Saturday, December 26, 2009
Continously working for full shift for these days. from 930 am to 10pm. AFter work, go home and reach at abt 11pm. Touch a bit of studio and went sleep at 1 or 2 plus. Haix.
Yesterday was christmas eve. WHich like yesterday at work bomb me at afternoon wif a lot of pple and most them buy a lot and whoe stall was messing. Agnes come down and find me but i was busy and dun have time entertain her.But thanks ar, she help me pack the clothes.haha. But sorry no pay for her. ANd i was so pissed off with this auntie. Bargin for me for 1 hr just $1. ANd also cum bk for exchange and make my bubble tea which i drink one mouthful onli spill. Use 1 of my last 2 tissues to wipe her leg. and no more tissues to wipe the drink . Bec will attract ants. and i have to faster go toilet to grab toilet paper. Ma de lor. I was so fucking pissed off that i say no more size le. I think i high pitch sia.haha.
Then end work at 10.10 pm and went to clark quay . i waited them for a hr lor.haha. No la. maybe lesser la. Agnes,yufang and her frens come. Then huijuan come also. Went to She Bang for Martel drink. And was so crowded that we have those nt good de seats near the sound system. super loud and we had to shout and can hear ur voices tat type. and there was so cramp. Headed home at 4 plus am and reach home at 5am. went to bed at 6am.
Wake up 1pm today by my mum , bec i had to go Np to get stuffs for christmas party tonight at home. Yeah. crawl out of my bed ,tired. had christmas presents recieve today and was full for dinner. Think I these 2 days nv had a dinner meal. Think can slim down le. No need go gym.wahaha. But i still wan go.
Now i wan go watch my mob tv shows le. after tat headed to sleep. Tmr i at west plaza working...

Last time thomas birthday chalet de wei yi photo wif him. haha

last fri christmas xchange in class...
words spilled @ 2:57 AM /
here ⋄