Sunday, January 09, 2011
I am back to blogging.. Finally settle with this blogskin after lots of editing..
Woohoo. Going to blog about last sun @marina barrage for Christina Goh 22nd Birthday ! Pinic + kiteflying and treats at Bakerinz at suntec.
Going to upload more details about it...
Super windy day with alot of kites flying up above high in the sky ...
They are all fixing their kites... N in the end chris butterfly prononuced dead...
And super strong and stubborn sotong from gi. Trying hard to control it.. but it seems that... ??
Super windy day that our hair keep on flying and flying non stop..

This mark the end of it, last photo and took le faster pack up and leave. Bec it is raining soon..
Thats' all about it. At the moment no bakerinz photos, so just all these first.
BLUE MONDAY TMR AGAIN! Going to sleep soon.. A repeating routine again.
words spilled @ 10:12 PM /
here ⋄