Saturday, December 13, 2008
just bath hao . Me now damn hungry. now cooking noodles to eat .. Today work
afternoon shift. sian. and i have my break at 630pm.. me already hungry wan die.
whole day just eat bread onli until i go eat my dinner . Fried rice wif bubble tea.
Today so many pple at the $6 polos and plusso many afternoon shift plus stocks come.
so me was the last one to go have my break. sign in at 7 plus. seems like 3 hrs plus
can off work. Fold clothes again and it seem today time passes very fast
today..Huuhuuu..ha ha ha. Huijuan come today again. talk to her also. haha. anyway i
mus enjoy my holiday. must watch show again and plus mus work for the sake of money.
one month plus and i will resign,. after resign i mus not anyhow spend money but i
can enjoy my freedom..Now i go watch my show and also shun bian eat my noodles. =)

edit by me. haha..
words spilled @ 12:56 AM /
here ⋄