Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Today off lesson early. yeah. can reach home by 430 to watch the yi nan wang channel
8 de. i in love wif that show. haha. u may say i chey. but is a nice show for a part
if u watch close. haha.. Then today wake up at 745 am . but need to open email then
edit and save the report . until 9am then i left house. whereby 9 am start lesson.
omg. rush . then reach yck sujun say no need print. i was like wao lao. then i stay
at home edit for wat? she say fri can hand in then ok lor. reach class at 930am. and
ate a lot today. tink for the lost of meals for yesterday . haha. Then me come home
look at spree and go nk do my studio again. and still haven edit finish the
template. Think i lazy. liao. now i wan go watch mob tv de xiao niang ren for tmr .
bec i gt bbq tmr sure will miss de.
Recieve ah seng sms jus now. he say part timers will get $88 incentive for jan 1-25
if contribute 22hrs per week,. Onli for jan. A bit ?? dots lor. haha., jan onli? and
out of a sudden gt incentive? haha. But nvm me wan get the incentive, haha.. extra
money lei. haha.
still haven finish studio and haven touch fri ppt . dunnoe need to do wat also.
sian., dun care. watch show 1st. hehehe...
words spilled @ 10:18 PM /
here ⋄
Monday, December 29, 2008
So damn unlucky. 1st day of school and mine one come after school. Me damn so pain,
No mood to blog and no mood to eat dinner just drink dumpling soup.
words spilled @ 7:34 PM /
here ⋄
Sunday, December 28, 2008
today work half morning and soon now is night. is like so fast .. OMg. come home
after work and start doing my studio at evening and then blink do finish is already
11 plus pm. OMg.. worse tmr school reopen. sian lor. sad lor. just now do do until
bu xiao xin fall asleep and sleep for 1 hr lor. omg. damn tired. holiday i always
sleep late late like 2 plus or 3 plus or 4 plus like tat lor. sian lor . i hate
school reopening. I SIMPLY LOVE HOLIDAY. can let holiday continue? haix. but nvm can
see GFs.. haha. ANd soon 2009 will be coming and guess wats? 31 dec , new year eve
BBq at pasir psir park again,. Family gathering BBq. one week later go bk there BBq.
Hope it Dun rain again. ONCE Is enough.. haha.
Think Now i go edit the report again.. sian. this is how my half morning gone. I
havcn play wif my pet and haven find the CNY songs for shop.. haha..
words spilled @ 11:31 PM /
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
Today off day .Sleep until 11 plus and woke up by neighbours kids playing outside
the corridor. stay at home whole day do my studio hwmk and watch Tv shows.and just
now finish or somwhoe type a bit for the report . Tmr morning just wake up continue
type ba. Cant realli think much now. Luckily tmr Afternoon shift no need wake up
early at 8 plus. yeah. haha but still need wake up earlier than 12 pm. haha.
And holiday will be ending soon. Thats is wat dissappoint me. and that is the sad
part also. i hope to have another holiday soon.. sad sad sad..
words spilled @ 1:46 AM /
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Friday, December 26, 2008
Is treally a damn cold christmas... WOOHOOO>.Me one plus jus reach home from work.
Today christmas day. A lot of pple but i still tink last year were more than this
year. Manage to hit our target for this day. and a tired day also. Today had a good
laugh after work due to so many things happen. lazy blog out. haah. Had christmas
exchange wif collegues. I got agnes one. A minnie mouse cup wif a box. quite cute.
and we also gossip today abt someone. haha.
Anyway, a tired but a LAUGHTer day today.
Going to get some sleep soon. Tmr is my off day again..
words spilled @ 2:08 AM /
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Yesterday was the most romantic BBQ.. Eating and BBq under the rain.. That was my
most romantic thing in my life. i guess.. haha.. !st time like that. Me was the
latest to reach at 8 plus. and starting eating . me damn hungry like a Dog.. haha.
Then after a while. start rain le. wooohooo. They say it was passing cloud so is
like rain le then stop then rain le. woohoo. Dunnoe know how many times le. and we
faster like cover the food and take shelter under a mat or under table. haha. so
funny lor. Then after that me elaine karen fathin and elaine fren went off at 11pm.
and we hope take the last bus home. BUT IMPOSSIBLE. CANt rush for the last bus and
elaine and her fren went bk BBq there stay overnight wif the rest. Then me karen
reach tampines bus interchange. No last to yishun or woodlands. karen wan go bk stay
overnight bec take cab very exp. But me dun wan. Next day morning gt work liek that
very tired, so me die die wan go home and karen pei me xian hai take cab wif me. and
then This stupid cab driver, due to some reasons say cant spilt the cab fare. so is
damn exp. But me also wan argue. This kind of pple Hiax. Worse still. Karen say he
wan overtake another car but suddenly like cannot or wat. Then brake so sudden and
almost bang into the car.. Stupid lei he. He still say is teh car dfrive too slowly
nv move tat type.. Pls ;lor. UNCLE CAN DRIVE SAFELY OR NOT!! still wan say other
pple is his fault drive slowly. Hello. Our safety is in ur hands lor. DUn wan meet
this kind of uncle next time le la. But realli damn broke after taking cab...
So in the end today nv go countdown. alsoo too tired le. But realli feel like going.
Next year ba.. haix. Ok i should go drink My SParking juice now..

This is realli pretty . like snow but is rain.. =haha..
just post all these.lazy post the rest of photos. haha..
words spilled @ 10:36 PM /
here ⋄
Monday, December 22, 2008
Just finish wrapping my christmas presents.. Today off day . Just went to get
christmas present. wrap christmas presents too . nothing to say. Qi dai tmr bbq qif
classmates.. yeah. Christmas is around the corner and i already broke from getting
those christmas gifts.
Got to watch show now.. Bye pple.

dun jealous ar pple. i got girlfriend..haha..

we are ONE BIG FAMILY...
Labels: I starting to smell christmas is nearby...=)
words spilled @ 10:06 PM /
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Saturday, December 20, 2008
Tired.. reach home at 1.05am. work ended late today as many stocks come and was
packing the shop also. Went to eat supper after work as we all were damn hungry. me
whole day just eat sushi drink bubble tea onli. and also need carry so many cartons
of stock up the storeroom. seriously was hungry after work. Luckily tmr can sleep
late but need wake up at 11 . meeting gigi at yishun as she wan pass me the bu liang
xiao hua full esp. yeah. haha.
Ever since holiday start. My sleeping time is after 3am. school time normal sleeping
time is 1 or 2 plus am. but now keep on sleeping at 4 plus tat type. bec next day
can sleep until late late . bec always afternoon shift. always tell myself wan sleep
early but nv in the end. I guess today also. bec me now damn full cant sleep le.
Seriously, sometimes i will mood swing during work just bec of customers. Pls ensure
the size u wan before opening. if open is like the size cannot then dun wan or is go
and try tat type. Not just that we dun allow u . is just that u open a new one dun
wan . then another pple wan new one. then dun wan open one and dun have then dun
buy. so what happen in the end? that piece cant sold. some even worse. take new
piece try and the clothes especially white one gt the face powder on. Then become
diry can sell liao. jus so angry due to these people. some worse still , ask wat
size needed? they dun wan reply. keep finding. But my tatic is keep on repeating wat
soze u wan ? WHAT SIZE u wanT? repeat until they reply. if some say they find
themselves. i say i help u find more faster. u need to do this. Bec THEY ALREADY
MADE A MESS LE. and customers always like to decieve themselves. keep on imgaine
cheap prices of wat they see. no $2 then say mens polos $2. last 2 days also becum 2
for $10. tat is wat they think. wall paste $3 . Tot doreamon tees is $3. I jus feel
like telling them is the wall $3 . U wan then break it down go cashier there pay..
THAT IS CALL WORK!!!!! sian...
words spilled @ 2:01 AM /
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Friday, December 19, 2008
LAter going to work 6/cl. sian . haix. today sleep until 12 and wake up like left 4
hrs plus for myself before going to work. Just now edit the ppt.. can say is?? haix.
nvm . wan to start off wif comm skill report then pass on but dunnoe how to start
so suan le, then go to continue watch HOt shot. Lan qiu huo. But i still feel bu
liang xiao hua nicer . Hot shot dun make me feel like chase on to watch lei. haha.
Then me these few days keep on listerning to my blog song. 同一个遗憾-潘伟伯。i liek
listern 10 times per day or even more.so nice . then i even go and rewatch some of
the scene in bu liang xiao hua. i am addicted to it. this is the best tw show in 2008
. 2007 de is fang yang de xing xing. OMg, i jus love bu liang xiao hua., nice.
really damn nice.. i am going to get bu liang xiao hau full esp from gi gi and burn
into cd keep as ji nian. then have time can rewatch .. haha.
Tell she know
Don't think so
Tell me she knows
cause i could't think so
你怪 谁的错 谁的错
我们都 我们都失败
words spilled @ 3:16 PM /
here ⋄
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Today work morning shift but reach home at 8 plus where by i 6 plus off work. wait
for the agnes try finish her jeans already 7 plus le and then walk home wif her
togther but i go to her house temple there. bec need to huan tai sui. and me wait
for my mum.. so long lor. she. OMg. and then reach home at 8 45pm . faster go bath
and come out watch my xiao niang ren.
also finish watching my bu liang xiao hua liao. wat a funny and stupid ending lor.
hope gt part 2. qi dai to the part 2. but realli damn nice de show. feel like
rewatching again. i cry at the last 2 and last esp lor. sad part. even change my
blog song the one of the song from the bu liang xiao hua there. My pet name also
change to WOO HOO.. hahaha.. jus fall in love wif the show le..
O ya,. wan to say at work. one damn stupid customer complain me. ?wat E HELL?? she
say she wan m size orange colour mens polo and then she take wan open and i say u
wan see the sizse 1st? then she say she need to see gt po or not. but i damn bu
shuan lor. then she say if cannot then dun buy lor.?i feel like telling her then u
dun buy lor. then she open see then she take another open s size see see and then
take another new one s size and see see check check. then she put inside plastic
bag and take another new s size polo again open. Then i say that one cannot ar? she
say gt hole?where gt hole? rubbish lor. dun wan say anything. lor. already damn
unhappy lor. then i go out for a while . see she at $4 tees there see one tee. then
i go inside see the poly bag s size on the floor lei. wao lao. angry la. anyhow
throw rubbish on the floor. i pick up very angrily , loudly that type. she turn bk
see me . i also heck care lor. Then after that agnes tell me she complain me. say i
very rude say wat i anyhow throw and fold clothes slamp very da li tat type. PLS
soul searching 1st la. u take new one open then dun wan . then pple everytime liek
tat then customers keep on wan new one then open one how? no need sell ar?? and hor
words spilled @ 9:45 PM /
here ⋄
Monday, December 15, 2008
Omg. yesterday my lappy recover hao le. reformat and then ok. then i need to install
those prog in and me fall asleep on the sofa until 5am and then wake up. faster nao
hao those things and pack pack and faster go to bed sleep until 12pm.. and me woke
up watch my bu liang xiao hua. eating for the whole day .My off day will just gone
like that.
So nice and funny the show. i wan to faster watch finish lei.. haha..
Labels: ME is CURRENTLY IN LOVE WITH 不良笑花...
words spilled @ 8:23 PM /
here ⋄
Just bath hao. Today knock off work at 1215am. 50 plus of cartons of stocks come
today and also need pack shop. get some supper to eat at shop also. tired today. But
off tmr. yeah. BUT will be working for the rest of the days. sian. and my half day
is also 6/cl.sian. but too bad i cant work as much next week. bec gt class bbq and
countdown to christmas and also need to do my hmwk le.
BUt wat sian for me is my lappy crash again. yesterday install prog inside and then
say window need to update but dunnoe y i cant update then i jiu suan le. then next
day my lappy become blank screen when on. sian lor. now i am trying to recovery my
lappy by system recovery. which is somehow reformat . if cant that means i need to
bring down my lappy to HP service centre in the cursing me REdhill there to repair.
Lappy discharge from hospital haven even 1 week then relapse again liao. wao lao
Hope everything can turn for the better. is like so unlucky for me during this almost the end of the year. ...
words spilled @ 1:30 AM /
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Saturday, December 13, 2008
just bath hao . Me now damn hungry. now cooking noodles to eat .. Today work
afternoon shift. sian. and i have my break at 630pm.. me already hungry wan die.
whole day just eat bread onli until i go eat my dinner . Fried rice wif bubble tea.
Today so many pple at the $6 polos and plusso many afternoon shift plus stocks come.
so me was the last one to go have my break. sign in at 7 plus. seems like 3 hrs plus
can off work. Fold clothes again and it seem today time passes very fast
today..Huuhuuu..ha ha ha. Huijuan come today again. talk to her also. haha. anyway i
mus enjoy my holiday. must watch show again and plus mus work for the sake of money.
one month plus and i will resign,. after resign i mus not anyhow spend money but i
can enjoy my freedom..Now i go watch my show and also shun bian eat my noodles. =)

edit by me. haha..
words spilled @ 12:56 AM /
here ⋄
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Now watching my xiao niang ren. later i wan to go watch watch my bu liang xiao hua.
i miss a lot of esp le. haha. and today studio presentation. luckily everything is
ok.. yeah. and now we are having holidays le. yeah!!! But got homework for us.haix.
and today after studio went bugis shop.
long time nv go bugis shop and me buy something home. and someone drag me in perlini
silver shop to xian hai me. lor.. haha..anyway gt a pendant for me and my mum as
well and trained home . and this train gt one
pervert keep on looking at the woman insider"THERE" when she was sleeping. wao lao.
there i jus tell sujun loudly ., cantstand so se de ren and he still looking lei.
then i say so old and ugly still dare to look at pple. zhen bu yao lian lor. and
luckily he stop at amk. or else i dunnoe wat happen lor. and reach home at 8 plus .
but tmr onwards need work le. sian . ..
ok i upload yesterday plus today de photos..
elaine,karen fam and gigi de model..
words spilled @ 9:35 PM /
here ⋄
Hoho.. Today finally finish my studio . somehow is a temporary ..haha.. and then reach home at
10pm bec stay at school until 9 plus help rayne in sanding her model. haha.. sand until so pain.
workshop super dusty. omg.. its been so long i step into workshop. and today work my studio
frame out. stupid and silly things happen. dunnoe wat happen to me liao. haha.. but nvm..
anyway . fInally studio model is over le. just left tmr mid critque wiof sid o1. omg. and also i can
finally blog and watch show and play wif my pet le. yeah. today should rest early bec yesterday
sleep so late at nearly 5am and pimple popping out le. but luckily today lesson at 12pm. hahah.
and thanks mother in law help me to take my lappy back. MY HP lappy is discharged from
hosptial and now is gisiang turn for her lappy to go into hospital. so who is the next victim??
ok i now go do my the 20 thumbnails in one a3 size paper the drawings and pictures which need
to show tmr.
lazy post today de pics. next time ba..
words spilled @ 12:25 AM /
here ⋄
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
DAMn sleepy and tired this morning and in the end miss today de morning lesson cant
wake up. me yesterday plus sat full shift plus sleep 3 hrs onli. so tired la and i
nv touch my studio onli gt ideas and today zalina said die die thurs mus hand in
studio and present . omg. mus faster finish , hope i can .. haha. but now watch show
liao. so funny de bu liang xiao hua. haha. and now i can upload photos le. haha..
words spilled @ 7:25 PM /
here ⋄
Monday, December 08, 2008
Just bath hao and then come out lor. i am seriously tired . today wake up in e
morning and get ready for my relative wedding lunch wif my family . The wedding
lunch is at mariott hotel and i guess this is the most romantic wedding i went
before. Got those like hai jun bu de soliders march in wif their swords.. Omg. 1st
time see this is real. and the grrom carry the bride on the stage. sweet lor. bride
and goom look quite compatible. haha. and what the most sweet is wat ? their story
is like so drammatic.. let me tell you all.. i had been tellng everyone today abt
their story .
the gal and boy know each other since pri school. they got perfomance b4 but they
did not realli saw each other. and they graduate and went to different sec schools
and they at 1st gt call each other and talk on the phone for the 1st 2 years but
slowly later they did not. and when after sec school graduation. the guy went to
work in singapore net cable? something like tat la. and out of hundreds of incoming
calls he pick up HER call.
boy: hi
gal: can i cancel my cable tv?
boy: sure
gal:are u kxxxx?
boy:ya. u r Jxxxx?
and then they start to contact each other call on the phone again but they never
meet up once until...
they happen to saw each other at city hall but they never call out each other but
had a familar feeling. the gal call e guy.
gal: where are u now?
boy: in the train
then now the speaker say : next stop novean
gal; looks we are in the same train . haha
boy; i now the train is crowded . i stop at bishan and wait for you.
gal: ok
and this is the 1st time they meet and saw each other since pri school. and the
video even show the cartoon character of the gut heart beating fast.. haha.
and they both went out togther until one day at blk 640 lift ..
the gal want go in the lift le.
boy ask the gal: er. can u be my girlfriend?
gal: er . ok.
gal: bye bye
and she went up the lift and then they gt togther and the guy propose even also so
romantic . at those hotel room gt those roses, cake written :will u marry me?"
OMG.. sweet rite. haha.. sweet couple. hope they will be lasting forever.
After attending the wedding went to 6/cl work. after work went to yy and winnie
marriage chalet . stay there until 2 plus and reach home nearly 3.. and now i am
blogging here. haha..wan to upload pics but dunnoe y cant upload. try so many times
also cant . i tink next time i upload hao le..
ok i think i go think how to do my studio frame out le.. and worse still tmr full
shift. when can i have a off day ?
Labels: After blogging is already 4 am le lor.. .
words spilled @ 3:19 AM /
here ⋄
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Just reach home and catch a bit xiao nioang ren onli. haha. so nice show, i tink
everyone like to watch this show.. haha. Tot my studio will be over soon but is not
lor. still need to make a frame for it.. haix.. need to think.. think going to use
workshopp.. omg.. feel like ending this soon.. i hate studio bugging me. but luckily
the shopping arcade is over. haha.. think later i go find how to make my frame ba.
omg.. and then stay at school until 730pm and then we went to eat dinner at the thai
resturant at chongpang there. eat until so full lor. omg. but nice food and cheap.
each person 10 dollars and then reach home by 5 mins. 5 mins walk from there ma..
haha. got to go watch my tv..haha..
words spilled @ 10:10 PM /
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Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Today morning nv go rost lesson and went to repair my HP lappy. and me went to
redhill. meet chris BUT! me gt decieve by her. say no need cross road . and
henderson sec school . !! arrr.. but e henderson nvm admit is me too kong chong nv
listern properly but the road hor.. christ.. u say no need coss road. walk straight
lor!!! haha.. and also we did a lot of exercixe. walk so long climb bridge chase
after the bus.. omg.. next time i dun wan come red hill liao la.. red hill curse
me.. haha.. anyway the person say my lappy corrupted need reformat so need liek 3-5
working days to collect . but dunnoe wats the reason cause it to suddenly corrupted??
I finally finish my studio and left tmr to hang up onli. but tink my one is like
crap.. haha.. anyhow de.. sshshhh.. haha. Then ben lai need to jie sujun tat floor
plan for the shopping aracde and need to add in the details. but . my auto prog is
deng yu dun have in my dell lappy. bec need to activate or buy the product cant run
the product so cant use. and cant download also bec me gt download once b4. soo too
bad. then bo bian jun have to continue and me then help her add in the wordings
lor.. haha.. tta is the best i can do. sorry. now me can finally play com see online
spree le.. haha.. is over le. but i still wish the rest jiayou wif studio.. will be
over soon as well as shopping arcade . jiayou!!! =)
then today wen home at 5 plus and me went to city chain get a watch for my mum $99 so
that she can stop complaining her watch no batt and dunnoe where can repair them.haha
but i guess i wan no more money . my pay $500 plus now left onli $100 plus left..,
OMG!!! so fast ..
and me suddenly feel like going online watch bu liang xiao hua.. haha.. and also
feel like going malaca all of a sudden..haha...
words spilled @ 8:10 PM /
here ⋄
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Just bath finish bec reach home at 9plus pm and 830 then leave school lor ..nv eat
dinner. eat jun food at schooll already full le. me today whole studio lesson i
tubing and tubing.. the thing keep coming out lor.. then my hand now very pain. type
keyboard also pain.. and finally tube finish after hours,. tmr gt to show them and
can dicuss in arrranging liao..; then i will be done.. yeah. want to get over the
studio asap lor.. and still got shopping aracade lei?? omg. everything due on
thurs.. and after tat evrything will be over le.. haha anyway recieve ah seng sms.
haix. but i jus feel unreasonable. take exam leave of cus will crash bec everyone
will have the samne time as exam. poly students ma. then if we wan take then u dun
allow us. then we resign lor. ah seng wan keep us so dun wan terminate any of us.
thanks. But actually i dun mind leaving. bec this time so busy and then also me wil
resign anyway.so complicated in making all these things. and of cus we are need to
work on weekends after everything. everything is unfair. and sometimes is not we
choose to be and is we force to be. no one wan it like this. making thing so wei
nan. ..
words spilled @ 9:51 PM /
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Monday, December 01, 2008
Today presentation was so like..? wat ? nvm happen a lot of unhappy things but is
finally over and somehow get over wif it wif risk.. haha.. =)
Today come home quite early . bec finish shopping aracde dicussion and also nth to
do . my studio at home so left at 5 plus. reach home at 6 plus. just in time to
watch my last esp of the 7 pm dramma show. yeah.. haha.. then today also play DJ max
wif gigi. me dunnoe wat wrong le. keep on game over. every game like lose lei.. me
super pek cek lor. GIGI!!! I WILL WIN BK DE !!!! haha..
Thanks SB08 for the ODM pixel square watch. Like it very much.. thanks. =)
words spilled @ 10:13 PM /
here ⋄