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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Sunday, July 26, 2009

Yesterday went to city hall there the tawian Xing wang eat and celebrate ah ma

birthday . There de food nt bad and is at least better than hong kong de xing wang

cafe and also cheaper. haha. ANd ah ma mus be surely surprised recieve present ar.

haha. anway HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HER ANYWAY . OLD AH MA LIAO . HAHA. and this coming

weeks so many pple birthday again .. haha..

Jus reach home like 1 hrs plus ago . Went to TOP ONE KTV wif kaser alvin yufang

jenny. sing and have fun. and U know suddenly realied weiqiang and kaser sing de nt

bad la. OMG. shocked hor, haha. haha. And today haha. can say mission accomplised.


and me go continue watch show ba. and tmr is sunday and can have later sleep. YES!

photos upload next time ba. Bec i gt my hp lappy back today from service centre and

was so tired and fall asleep and overshot my stop in train. dunnow how many rides of

bus and mrt i took today. UNCOUNTABLE. HAHA.
words spilled @ 1:42 AM / here