Thursday, June 26, 2008
hmmm.. today quite early end work . manage to reach home b4 2 am.. Took yy car ride home.. ya.. thanks for his ride and his help for yesterday but keep on complaining lor.. haha. YY car nicxe to sit better than taxi but he like taxi driver also.. drive me ,ferlyn,huijuan and weisheng home.. haha.. thanks a LOT !!! =) YY U MAKE A GOOD CHOICE TO CHOOSE THIS JOB!! HAHA .. IT BENFIT EVERYONE OF US.. HAHA..
Then me come back home and yan jiu my glass.. think of what to say but scared that they will say me back lor.. aiyah heck care liao.. but need a lot of pple to carry my glass. bec is heavy.. haha.. and me forget bring the baleno carton back lor.. sian .. then me take the ejoss oil carton from home.. but soft soft de that type.. scared tmr walk until half way then break sia.. then die liao.. haha.. bec if carton break halfway my hand will bleed lor.. haha..
Think need to sleep early.. lesson at 9 am tmr.. haha
o ya.. wan to upload this pci very long ago but keep on forget.. me edit the lei.. haha.. the pic got fish smell hor ? bec is done by fishmonger.

words spilled @ 2:34 AM /
here ⋄