Sunday, July 25, 2010
Yesterday went to watch the movie, INCEPTION which i have been waiting to watch so long. IS A NICE MOVIE, wonder how they do those scenes, is a big eye opener for me. IS A THUMBS UP movie, worth watching. and need book tickets also. FULL HOUSE MOVIE FOR SO MANY DAYS! even though a bit confusing and also e ending give us so many questions but is really worth watching.

And after that went to eat steamboat at bugis to celebrate ah ma birthday wif gi,fen,chris,elaine and ah ma bf and her frens. eat until damn full, so scared of meatballs.Eat until 1 plus and her fren drive us bk to yishun. and bk to home at 2plus am and the rest went seletar resvoir to play.
ANd today i am having steamboat again to celebrate ah seng advanced birthday. his 30years old birthday. old liao! even though so many things crop up at last min but luckily we managed to settle down and eat and the surprise was nt really surprise bec ah seng knew it. But overall is a good thing we managed to meet up and chat up. miss the old times sia...
And today is a happy day bec i bought my KOI and my watch that i want! YES! have a new watch finally plus wallet. yeah.
upload photos when i get those birthday celebration de again..
words spilled @ 11:46 PM /
here ⋄