Saturday, October 17, 2009
Today went bk to school to eat the last plate of chicken rice before i go. sad sia.
haha. i will miss it. Then arrange studio layout classroom . wooo. da gong cheng
sia.Then after tat sean and larry brief us. or can i say nt brief us abt the
studio.haha. my studio still dunnoe wat to do. ? haha. But will be creating a blog
for them to go see to update our progress of studio work up there for them keep
After tat went sing k wif agnes and fang. haha. k dinner. ATe and full! but sing nt
enough.haha. and before we go amk de k box, we saw my idol chen wei lian going to
sing in the amk central outside amk hub de cheers there like those street
performance. Bec they like set up those instruments then wei zhu the area. But nv
saw my idol bec haven come! sad sia! haha.
Anyway, trained to khatib and walk wif agnes home. haha.chat along the 30 mins walk.
ANd my xiao xi gua eyes are opening soon! maybe tmr i wake up and their eyes will be
fully open le! haha. going off to watch my zhong ji san guo ep34 le!

words spilled @ 1:19 AM /
here ⋄