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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo

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Skin by Le Vans. xoxo
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Yesterday last min go back to work to breakdown stock.. Me wear twin set and wear wrong lor.. Me like a running tap.. Sweat until non stop lor.. I think my sweat can become 3 litres liao.. Really sweat a lot lor. Then also yesterday suddenly black out lor.. me like scared ..keep on thinking of the granny lor.. But luckily nth happen ..haha..End work and reach home at 2 plus. Then faster bath and do hmwk and sleep at 3 plus..
ferlyn morning call me .. bUt me so lazy wake up.. SO in the end late for lessons for 10mins,..haha.. Today so tired .. no mood to talk.. Me now can sleep in the mrt train liao lor.. haha.. Skip business enterperise lesson today and went down to the sit take videos .. Me taking a glass taking video then so many pple see. paisey la.. Ben lai agnes wan find me at bugis but in the end she went to make card wif her mum .. Nvm me can also go home early plan to sleep. But in the end nv.. Do hmwk .. haha.. YAen** sleepy la.. Thurs still have to go back work >> WILl do until very late But also good bec means more working hrs means more $$$$.. Maybe you will think me siao liao.. work until so much .. But Me need $$$ for these coming 2 months..haix.. U dunnoe how money is hard to earn de la.. haha..
words spilled @ 8:02 PM / here