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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Thursday, January 11, 2007

My grandma had left me, my family and this world on Saturday. After all those prayings and encouragement, she decided to leave. I told her that she still had a lot of things not done yet! She still need to eat her favourite ice cream which she is wanting for, see my O level results, perm her hair, spend her Chinese new year and lots of things.
On Wednesday, she is still very OK! But later her situation worsen as there is lungs infection and somemore she had thyroid gland prob which decrease her oxygen level. Later her gastric bleed due to the low nutritious and strong medicine prob. I stayed the whole night at hospital but it did not give any good news. But at least she had me and my aunt accompany before she died which is better than my grandfather.
Within half a year, I will be moving out of the house leaving a house which was full of memories, family care& love and a place I was there since born. I could only say I could not bear to leave it.
words spilled @ 3:16 PM / here