Saturday, July 10, 2010
I feel that my blog is a dead blog. So lazy to blog now.
Working in a office now, CYC Custom Shop. Work as a merchandiser, bt nt related to design. Really need to admit everything have to learn from scratch. In a new working environment, new collegues and a new work. Really know nothing just like nuts. Admit i realli feel like quitting on the first day of job, bt hear what my collegue say and i decided to go for work on 2nd day. And i glad i did bec now i feel the job is ok. Give myself more time, i guess.
Even though at first i know myself i cant get into this job bec interview was a failure for me i guess. Ask me the most diffcult que in just liek comm skill interview. And i have to admit that i was really damn fake during interview. Anyway, everything is over and now just look ahead right infront of u . Let nature take its own course.
But i miss school and everything when i started to work. Just faster hope i get over with my probation and raise in pay! hehee.
And yesterday went drinking wif fang,juan,agnes,karen and some of fang fren. Had so much fun. Too much probs recently cause me so sad so just go there and enjoy. ANd i so lazy to upload photo so just few wil do. More pls refer to facebook.=) see when will be the next time i will update my blog.

words spilled @ 10:34 PM /
here ⋄