. just so stress up .. tmr after work come home do rostinao floor plan... me now go find my pics for it bec i accidentally delete the tiles pics folder .. haix...
OMG.. pimples are popping out..
words spilled @ 4:49 AM /
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Friday, May 30, 2008
2 days never online.. busy wif studio proj.. staying late .. slept at nearly 4 am yesterday and over slept and wake up at 845 am today.. christina call me then wake up.. tink nv hear alarm clock ring.. then cabbed to school.. late for school for 30 mins.. haha..
Then today studio i breakdown and cried.. realli too stress liao... do the glass thing then cut by glass for 5 times, glass got inside the wound and hand being burn by hot glue gun and i tink scar will be left behin.. and then i feel that larry is meaning no work being done and i feel that he feel like throwing my model away.. even though he say he know is very diffcult to stick and know me work hard in it..but he say need to capture imagges and also go down site again..sean and larry wan us to try and try even we are lost.. i know what they mean .. But i jus too stress plus see larry actions then know liao.. Thanks them console me. i relieve out .. cry very badly.. but thanks. i am ok ..
and also i am really glad then the grp VI is ending soon.. me really angry ar!! super ANGRY!!! IS A FINAL CRITQUE U KNOW!!!! GGGRRRRRR....
words spilled @ 12:06 AM /
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Tuesday, May 27, 2008
FINally finish the photoshop de floor plan wif colour de hmwk.. But is not finish is just left some to wed go school do.. haha..just now went to break bulbls again to get the glass and i cut myself lor.. me take the hammer and never saw the glass beside it and my finger just brush against the glass.,.. Sob sob.. blood come out liao.. GLASS IS BU HAO REN DE LOR!!!Me use hammer break thoe glass at the corridor lor.. scared people arrest me haha.. Maybe they thought got people fighting ..haha.. But materials not enough again .. going to buy some bulbs tmr and get the glass bottle from YY to break again .. and need to do my studio tmr .. SO streessssedddd up liao.. SO MANY THINGS NEED TO HAND IN...
all these are subject to changes.. everyday always present and present ..sian.. PRESENTATION.. and is when u r in grp work and not everyone is doing and things are dragging and worse still no one give a idea or a better suggestion and sometime u cant stand it .. BUT is a good thing that it is ending soon..
words spilled @ 12:34 AM /
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Monday, May 26, 2008
HOOO>>> .. Finally finish my VI the device.. I think and think how to show plants thoughts?? OMG!!! Then in the end I decided come up wif a camera showing flashes of images of plants thoughts .. Really dont have any idea lor.. Me today spent the whole day doing.. dunnoe what took me so long .. Me went down to the site today again and went art fren bought something and com no batt so go ah ma shop borrow her the shop power and select my pics for printing and print until $12.. OMG!! EXP>>>>.. Bo bian me last min is like that.. haix.. Then went oit at 230 pm and reach home at 730 pm.. Faster come back cut the pics out and paste on it.. 42 images lor.. Then also watch the charity show until cry lor.. SO touching .. Their poem is OMG!! very very very de touching.. I can image it out somemore..haha.. My aunt morning come back home .. I did not know.. Mummy say my aunt wake me up but i sleep like a dead pig cant wake up de.. But i did not know she come back lei.. Then mummy say robber come rob house u also dont know de..hahah.. ya admit today sleep until very soundly but wake up at 8 plus wan to get ready for work .. AA but today off so go back to sleep.. so funny .. me so scared late for work ..haha.. and in the end wake up at 11am with a pool of saliava on my arm.. OOoopss I drool in my sleep..haha...
Scared of tmr again.. Really dunnoe how to continue on ..haix...Lets see how that larry shoot at us again tmr..
words spilled @ 1:32 AM /
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Sunday, May 25, 2008
TJust bath finish lor.. Today extend full bec Yy go BP... Then after work go aracade wif ferlyn and her ai ai to find her fren and end up ferlyn and ai ai playing games lor.. Then we see another the er ren dang play basket ball until very good lor.. they broke the highest score lor.. wow!! suddenly think of the show bull fighting ..hahah.. But I sucks at playing games.. haha...
Today at night work very funny lor.. we made a bet wif jaysen if 9 pm cant make out another 900 plus then each of us have to take turn go up sew jeans.. Then ferlyn scared bec she alone ma.. agnes also.. But me dunnoe how sew .. so we very hardworking lor.. No time to talk and faster srve customer and leilong and leilong.. Then 9 pm liao .. o shit .. $100 plus more to go.. ask jaysen can discount a bit.. he say extend 8 mins more. wao lao.. time ticking past by and 4 more mins still have another $44 !!! OMG!! then suddenly have the 2 customer .. Then i bet these is my whole life tat i serve so gentle and polite to BLACK PEOPLE!! OMG!! ME talk until so wen rou .. OMG!! I cant even breath.. Luckily we won although late a bit but still made it .. jaysen say ok..haha.. Then after that we like keep on talking and talking.. haha .. Finally can relieve le ma.. haha.. NOt like before 908 pm cant talk lor.. so nervous!!! haha
Yeah tmr off.. Going the site again see if there any inspiration for my device. and also shun bian buy glass tmr again..haha.. i am so TIRED~!!! need to sleep le.. YAWN***
words spilled @ 1:14 AM /
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Saturday, May 24, 2008
words spilled @ 12:21 AM /
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Friday, May 23, 2008
words spilled @ 1:09 AM /
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Today so damn stupid lor.. Should really nt go to school today lor.. Seans lesson are cancel due to graduate show hence onli left sunie lesson from 4 to 6 pm. But nt sure if his lesson can postpone or brought forward and can onli wait until 2 pm for answer.. SO we go to library to slack until 2 pm and say have his lesson. SO we went for 2- 3pm lesson.. One whole day only 1 hr lesson.. Me realli should not go school today lor.. sleep for onli 2 hrs yesterday .Wao lao.. Luckily the report submit up if he say no need submit i kill him lor.. GGGRRRR!!!!!!! ANd we even book a room in library to chit chat .. haha funny hor.. BEC weather DAMN FREAKING HOT!!! SO we go where there is air com de place.. AND IT IS SO HOT ME WHOLE DAY LIKE RUNNING TAP>> SWEATING AND SWEATING AND COME HOME CAN ONLI FOR 1 hr.. NOt enough sleep and how to sleep in this weather??? I like live in a oven lor.. SO stuffy and hot lor.. OMG! Jus bath and I sweat again..
And also nv join them to go out after schooll.. simply feel like sleeping while walking... haha.. Then also a lot of pics taken using my camera.. HAHA...
words spilled @ 7:04 PM /
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OMG!! NOw is 445 am.. And finally I finish my the report and e ppt .. But I do until 6 pgs of report and 20 slides of ppt..Thanks chris for sending me e pics.. Yawns I am so tired.. I think can only sleep for 2hrs onli then wake up to go for school.. Me last min do bec cant find any prog for tmr if dun wan go school .. so go lesson in the end and do my hmwk in the end./.But my ppt is all abt pics lor.. Dunnoe what to put inside lor.. Haix.. haha..
Actually dont wan to post but today at closing very funny .. Post a pic for you all see..
Saw ah seng half naked when going up to the storeroom,. Is too hot and stuffy up there plus the weather very hot too.. SO he becum like tat ..haha.. Then yuying also saw it,.,. Then she said .. AIyo bu yong jin( nvm) , swimming pool even more worse lor.. got people even wear swimming trunks onli lor. Then i even take a pic of ah seng.. Then i tell ah seng you going to be famous liao. haha.. Then later ah seng come down push wagons. Then he do in a funny action say nowadays , young people are so ..haix.. one saw me say bu yong jin anothe even more li bu(riduclous) even take pics somemore.. haha.. so funny.. I was like laughing and laughing,.. But i tell ah seng nvm you will be the 2nd edision chen..haha..Then still got another.. Already close shop and off lights and then the shop in the dark. Then i faster on the way go out open the shuttle for light come in. Then when come out ah seng say he cant see anything could only see a white figure infront (means yuying) . so he follow the white figure.. haha.. FUNny lor.. h aha...
ok.. i go to sleep liao.. can hear the mornings birds chirping lor.. and so fast is 5am liao..haix.. h aha..
words spilled @ 4:42 AM /
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Monday, May 19, 2008
Hmm.. went for chalet after work on fri.. I think dun like feel saying anything abt the chalet as some unhappy things happen.. nvm.. I will upload those photos when free.. haha..
Ok.. Today work fulll shift and tmr is another public holiday and working tmr also.. I nv do my mustafa tat 3 pgs of report and 15 slides ppt .. No time go downl raffles city take pics and dun feel like doing lor. and is due on tue.. Maybe skip lesson agaian.. haha.. Bad girl hor me.. Realli they say is true lor.. Year 2 realli is those unlucky and bad year for us.. SUa .. haix..
Jus now my mum damn funny lei.. she complain weather very hot ma.. then I say ya lor. Then she volcano erupted.. Then i say huh>? which country .. china again?? I was like surprised.. She reply no. Volcano erupt which cause the weather very hot.. DOTS LOR!!!!!Then after tat she told me my aunt bought the Hu la juan for me and she put in the fridge.. I was like huh>? hu la juan in the fridge .. I tot hu la juan is for exersing de? Then realised is donut la.. Then i tell her is tian tian juan not hu la juan.. She say .. This is not call hu la juan mei??? haha.. I was like laughing like mad liao.. Lox.. hahahahaha...
words spilled @ 12:10 AM /
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Thursday, May 15, 2008
Me do larry hmwk half way then come here to post. Feel that the brochure i do is like so childish lor.. OMG!!! haix. haha..
wan to complain tat pevert larry la.. HE is REALLy something wrong.. He today touch my chin lor./ IS like so digusting lor.. Me touch by gals ok.. But when a guy and is a lecturer touch ur chin is SUPER DIGUSTING!@!!!! OMG!! and also he pinch me saying understand ma?? OMG!!! ALl my hair stand lor.. PUCKS>. I came home keep on washing my chin lor.. YUCKS MAN!!! Not onli me lor.. others gals also .. Touch head then push head away.. YUCKs .. A LECTURE IS LIKE THIS IS SO UNNORMAL LOR!!! I think he is really EXTRAODINARY LOR!!!! hahah....
Dun talk abt him liao la.. STudio proj stress la.. DUnnoe what to do lor..haix.. STress .. and tmr need to face tat pevert larry .. I think seriuosly i need to get some weapons against him .. haha.. Put in my pocket and take out quickly if he had any stunt.. haha..
Tmr after work going Class chalet.. GOod ,,. Excited .. haha and chris can i tkae back the promise tat i bet wif u i will nt sleep .. haha.. Me sure sleep de .. haha..
Below is all my ugly images.. spoil my image liao.. Me like so nerd wif the specs and the dress i dress today ..haha.. Then the year one saw me keep on looking at nme from top to bottom in surprise. haha.. Too shocked liao.. haha They all say me like fang da tong.. I feel I like those 70s landloard lady ..ahah
hah.. No image of me liao.. haha

See larry the pants.. NOW where gt pple de pants so short... and he als wna to fly in the class is it??hahah...
words spilled @ 11:42 PM /
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Finally finish tat sunnie kitchen drawing and colouring and also my studio.. OMg... Tmr still have to do tat larry design brochure? DUnnoe how design teh brochure lei.. aiyah heck care liao.. Anyhow do .. Bleh..
Today after school went to amk wif elaine . To get some stuffs for tmr studio thing. Elaine spent abt $15 me spent ABt $10 LOR.. jUS onli the 1st model lei. then spent so much .. can u imagine the rest of the studio lesson?? OMG!! Me reach home at 5 plus and then went to use hammer break those light bulbs and glass that i buy. So scarry breaking those glass.. scared all those glass bits fly into my eyes lor.. But the whole floor was wif the glass bits even though i spread newspaper ..haha.. Sweep the florr carefully lor.. Hiax..
tmr maybe help yufang replace work as she is sick .. SO no time do larry hmwk ma. Then ah ma also sick and Mc for 2days. SO wish ah ma and Yufang get well soonnn.. =)
words spilled @ 11:44 PM /
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Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Today tired day from walking... Legs damn suan then now using the massager to ai mo my legs.. SO nice.. haha.. Went to mustafa today and then after that went to city hall there look at the furniture. Reach school at 4 pm to attend sunnie lesson.. haix.. Then after tat went to j8 de hong kong cafe to eat with agnes and me damn bloody full.. Me eating the whole day lor../ Then we went shopping and me and agnes bought a top. Then acc agnes to wait .. Tired.. ANd then me finally reach reach home at 1030pm. Tired and tired.. THen do hmwk liao lor..
But anyway today have a fun day as we have e excursion..haha..

Everyone is having fun wif the specs..., is so cute.. i wan to buy also.. haha..

Me,jun,christ and karen in toilet..
words spilled @ 11:50 PM /
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Monday, May 12, 2008
I jus simply hate Monday.. IS e fucking damn stresseed up monday.. STresses and drain out of ideas .. Just dont like Monday at all.. Haix.. Then sean show us the ppt abt life.Sean say that we are too stressed up and seeing this ppt hope to help us? haha.. FOund out some meaningful phrases:
-Life isnt fair, but life is good.
-Life is too short to hate anyone.
-However good or bad the suitation is, it will still change.
-Put down the past and get hold of the present.
-Be blessed that you are stressed( this one meaning we should be stress often?? haha)I forget others liao. But there are realli quite meaningfukl phrases .. haha,.. But lukily the VI thing onli carry on for 7-8 wks meaning after holiday no more liao. Seeing we too stress liao.. haha.. Early end also better ma.. haha.. Just dont like this VI .. so stress.. haix..
Luckily nxt mon is holiday or else i will stress to death.. NO VI nxt mon.. GOOD.. Tmr morning meet SID at 10 at farrer park mrt station for visitation to mustatfa .. haha.. Bec we need to compare the difference between raffles city and mustatfa visitation centre..WIf black guys surround.. MUs be careful wat i wear.. wearl all cover de tops and bottoms..haha
Jus hope better days coming ....
words spilled @ 9:11 PM /
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Sunday, May 11, 2008
HAPPY MOTHER DAY!!!ANd me today work M SHift.. ME today went to buy a foot spa massanger for my mum at watson at $44.90 .. and a also a 5 tulips for my aunt for $30 . SO exp lor.. the flowers.,.. Now finally know y guys dont like to give gals flowers le...haha.. Then Me kanna scold .. Bec say me waste $$$.. But anyway thet still like it.. haha.. Women are so kou shi xin fei..haha.. O ya.. me now is blogging and also using the foot massager.. COmfortable lor.. Really cure the suan of ur feet lei. Me just now foot very suan de .. now no liao.. is NICE!!! Feel so good.. Mummy haven use then me start use 1st ..haha.. But carry the thing very heavy lor.. Ask ferlyn come back help me but she went to find her mum liao.. then nvm liao.. Me carry to home and surprise them ANd also have a full dinner.. haha..
IS SO NICE AND GOOD TO HAVE A FOOT MASSAGER AT HOME.. gIVE UR MUM also shun bian can use..wahaha..If there is a whole body massager even more good.. whaha..
words spilled @ 10:24 PM /
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Saturday, May 10, 2008
I am so tired.. Recently wake up late and then also late for lesson too.. Really tired from work.. Only sleep like 4 hrs per day lor.. Today went to bugis after school wif ferlyn and also shun bian do my Indivdual Vi wif ferlyna s my secetary and wait for her for 1hr 30 mins due to her something crop up ..haix.. FERlyn You Broke agnes record!!!! haix.. haha.. Then shopping and saw elaine they all also and then me did not get anything but ferlyn buy things.. She is in crazy wif the cheker shirt tat type.. Buy until so many.. can stop her lei.. OMG!!! haha.. Then trained back to amk and slept on the mrt too tired liao.. Then late for work ... but went upstairs break down stock again..A bit scared .. These 2 days our shop happen a lot of weird weird things made me so scared lor.. and today close the shop also.. But tell my self dun think so much la.. I still need to work lei.. haix.. Then also wan to say blk R lift today behave like roller coaster.. SO scary lor.. The lift went to 3,then to 3A then to 4. Then it go down like the feeling of roller coaster tat type drop all the way until 3rd floor. OMG .. Then after tat the screed said Lift Under maintance.. OMG.. we all woa lao. DUn tell us to trap in this hell lift.. Then fastre press the bell and bakc to normal after one more ride of roller coaster,. SCARY BLK R LIFT>> They all really should do something abt the lift la..
words spilled @ 1:04 AM /
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Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Yesterday last min go back to work to breakdown stock.. Me wear twin set and wear wrong lor.. Me like a running tap.. Sweat until non stop lor.. I think my sweat can become 3 litres liao.. Really sweat a lot lor. Then also yesterday suddenly black out lor.. me like scared ..keep on thinking of the granny lor.. But luckily nth happen ..haha..End work and reach home at 2 plus. Then faster bath and do hmwk and sleep at 3 plus..
ferlyn morning call me .. bUt me so lazy wake up.. SO in the end late for lessons for 10mins,..haha.. Today so tired .. no mood to talk.. Me now can sleep in the mrt train liao lor.. haha.. Skip business enterperise lesson today and went down to the sit take videos .. Me taking a glass taking video then so many pple see. paisey la.. Ben lai agnes wan find me at bugis but in the end she went to make card wif her mum .. Nvm me can also go home early plan to sleep. But in the end nv.. Do hmwk .. haha.. YAen** sleepy la.. Thurs still have to go back work >> WILl do until very late But also good bec means more working hrs means more $$$$.. Maybe you will think me siao liao.. work until so much .. But Me need $$$ for these coming 2 months..haix.. U dunnoe how money is hard to earn de la.. haha..
words spilled @ 8:02 PM /
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Monday, May 05, 2008
Today VI presentation . Then The stupid larry lor.. pple jus saying onli then he jus scold the word Fuck out so loud lei.. He so agitated for wat.. Then everyone silence lor.. He is like that de ma.. Siao la the larry.. Get so angry .. Wow lao.. EVeryone think he is MAD LIAO@!!CRAzy de lor.. How can a lecturere say the word fuck out?? CRAzy la.. Jus a joke and he cant take it and take it so serious for what??haix.. SPOT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEAN AND LARRY?? SEAN OK OK.. LARRY SUCKS LOR.. HE IS LIKE hilter trying to be good.. SO siao la he.. Then after that he shake hand wif tao patching up.. ?? wHAT E?? cRazy rite??
Hmm.. need to do my hmwk le,,, bye..
words spilled @ 9:58 PM /
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Sunday, May 04, 2008
Today work 1/2 M. then sign out and ah seng play a trick on me la.. me think my wallet and hp realli lost.. and cried lor. then angry dont wan to talk to him but me at and shop at ntuc and amk hub wif ferlyn then ok liao.. Then me wait and wait and play wif ferlyn PSP.. is nice to play.. haha.. then finally can meet my family dinner at 730 pm at TPY. we eat salad buffet at sizzler and the ice cream machine very fun.. DIY de lei.. and my niece they all whole night help us make ice cream.. they think very fun and me say wow.. make the ice cream like shit and like dirrahoea...haha.. then we eat and me shop and bought a top and a watch and reach home nearly at 1030 pm,... haha.. nme today suo eat very less le.. me shit 2 times today lor.. too full liao ma.. haha.. Ok i need continue to do my hmwk..
words spilled @ 1:14 AM /
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Saturday, May 03, 2008
Wahah.. Nv go larry lesson aND SLEEP FOR 13 hrs today.. OMG!!! had a FINALly good sleep.. haha.. that feels so good.. haha.. went to 6/cl today.. and nth.. Yu fang and jun xiong came to find us. and karen went to find me wif her BF out of a random -_-"""..haha..
words spilled @ 12:20 AM /
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Thursday, May 01, 2008
Grab these pics from ah ma blog.. these is SId de class work .. doing tunnel entrance for the door.. Is on tue.. which is 2 days ago..wah ha..

words spilled @ 11:27 PM /
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I am just so tired.. convertion tat day sleep at 3 plus.. next day have to wake up at 7 but overslept and wake up at 745 am. Then went to bugis site do the VI proj. Then after tat train bk to amk but fall asleep in the train and me alight at khatib then took back the mrt bk to amk..-_-"". Then stocks came and ah seng shift counter . reach home at 2 am. SLeep at 3 am.... OMG! Today wake up at 830am.. very tired lor.. Then today labour day so may pple lor.. OMG.. Then Today also angry.. ask me go bedok take stock then reach there say stock give ware house liao.. wow sey.. so angry lor.. Take e mrt back and to the bedok lei.. So long and waste my $$ lor.. Hiax.. then reach bishan and ah seng ask me to NSQ take stock so u turn again .. Then reach bk baleno at 5 plus pm.. haven eat lor. Then ah seng ask me go eat but dun wan.. bec 1 more hr then can off work le ma.. and mum cooking so dun wan go.. But today so many pple. ah seng ask me extend.. me dun wan bec nned to go home do hwmk. Then sign out at 735 pm wifout any break time.. so tired,, From the moment i wake up haven eat anything yet lor. Then reach home then start to eat my 1sy food of the meal which is at 9 pm lor.. OMG!! I today lose weight rite?? haha.. Then and also , wan to do the larry de ppt.. But very tired and also eyes swollen .. Dunnoe y lei.. Then dun feel like doing and then me decided to skip school tmr .. haha,.. Only larry lesson and one module lesson tmr ma. from 9 to 1 so dun wan go la. But working 6/cl tmr.. Anyway in conclusion my msn nick: have xxxxx< then dun wan shujun le.." haix...
words spilled @ 11:02 PM /
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