Sunday, May 09, 2010
Work half day and treat my family, Buy roses for my aunts and mum. They are so 38! ANyway, dunnoe whens the last time i update my blog. SO update awhile to prove that i am still living. And just read a article a woman jus died bec she work 10 plus hrs a day and 6 days a week. Exacatly same as me! Hope i will nt be the 2nd one! ANd tmr my working life still continue. off on wed. WEd faster come. I need u!
Seriously, working life very sucks.
ANd i should be in bangkok by right. But due to the delay until one month later i will be there, i just cant wait! controlling my urge for shopping!
ANd upload th3e 38 pics. which my aunt and mum look so hua chi. Once a year!

words spilled @ 11:32 PM /
here ⋄