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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Monday, October 20, 2008

Today jaysen let me off early but provide i wipe clean the glass and then can go

home wif agnes,ferlyn and ws. bec we same route ma.the ok lor. but me feel a bit

guilty .. but me b4 leaving thanks jaysen..

Today lesson was abt the space curratorship .. like history lesson sia. and then we

went to museum in the afternoon . excursion. and complete our worksheets by seeing

those artifacts and have a lesson over there. a lot of pictures are also taken but

not wif me. haha.. upload them when i get it .

Then me after tat went bk to amk for work. buy dinner and ate it b4 signing it . and

soon agnes wif ferlyn and ws came baleno. surprise to see them and they broke out a

news to me. quite shock. sorry agnes. is not me not purposely dun wan answer ur call

but i put on silent mode.then me having lessons so .. so so so sorry . haix.. anyway

just wan tell her. everyone had said what they wan tell u. Now the rest is up to

you. you wan move on or u wan continue grabbing it is see what kind of decision u

wan make. But if u wan move on then move on wif things being learnt . if you

continue grabbing it , in the end the most hurt will be both of u. rem this time no

one is to blame, not you not him. maybe memories left for u all will be better

instead of reality isnt it ?
words spilled @ 11:34 PM / here