Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Omg.. i just wake up from a 4 hrs sleep.. damn tired. today work 1/2 m shift and went to work
straight after chalet..in chalet, i onli sleep like 1 hr plus lor.. so tired. 6 pple shared and squeeze
on 2 beds.. WOWO.. and we create so many jokes,, Like yu ying becum dua bei gong ..wahaha..
we make a lot of noise and also kanna warning by the chalet pple there.. and bbq during chalet
and most important we plan a surprise for yu fang .. her birthday when the clock strike 12 . wei
le dun rang yu fang feel that we gt plan anything me and jaysen do the acting . hahaha.. jaysen
accused of me nv return the starhub thing to him and i insis that i return to him at the entrance
there. and then we sxay until quarrel and jaysen scold the vagular language out and me damn
angry .. but i was like.. how cum no one know me angry de .. that stupid blur yu fang still dunnoe
gt this thing happen also.. and then me slamn door very hard and left .. and in the plan is yu fang
wif dunnoe who chase out to find me. and damn long how cum no one find me .. i was like ...
ARRRR!!!! I even slow down my pace le lor.. nvm . me msg ferlyn go entrance find me .. and
agne call me and act say y me like that.. then say very late very dangerous me like that go out ..
then yufang and agnes and that cheese come find me.. and then we gey si find thing aND ME act
until very very angry tat type. and then as expected we go bk chalet say go find and then jaysen
at there act until very angry also and me quarrel wif him and they the tmosphere there very
tight. but we all gt dou dou laugh behind yu fang back.. wahahaha...
and then when yu fang go out and SUPRISE.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YUFANG WIF
BIRTHDAY CAKE,,.. AND then we all ask yu fang use mouth eat the cake and HAHAAHA.. yi
yong smash her face right in ..whaahah.. and then another birthday cake come in which is the
real one.. hahaa.. so fun ..
And we also gambe playing cards but very less de.. 50 cents or one dollars that type and me win
$11 ..whahaha..
and other surprise . ask yu fang go wash her face bec later gt grow pimples and then we put thepresent in the toilet and hope she can know.. and then she damn cool. i was standing at the the
fridge there and then she come out say thank you ar then walk bian jiang .. hahah, i was saying
wowo,, yufang damn cool.. wahaha.. and way . YU FANG HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOPE OUR
think i blog photos hao le.. hahaha..
words spilled @ 9:24 PM /
here ⋄
Sunday, September 28, 2008
today initally meet yuying go amk ntuc buy tmr bbq de things but in the end i tink she too tired
so she dun wan go.. nvm then . then i sleep for a while 1st then wake up at 12 plus and get myself
ready and then went to buy psp before going to my aunt house .. yeah .. i buy white de but wif
blue crystal case,. $330, actually mummy help me paid 200 while i paid the rest so also fair ..
hahah.. then went my aunt house stay at there until 4 plus and me went to sebwang ntuc but
tmr de food and then so damn heavy lor.. me carry 4 bags , then my hand went red lor. dunnoe
how to carry to work tmr also.. o ya,. me tmr going on baleno chalet . 2 day one nite ,and went to
chalet before and after work .. hahah..
haha,, i tink me go and yan jiu my psp le.. bye.. hahah.. =)
Labels: =), MY PSp .. thanks a lot
words spilled @ 9:19 PM /
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Ooops.. jus reach home and bath finish, today so late end work lor. sign out at 1240am . haix.
today so many pple lor. after those morning shift sign out me in charge of bottoms, mens polo
and lyrca area.. wowo... so many wargons lor.. fold until siao liao lor. me went crazy fold hao one
area then another 2 area messy and then go fold hao another area, my that fold hao de area
messy again. wowow. but nvm.. me ren ren and ren .. haha. yeye outside also went super sian
liao.. so many pple outside and he say he no space liao ,those pple almost wan stand on them
liao .. hahah.. then in the end ye ye say he wan exchange wif me .. then i say ok .. then .. after
that i tell yeye outside also nt bad ma.. so less wargons onli ladies polo and crewneck. then he say
me inside not need serve . i say where gt stiill gt lyrca and mens polo lei ?? then he say
aiyah ..nvm he man man lai also still will messy ,. inside customer so beast lor.. ye ye even shake
head and also say inside he like it , so challenging .. nvm he will know the inside tough when
long .. hahah.. then those customer never let go of a manquire(dont know how spell) . His bottom
and top disappeared at the end of the day when we want close .. then i shake head tell them,.,
they so ye shou lor.. his poor naked half bottom body was upside down while the another half
was on the floor. he was BEING RAPED BY THOSE CUSTOMERS!!!! POOR HIM!!! haix.. today
so tired ,,.
And then went eat after work . everyone was hungry and we went the jubilee centre the s11
coffeshop eat. each of us order a fish n chips and another 8 extra chicken wings and one drink
each and one spaghetti. i eat the most . i eat fish n chips, 3chicken wings and 1/4 of the
spaghetti ,... then they all say me again .. haix.. haha.. then after that ah seng went his bro house,
yy went off wif his bike. me and agnes was so full and walk all the way from amk to yck to digest
and cab home .. haha.. and on the way home , agnes talk on the phone wif wm wif speaker on. Gt
a very SURPRISE NEW!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! hahahaha...
words spilled @ 1:52 AM /
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Friday, September 26, 2008
Today finally off day .. and i rest at home., nv go out .sorry ar ,agnes bec i too tireed plus no
money .. Realli no money but but my pay will be coming tonite after 11 pm .. yeah .. i work for
200 plus hrs , $1000 plus .. yeah !!! hahah.. anyway today stay at home watch show all day .
now i am watching the 黑糖群俠傳 by 棒棒糖&黑涩会美眉. It is just actually similar to the
Brown sugar machiatro as the casts almost the same . but Just that they gt those wukong in the
show .. quite nice. total 13 esp also same as 黑糖玛奇朵。Now only upload to esp 10 and me just
watch finish esp 3 onli.. still gt a long way to go.. a realli nice show.. hahah..
Tmr afternnon shift and i will be off on sun and will be getting my psp soon . YEAH!!! happy =) A
Me yesterday sleep at 4 plus, think a lot of things when i look at my past diary .. What agnes tell
me is true. Since i Promise it so i should do it and dont look back anymore.. I PROMISE ... I
words spilled @ 7:38 PM /
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I saw it jus now.. Jus bu xiao xin and i realised maybe all these should stop. I admit i try hard for
the 2 years to forget .. I think that is jus a small joke when we are small. I feel that i should i
realli get out of this and continue wif my life. i tell myself dun treat it too serious .But sometimes
i cant realli help myself to remind of the past .. I am so sorry ., and now i realised thanks to him
and tell myself. Just treat as a part of mine happy chilhood memories.. thanks ..
what wif agnes jus now. told her . i will treat him as a fren.. since the day that i promise to put
down ..
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words spilled @ 2:50 AM /
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1. The person who tag you is?
Ferlyn and yufang ..
Your relationship with him/her is?
Both of them are my working mates... and frens too..
3.Your five impressions of him/her?
Hmmm,. let me say ferlyn 1st .guai guai girl that type ,trying to act young when she was already
so old.. hahaha..,gentle, pretty and also a GOOD GAL!!!=) For yufang will be , MAN SIA!!, so
violent sia,GOOLD GAL~!!,STRONG!,BLACK GAL.. ahahahah..
4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you?
Hmmm.. CAnt think of any lei ...
5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you?
They both say what abt love is what in their blog or write at the counter paper tat type...haaha..
6.If he/she become your lover, you will?
7. If he/she become your lover, thing he/she has to improve on will be?
8.If he/she become your enemy, you will?
WILL not la ,. Unless yufang beat me up or ferlyn suddenly becum younger than me in her age..
9.If he/she become your enemy, the reason will be?
The reason will be for what i ahd written in 8..hahahaha...so u know how it is impossible le ba??
10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is?
DESERIED?? HAVE!!! STay over night wif them . Not as that type la. i mean AS FRENS OK!!!
11. Your overall impression of him/her is?
12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
LAME , Cheerful and sometimes can be very siao that type.. hahah..
13. The characters you love of yourself are?
CHEERFUL AND HAPPY and that is wat i wan to be !!!=)
14.On the contrary, the characteristics you hate most about yourself are?
Hmmm.. Fickle minded...
15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
I am already is .. HAPPY and CHEERFUL!!!!
16. For people that care and like you, say something to them?
Hmmmm... I will remember their names and remember their looks . No need say anything just
remember them is the BEst thIng ba...
17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you pass to people that have blogs only.
2. Yu Fang
3. Elaine
4. Christina
5. Pei Zhen
6. Gi siang
7. Shu Yun
8. Ting Ting
9. Wei Ming
10.Wei Sheng
18.Who is no.6 having relationship with?
NO... NOONE...
19. Is no.9 a male or female?
20. If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
NOxxxxx. They both gt their own partners le..
21. What is no.2 studying about?
BUsIness.. SP...
22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Jus now . few mins ago. on msn...
23. What kind of music band does no.8 like?
haha.. she like 李圣杰 de songs ..hahah...
24. Does no.1 have any siblings?
Yap.. SIs and brothers..
25. Will you woo no.3?
Definetly NOPE!!!!
26. How about no.7?
No also.. MINE TODAY!!! hahaah...
27. Is no.4 single?
Ya ...
28. What is the surname of no.5?
29.What’s the hobby of no.10?
How will i know ? ask ferlyn .. Maybe play psp is it ?? hahaha..
O YES .. SEee .. Ferlyn and yu fang ,, i not unfair at all.. i do both of u at the same time.. haahah...
Labels: I am so tired....
words spilled @ 12:14 AM /
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Today finally go watch the movie 4bia wif yufang yuying and yufang fren. haha.. me finally rot
from 2-5pm just to wait for yuying and yufang to come ..after which is me 1/2 m shift lor. The
movie gt 4 story ma. then i can realli say last story is scary . the other 3 ok la. teh last . i from
one part close my ear all the way lor. and the 2nd story ,the curse of those students la, the scene
damn digusting . then me dicuss wif yuying some of the loopholes in the show when we training
mrt home. haha.. 4bia can watch as is a 4short stories as is not so po po ma ma. and me keep
hitting yuying then she complain . bec fang and yuying sit together then me gt nth to lean
togther. so then me also gt hit yuying just to tell her the part come liao . the part come liao.
yufang also scream and laugh in the cinmea so loudly . me at 1st tot was the movie scream ..
haha.. anyway, 4 bia NICE!!! hahaha..
then after that went bk baleno bec yuying need take abk her shoes. yufang eat wif her fren .
then after tat me and yuying go amk walk walk . ask for psp prices. and my mum finally agree to
buy psp le..YEAH!!! but is ask my aunt help to buy in malaysia . and she say wat malaysia is
cheaper. I WAN WHITE DE!!! But mum say will fa huang .. But if dun take white . wat colours? I
still prefer white at least can put colour crystal case..hahah..
working 12/cl tmr. hope me dun be late. me today so scared late bec is ferlyn,weisheng and me
in morning . then at 1st is ah seng go warehouse take and choose stock so will be in the shop
around 11am but in the end never but still me open shop as i am holding keys. and i set 3 alarms
lor. 745am,8am, and one 8.15 am. haha.. and in the end i wake up at 810 am.. ahahah.. luckily
not late sia...waS late for 2 days so a bit scared ..hahaha...hope tmr will nt be late..
words spilled @ 10:27 PM /
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Just bath finish. today me wake up late. at 1230pm lor. me faster call amk baleno bk tell them
will be late and in the end i reach at 140pm. hahaha.. then today also stock take. but today end
so early me reach home at 1am. left agnes,weishend,ferlyn and ah seng bec they tmr off ad only
left the key in to com. we stock take hao liao ma... guess bec we gt do prepartion in hand 1st...
hahah.. but today me not tired . dunnoe y. maybe me today sleep until late. maybe. guess me
going to sleep soon as me tmr is 12/cl hahah.. bye..pple..
words spilled @ 2:13 AM /
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Monday, September 22, 2008
Just back from home. Tonite we pack the whoke shop.. OMg .. i realli went crazyy .. Pack until i
realli go crazy until i also dunnoe y.. i act like a siao person . keep on laugh tomyself ,make some
funny and supid actions. I tink i am realli MAD by packing those clothes.. Realli Damn cRazy/.. I
even sing and shout in the shop also.. Ferlyn and yufang also went crazy. and when we pull the
wargons in we also went crazy .. haha.. Had a good laugh during Night .. BEC EVERYONE WENT
CRAZY>> A CRAzY NITE!!!! hahaha..
gt to rest early bec me today wake up at 8 plus just to meet the person parents to collect those
mp3 from her again . as she cant make it . and me is that type wake up le sthen cant go back to
sleep le. so work afternoon shift and me 8 plus wake up le. hahah.. Tmr will be a longgggg day as
it is stock take .. CS stock take AGAIN AND AGAIN >>>>!!!!! sian lor..
words spilled @ 12:36 AM /
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Sunday, September 21, 2008
Just back home from afternoon shift . Today quite a fast day pass by .. hahah.. tmr also
afternnoon and mon also afternoon shift . Think mon very hard to pass bec mon stock take
le..haix.. anyway . today at nite so funny .
I serve one customer . she say she wan to exchange pants . then she take the black pants and
ask me gt ... ? I was like huh ? Gt 辣椒? then agnes at the counter wif nancy heard it and say
the word out and laugh and then nancy heard it too and they both laugh and me also laugh . the
customer say nonono. Gt Large size or nt ? Then i OOOO.. say no.. then nancy they all say me
heard wrongly maybe the customer wan ask gt 塑胶型 is it ?? then i faster explain is me heard
wrongly,customer ask me gt Large size or nt ? Then nancy tell yY and then he laugh and laugh
at me.. Then he tell Yuying .. she also keep laughing .. Then they all call me 辣椒妹 liao lor.. WIN
LIAOLOR! aiyah .. me hear wrongly cant mei.. but come to tink of it also funnny ..haha gt 辣
椒 or nt ?? hahahahaha....
Then after work, me yuying went MAc buy ice cream and we get a free spin adn win a free apple
pie. agnes also shun bian buy a medium fries. and then she went withdraw atm money and then
she wan me helep hold her mac plastic bag woth the empty fries box and apple pie and then i say
i help her throw ar.. and then she shout .. A MY PINEAPPLE!!!! I was Like damn laugjing like
hell . Yuying also .. then i made a very funny action .. wahha.. The Pineapple so big and
heavy ,.,.haha.. then i say wat u tink ? PIE + APPLE ,is it ?/ haha. then i tell agnes if i am 辣椒妹
then you are PINEAPPLE MEI.. haha..
so funny of the wrong words today .. hahah... WHAT A FUNNY DAY ?? hehehe...
words spilled @ 12:26 AM /
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Friday, September 19, 2008


done by elaine.. nice and sweet..haha
words spilled @ 10:02 PM /
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Thursday, September 18, 2008
Jus come back from nancy chalet .. haha.. although gt food eat .last min a steamboat at amk
baleno, a leftover buffet at nancy chalet. but me now feel a bit hungry also. drinking my milo
hoping to fill up my stomach... hahah ..
anyway , today plan to go to nancy chalet after yufang de monring shift but in the end
yuying,peiyun and deyuan also wann go but need wait for afternoon shift off work then can go
together. so me and agnes reach amk le but ferlyn say wait for them ,then ok lor. and they last
min want to eat steamboat at amk baleno bec gt one auntie left a bag of vegetables at baleno so
they came up woth the inspiration of steamboeat. lox. SO HOt ,eat steamboat .. haha. but it
seems tat i never eat until full lei . but i gt a headach suddenly so eat 2 panadols and sleep a
while then feel better le. then haven 6 lor. ned wait for yufang sign out so lend ferlyn de psp play
and she went to sleep a while, agnes go eat wif weiming. then when FINALLy yufang sign out we
go amk hub buy present . cant tell u where we buy later scared gt baleno de people view my
blog.. hahah ..anyway jus waste my off day at baleno le.. haha
anyway jus upload photos hao le. ..
we all scared gt food posioning bec we all never wash the ingredients.. hahaha.. these 2 zhao act cute de lor..haha..
these 2 loving couple.. ferlyn and weisheng..
yuying.. i promise u to delete but i nv promise u to delete this pic.. hhahaha.. look like it wan to
come out from this screen le.. aaaaarrrrrr!!!!
words spilled @ 2:39 AM /
here ⋄
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Upload those photos abt yesterday dinner wif Gfs... which i just recieve from gigi...
words spilled @ 12:56 PM /
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