Thursday, May 15, 2008
Me do larry hmwk half way then come here to post. Feel that the brochure i do is like so childish lor.. OMG!!! haix. haha..
wan to complain tat pevert larry la.. HE is REALLy something wrong.. He today touch my chin lor./ IS like so digusting lor.. Me touch by gals ok.. But when a guy and is a lecturer touch ur chin is SUPER DIGUSTING!@!!!! OMG!! and also he pinch me saying understand ma?? OMG!!! ALl my hair stand lor.. PUCKS>. I came home keep on washing my chin lor.. YUCKS MAN!!! Not onli me lor.. others gals also .. Touch head then push head away.. YUCKs .. A LECTURE IS LIKE THIS IS SO UNNORMAL LOR!!! I think he is really EXTRAODINARY LOR!!!! hahah....
Dun talk abt him liao la.. STudio proj stress la.. DUnnoe what to do lor..haix.. STress .. and tmr need to face tat pevert larry .. I think seriuosly i need to get some weapons against him .. haha.. Put in my pocket and take out quickly if he had any stunt.. haha..
Tmr after work going Class chalet.. GOod ,,. Excited .. haha and chris can i tkae back the promise tat i bet wif u i will nt sleep .. haha.. Me sure sleep de .. haha..
Below is all my ugly images.. spoil my image liao.. Me like so nerd wif the specs and the dress i dress today ..haha.. Then the year one saw me keep on looking at nme from top to bottom in surprise. haha.. Too shocked liao.. haha They all say me like fang da tong.. I feel I like those 70s landloard lady ..ahah
hah.. No image of me liao.. haha

See larry the pants.. NOW where gt pple de pants so short... and he als wna to fly in the class is it??hahah...
words spilled @ 11:42 PM /
here ⋄