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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Sunday, December 30, 2007

SO TIRED!!! Yesterday went to grp proj wif christ. AH ma is sick so cant meet us. We test the material for the egg tray proj.. So fun..haha Then cant any info on my japan designer for Dh. AND U NOE WAT?? I HAd to change to another designer so I find those info and write out the report and type it out within a night!!! SUPER RIGHT?? SLept at 430 am due to the report but left a bit undone so today continue with it during my break time and wake up early also to write what is going to be type out. Then Realised is 1500 words minimum thought is 1500 words maximum. Then u noe what? I tried to bring to mac to connect to internet but cant. Thought of it and then send to maria. Then bo bian. FInish edit and then went back to shop to continue working.. STay up late today .. Then reach home faster send to maria.. SO sorry to her... BUT finally done with the report but only 1400 words . BuT think is ok de la..haha.. But just dun care abt the report liao.. Finally one hmwk is done.. Dunnoe yesterday night how stress am i??? AN dunnoe how many sighs did I relief also..SO pei cei...Today work very tired maybe due to lack of sleep.. SHould sleep early today but I am here blogging now.. But never miond.. Tmr is afternoon shift.. OS fast school is reopening soon. Just dun wan so fast reopen lor. Have to face a lot of things. SIAN la!!!! Btw thanks ferlyn and agnes for the present.. BELATED CHRISTMAS PRESENT!! haha...
words spilled @ 2:11 AM / here