Sunday, December 20, 2009
Yesterday out wif agnes to ion and Ps for thomas birthday present. Bought a addias tee and a bear(weird!) . Bec Huijuan say he like bear when she buy for agnes as birthday present and he want it. haha. thats weird giving a bear to a guy ! haha. Even we feel strange also. Then after that, meet up wif yufang to astons for dinner.
Bought my favourite chocolate Togi on the way home! Is super nice. haha. I love it!
But I more craving to Royce Chocolate! I want Champange and the new flavour with the pink packaging!
Trained home togther.
Going out later for thomas birthday chalet and going to clean my hamster cage now.
And i saw this hamster dollhouse . Its cute . I want to get it but very hard to get a cheap and good one. Saw it selling outside tell me ok? haha

words spilled @ 6:27 PM /
here ⋄