Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Me today nv go morning de comm skills lesson, overslept le and wake up at 750am like
that ,. o shit was late lor. then was realli too tired so i tink dun wan go lor, so
continue sleeping annd blur blur msg to sujun say not going but will be going to
studio lessons in the afternoon. had studio lesson from 12 to 4 and the rest went to
the trip while me,rayne and phoebe never go. me need to go home , bec today is my
mum birthday .. buy a mango cake on the way home and had the mango cake just now.
haha .. nice mango.. yummy.. haha..
and tmr whole day also field trip. tmr will be going to the exhibiton fair or wat at
the court..
and now everyone is addicted to face book especially the pet society . look at my
pet , her name is called NAME... haha,, cute right? but no $$ for to buy suitable
and nice clothes for her.. hahah..

words spilled @ 11:15 PM /
here ⋄