Sunday, February 27, 2011
I watched 127hrs with ferlyn. Overall, I can say is not worth to watch bec I only feel the starting and the ending keep me awake. The rest of the show jus keep me bored! Especially the cutting hand , climax ! And ferlyn still can say is like a ketchup!@ -_-" thanks ar !
But overall, this movie is a good try bec is based on a real true story. Its about this guy who was travelling and his hand got stuck under a big heavy rock. With low supplies of food and water, he is trying his very hard to survie through 5days(127hrs)! And of course, he is trying all ways to remove his hand from the rock and you can see how he did that! And this person in real, become famous after this incident!

And went to expo natas fair with gi,chris and karen! We are planning to get a cheap tw air ticket with good airlines. But in the end , it was all exp during the peroid we want to travel. And went off dissappointly . But we at least gt a good tawian and korea travel guide book which is a good thing! And we went to airport have astons. I love going to airport ! Will make ur mood super good , seeing all those pple in holiday mood and how i wish I am like them now !
But is going to be soon which is in july! Tawian TRIp! In the end, we decided on jetstar and yes of course , I am gg to book later ! I just cant wait! Even there is like 4 months, but we are checking the hotels and the places we want go ! OMG! My heart is beating first bec i am DAMN EXCITED ! A place which I always want to go since 2yrs ago!
words spilled @ 9:06 PM /
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