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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Thursday, May 01, 2008

I am just so tired.. convertion tat day sleep at 3 plus.. next day have to wake up at 7 but overslept and wake up at 745 am. Then went to bugis site do the VI proj. Then after tat train bk to amk but fall asleep in the train and me alight at khatib then took back the mrt bk to amk..-_-"". Then stocks came and ah seng shift counter . reach home at 2 am. SLeep at 3 am.... OMG! Today wake up at 830am.. very tired lor.. Then today labour day so may pple lor.. OMG.. Then Today also angry.. ask me go bedok take stock then reach there say stock give ware house liao.. wow sey.. so angry lor.. Take e mrt back and to the bedok lei.. So long and waste my $$ lor.. Hiax.. then reach bishan and ah seng ask me to NSQ take stock so u turn again .. Then reach bk baleno at 5 plus pm.. haven eat lor. Then ah seng ask me go eat but dun wan.. bec 1 more hr then can off work le ma.. and mum cooking so dun wan go.. But today so many pple. ah seng ask me extend.. me dun wan bec nned to go home do hwmk. Then sign out at 735 pm wifout any break time.. so tired,, From the moment i wake up haven eat anything yet lor. Then reach home then start to eat my 1sy food of the meal which is at 9 pm lor.. OMG!! I today lose weight rite?? haha.. Then and also , wan to do the larry de ppt.. But very tired and also eyes swollen .. Dunnoe y lei.. Then dun feel like doing and then me decided to skip school tmr .. haha,.. Only larry lesson and one module lesson tmr ma. from 9 to 1 so dun wan go la. But working 6/cl tmr.. Anyway in conclusion my msn nick: have xxxxx< then dun wan shujun le.." haix...
words spilled @ 11:02 PM / here