Sunday, May 23, 2010
Dunnoes when the last time i update my blog le. No life for me now. WOrking 12hrs everyday, 8 hrs of sleep and 3 hrs of bathing and preparation plus travelling. ANd left 1 hr of free for myself. So like 1 hr is like very precious to me by watching show tv everynight. Then 10 pm must go to sleep le bec need wake up at 6am everyday. Grdaution just pass and i can only say i am leaving NYP, my class. But finally after 3 yrs of toture, we finally gradute! But if time repeat again, i will still make my choices again. Stepping into interior design, i did not rgret. Learning alot and gainig experiences is defintely and knowing a bunch of gossip friends is my happiest time of my moment. I will miss the times we shared, the times we gossip togther, the times at nyp, the times how we camp at school with a bunch of mess made at the class, the special people in our class, the laughter and jokes we shared at school, the times we went out, and the surprises we shard togther. I miss all of them. DUnnoe whens the next time we can be like this. Dunnoe whens the next time we can gather together. I miss SID!

words spilled @ 11:48 AM /
here ⋄
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Work half day and treat my family, Buy roses for my aunts and mum. They are so 38! ANyway, dunnoe whens the last time i update my blog. SO update awhile to prove that i am still living. And just read a article a woman jus died bec she work 10 plus hrs a day and 6 days a week. Exacatly same as me! Hope i will nt be the 2nd one! ANd tmr my working life still continue. off on wed. WEd faster come. I need u!
Seriously, working life very sucks.
ANd i should be in bangkok by right. But due to the delay until one month later i will be there, i just cant wait! controlling my urge for shopping!
ANd upload th3e 38 pics. which my aunt and mum look so hua chi. Once a year!

words spilled @ 11:32 PM /
here ⋄
Monday, May 03, 2010
Too long nv update my blog. everyday keep working and working like a horse! hahaa. Today my only off day went to school collect graduation robe wif girls and agnes. And after tat went amk wif agnes. Bought KOI again but nt for me, for my mum. Had KOi for one month le. And tmr i bk to work, so means KOI again.
And i am working at jurong at 14 may to 30 may. And is so far and need so early reach there which is 8am. Means i need wake up at 6am everyday. OMG! i just freaking damn sian. haix. wat to do? this is my life.
And bangkok trip was delay one month to 3june. and means i will be working until 30 may. Hope everything run on smoothly for my bangkok trip. And really dunnoe what should I do after tat? Finding a happy and gt enough money for job is not really easy. I dont want to be tied by it. But lets hope everything will run on what i want!
And counting down to my another off day again, simply no life for me now.
words spilled @ 11:31 PM /
here ⋄