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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Monday, May 05, 2008

Today VI presentation . Then The stupid larry lor.. pple jus saying onli then he jus scold the word Fuck out so loud lei.. He so agitated for wat.. Then everyone silence lor.. He is like that de ma.. Siao la the larry.. Get so angry .. Wow lao.. EVeryone think he is MAD LIAO@!!CRAzy de lor.. How can a lecturere say the word fuck out?? CRAzy la.. Jus a joke and he cant take it and take it so serious for what??haix.. SPOT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SEAN AND LARRY?? SEAN OK OK.. LARRY SUCKS LOR.. HE IS LIKE hilter trying to be good.. SO siao la he.. Then after that he shake hand wif tao patching up.. ?? wHAT E?? cRazy rite??
Hmm.. need to do my hmwk le,,, bye..
words spilled @ 9:58 PM / here