Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Today finaly can get home early . plan to go rebond but if go rebond will finish at 8
pm like that, i dun wan. bec we stay bk to dicuss proj after school so a bit late.
haix. then forget it. Next week then go rebond hao le. everytime say next week next
week but like never go lei. haha. But cant blame me ma. everyday always full shift
sia. school lesson at 9am to evening then after that go work . if never go work also
end lesson late. but onli finally today can rest. so ypee. might as well go home
rest early rite?
and I realli dun like it...I dun like pple to interfere and ask so much. It is like
interfere in my life, realli dun like it..

Taken on mon sushi-Ing wif GFs..
words spilled @ 5:59 PM /
here ⋄