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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Sunday, September 13, 2009

Today went It fair after work. crowded wif full people. had a hard time walking!
But I finally get a digital camera for myself which is canono ixus 95IS. Gigi the all say this one at least good and better than casio. so headed for their advice and get this @$349 but is mum help me pay the money bec i realli no money. Take it as my mum give to my advanced birthday present!hahaa. Then get a hard disk to pay bk kaser and one thumbdrive for yufang.then finally out oF IT FAIR!Headed home wif gigi on train bec the rest went off 1st.
And today i eat astons wif gigi,fen,jun and chris. ANOTHER ASTONS AGAIN BUT I LIKE IT! haha.
Watch finish my zhong ji san guo ep29. I cry bec too touching.haha. I DAMN LOVE IT!HAHA.

I got myself the silver one and free with my loved colours casing which is white and blue ! hahaha
words spilled @ 12:54 AM / here