Thursday, January 10, 2008
TODAY NEVER GO SCHOOL.. AT HOME SLACK .. but do my hwmk also..Then is like so good.. can sleep late late..
Then at night I was happily doing Mr ng drawing bec nothing to do ma and then phoebe call me and say need to hand in the COM SKILLS poster and send to maria tonight.. I was like huh? ALmost forgot this homework bec tmr no lessons as we are on duty for the open house. Then I HAVEN DO IT YET LOR!!!! Then after she hang up, I stilll like dun hav any feel of stress.. still chatting on the phone and msn with my fren.. Then after one hour and then on e com to do. Then after that msg came and everybody was like.. TMR NEED TO HAND IN POSTER?? HAVEN DO YET LEI!!!SID is like that.. Rush at last min.. But SID CAN RUSH IT OUT LOR!! haha.. ANd I finish within 1 hr.. FASt hor.. But very lan and spotted a lot of typing errors mistake by phoebe and elaine. haha.. Luckily la sia.. THEN IT IS DONE!!!!Do this poster to promote ourself... ?

words spilled @ 11:47 PM /
here ⋄